Note: Numbers under
the column heading “CHAPTER NUMBER” not
underlined, are not linkable at this
time. Law Revision is currently
processing these chapters to ensure accuracy before presentation on the Rhode
Island General Assembly web site.
Status Note: Links to versions of the 2006 Public Laws are preliminary versions subject to proofreading, review, correction and editing by the State Law Revision Office as part of the official publication process.
H 7662Bam |
911 emergency telephone number act - confidentiality
- ALI - ANI Database provided to cities, towns and state police, fire and
emergency management agencies. |
06/28/06 |
S 2185am |
Abuse and neglect of adults with severe impairments
- violations - penalties. |
06/23/06 |
H 7228am |
Abuse and neglect of adults with severe impairments
- violations - penalties. |
06/28/06 |
H 6903 |
Abused and neglected
children act - “Shaken baby
syndrome" definition - shaken baby syndrome
prevention initiative. |
07/10/06 |
S 3201 |
Administrative procedures act - health department -
authorization date for electronic notice. |
07/07/06 |
H 8256 |
Administrative procedures act -
procedure for adoption of rules - health department - authorization date for electronic notice. |
07/07/06 |
S 2496 |
Adult education
commission act - repeal. |
06/13/06 |
H 7515 |
Adult education
commission act - repeal. |
06/13/06 |
S 2499Aam |
Agricultural use -
preservation act. |
06/14/06 |
H 7343A |
Agricultural use -
preservation act. |
06/14/06 |
H 7756Aam |
Air pollution act - motor vehicles - anti-idling act
violations - penalties. |
07/10/06 |
S 2464am |
Airports and landing
fields - Rhode Island Airport Corporation - authorization to lease the land
at the Westerly Airport to the town of Westerly. |
03/24/06 |
H 7201am |
Airports and landing
fields - Rhode Island Airport Corporation - authorization to lease the land
at the Westerly Airport to the town of Westerly. |
03/24/06 |
H 6906 |
Alcoholic beverages - Class C and D licenses -
technical amendments and service of beverages on Sundays - approval
requirements. |
04/05/06 |
S 2189Aam |
Alcoholic beverages - furnishing or procurement for
underage persons - penalty for violations. |
07/03/06 |
H 7071A |
Alcoholic beverages - furnishing or procurement for
underage persons - penalty for violations. |
06/28/06 |
S 2194B |
Alcoholic beverages - restaurants - off premise
transportation of wine act. |
07/04/06 |
H 7051B |
Alcoholic beverages - restaurants - off premise
transportation of wine act. |
06/28/06 |
S 2082A |
Alcoholic beverages
- signature on licenses -
posting and exhibition. – Class A licenses. |
07/14/06 |
S 2480A |
Alcoholic beverages regulations act - beer and wine
samplings and tasting events - requirements. |
07/07/06 |
H 7241A |
Alcoholic beverages regulations act - beer and wine
samplings and tasting events - requirements. |
07/07/06 |
H 7242A |
Alcoholic beverages regulations act - Class A - certain sales items authorized. |
07/14/06 |
S 2498Bam |
Alternative fueled vehicle and filling station tax
credit act - “alternative fuel” definition - bio-diesel and ethanol fuel. |
06/30/06 |
H 7813A |
Alternative fueled vehicle and filling station tax
credit act - “alternative fuel” definition - bio-diesel and ethanol fuel. |
06/30/06 |
H 7162 |
American and Haitian cultural exchange commission
act. |
07/10/06 |
H 7160 |
American and Jamaican cultural exchange commission
act. |
07/10/06 |
H 7161 |
American and Panamanian cultural exchange commission
act. |
07/10/06 |
S 2378A |
Assault on persons with severe impairments causing
serious bodily injury - health care for elderly and disabled residents act - services for adult victims
with severe impairments of assault, abuse or neglect. |
07/03/06 |
H 7226A |
Assault on persons with severe impairments or
mentally disabled - penalties - services for adult victims with severe
impairments of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation. |
06/26/06 |
S 2540A |
Assisted living residence licensing act - license
requirements - staffing requirements
- annual unannounced on-site inspections - retaliation against employees prohibited. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007 |
07/10/06 |
H 7232A |
Assisted living residence licensing act - license
requirements - staff requirements -
annual unannounced on-site inspections - retaliation against employees prohibited. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007. |
07/10/06 |
S 2042Aam |
Bicycles - operations act - definitions and rules of the road. *Provisions effective July 1, 2008 |
07/14/06 |
S 3157 |
Biotechnology investment tax credit act. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
H 8208 |
Biotechnology investment tax credit act. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
S 3063 |
investment tax credit act. See effective date provision. |
05/24/06 |
H 8042 |
investment tax credit act. See effective date provision. |
05/24/06 |
S 2273am |
Boat regulations act - flotation device requirement
for certain age children. |
07/04/06 |
S 3200 |
Bristol - bonds -
capital improvement projects. |
07/06/06 |
H 8266 |
Bristol - bonds - capital improvement projects. |
07/06/06 |
H 8214 |
Burrillville - tax assessment stabilization act. |
07/06/06 |
S 3147 |
Burrillville - Tax assessment stabilization. |
07/07/06 |
S 2938A |
Business corporation act - personal liability of
directors - mergers of subsidiary corporation - articles of merger - limited
liability company act - conversion of certain entities to limited liability
company. |
06/23/06 |
S 2590 |
Business regulation
department - authority - insurance -
administrative penalties. |
06/13/06 |
H 7659 |
Business regulation
department - authority - insurance statutes
governing licenses -administrative penalties. |
06/13/06 |
S 2602A |
Business regulation department - insurance
administration - “health insurance” definition amended to include dental
coverage. |
07/14/06 |
H 7732A |
Captain Matthew J. August Memorial Bridge - newly constructed Davisville Road Bridge in North Kingstown. |
07/11/06 |
S 2014B |
Cats - permit program and regulations act. |
06/09/06 |
H 7906Aam |
Cats - permit
program and regulations act. |
06/09/06 |
S 3189 |
Central Coventry fire district - boundaries of
consolidated district - charter amendment. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
H 8285 |
Central Coventry fire district, Harris Fire &
Lighting District and the Tiogue Fire District, and the Washington Lighting
District - consolidated district act. *See effective date provision. |
07/06/06 |
H 7147A |
Charitable organizations solicitation act - requirements. |
07/14/06 |
S 2296 |
Charitable trusts with certain assets - termination
provisions. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
H 7708 |
Charitable trusts with certain assets - termination
provisions. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
S 2892 |
Charlestown -
religious organization -property - tax exemptions. |
07/03/06 |
S 3164 |
Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton - regional
school district act - amendment. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
S 3166 |
Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton - regional
school district act - amendments. *See effective date provision. |
07/06/06 |
H 8253 |
Charlestown, Richmond and Hopkinton -regional high
school district act - amendments - annual regional school district meeting. *See effective date provision. |
07/06/06 |
S 3153Aam |
Child care method in
the state - study commission. |
07/04/06 |
H 7423A |
Child care- state subsidies - rates established -
payment to providers - human services department report. |
07/14/06 |
H 7587 |
Child support cases - legal representation act -
department of human services, office of child support services. |
07/07/06 |
S 2637am |
Child-care - state subsidies - rates - payments to
providers. |
07/14/06 |
S 2370A |
Child-care providers and child-placing agencies -
licensing and monitoring act - certain school-aged child day care programs -
fire, building, or radon inspection certificates - exceptions. |
06/14/06 |
H 7305A |
Child-care providers and child-placing agencies -
licensing and monitoring act - certain school-aged child day care programs -
fire, building, or radon inspection certificates - exceptions. |
06/00/06 |
H 7308am |
Children - adoption - estates and trusts -
inheritance - administrators, executors and trustees - certain immunity from
liability. |
06/28/06 |
S 2776 |
Children - complaints and offenses -powers of
superior court - Brendan’s law violations. |
07/03/06 |
H 7601 |
Children - complaints and offenses -powers of
superior court - Brendan’s law violations. |
07/03/06 |
H 6761 |
Children, youth and
families and human services departments - development of a continuum of
children's behavioral health programs - reporting date extended. |
01/25/06 |
S 2756Aam |
Choke-saving techniques – obligation and liability
of choke-savers - food service establishments - choke-saving and CPR masks
and gloves requirement. |
07/14/06 |
H 7615A |
Cities and town councils, school committees, regional
school districts and water and fire districts - powers to jointly establish an insurance corporation to
obtain insurance and to enter into a cooperative risk management program. |
06/09/06 |
S 2732B |
City and town councils, regional school districts
and committees, water and fire districts - power of to jointly establish an
insurance corporation, to obtain insurance, and to enter into a cooperative
risk management program. |
06/22/06 |
H 6886 |
Commercial law -
deceptive trade practices - certain rebate restrictions - prohibitions. |
07/14/06 |
H 6720am |
Commercial law -
deceptive trade practices - rebates - certain advertising for sale at a
retail establishment -photocopies of original sales receipts. |
07/03/06 |
S 2416 |
transactions - violations - laundering of monetary instruments - laws of this
state or of the United States. |
06/13/06 |
H 7523 |
transactions - violations - laundering of monetary instruments - laws of this
state or of the United States. |
06/13/06 |
H 7752A |
Community antenna television systems act - installation
of cable television in multiple dwelling units - tenants’ rights. *See effective date provisions. |
07/03/06 |
S 2995 |
Companies - tax incentives for innovation and growth
act. *See effective date provision. |
07/11/06 |
H 8000 |
Companies - tax incentives for innovation and growth
act. *See effective date provision. |
07/11/06 |
H 7526 |
Computer crime act - amendments. |
07/07/06 |
S 2404 |
Computer crime act - theft and trespass - violations
- amendments. |
07/07/06 |
S 2179 |
Construction contracts - law applicable - superior
court jurisdiction. |
07/07/06 |
H 8251 |
Construction contracts act - law applicable -
superior court jurisdiction. |
07/07/06 |
S 2361Aam |
Consumer empowerment and identity theft prevention act. *See effective date provisions. |
07/03/06 |
H 7148Aam |
Consumer empowerment and identity theft prevention act. *See effective date provisions. |
06/29/06 |
H 8203 |
Contractors - labor and payment of debts act -
enforcement - penalty for violations. |
07/07/06 |
S 2660 |
Contractors - labor and payment of debts act -
violations - penalties. |
07/07/06 |
H 8245Aam |
Contractors’ registration act - amendments - alternate procedure for making claims against
a contractor – private right of action - state building code act -
applications for work requiring registered workers. |
07/17/06 |
S 2927Aam |
Conveyances - form and effect of act and abandoned property acts - municipalities - sale price recording. *Provisions effective April 1, 2007. |
07/04/06 |
S 2936 |
Corporations associations and partnerships act -
conversion of sole proprietorship to a limited liability company. |
06/13/06 |
H 7909am |
Corporations associations and partnerships act - conversion of sole proprietorship to a limited liability company - indemnification of directors - distributions to shareholder. |
06/28/06 |
H 7910 |
Corporations associations and partnerships act -
conversion of sole proprietorship to a limited liability company. |
06/13/06 |
H 7287Aam |
department - prisoner telephone use provisions. *Provisions effective August 1, 2007. |
06/23/06 |
H 7377 |
Courts - fees of sheriffs, sergeants, and constables. |
07/14/06 |
H 7109Bam |
Courts and civil procedure - catastrophic accidents
- effect of release of one tortfeasor on liability of others - liability to
contribution of tortfeasor released by injured person. *See effective date provision. |
07/03/06 |
S 2044am |
Coventry - commercial motor trucks or tractors -
weight restrictions on South Main Street. |
07/04/06 |
S 2964am |
Coventry - sewer authority act - amendments. |
06/16/06 |
H 7927am |
Coventry - sewer authority act - amendments. |
06/16/06 |
H 8276 |
Coventry fire district - charter amendment. |
07/06/06 |
S 3121 |
Cranston - bonds - fire stations and facilities. |
07/06/06 |
H 8185 |
Cranston - bonds - fire stations and facilities. |
07/06/06 |
H 8190 |
Cranston - bonds - playgrounds and athletic fields. |
07/06/06 |
S 3118 |
Cranston - bonds - public highways. |
07/06/06 |
H 8184 |
Cranston - bonds - public highways. |
07/06/06 |
S 3120 |
Cranston - bonds - public libraries. |
07/06/06 |
H 8187 |
Cranston - bonds - public libraries. |
07/06/06 |
S 3117 |
Cranston - bonds - public works, highway equipment
and salt storage facility. |
07/06/06 |
H 8188 |
Cranston - bonds - public works, highway equipment
and salt storage facility. |
07/06/06 |
S 3116 |
Cranston - bonds - recreation facilities. |
07/06/06 |
S 3135 |
Cranston - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
H 8189 |
Cranston - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
H 8186 |
Cranston - bonds - sewer system improvements. |
07/06/06 |
S 3119 |
Cranston - bonds - sewer system. |
07/06/06 |
H 7653 |
Credit unions - powers and duties of supervisory
committee - investigations. |
07/14/06 |
H 7106 |
Criminal procedure - search warrants - application. |
07/07/06 |
S 2109 |
Criminal procedure -
search warrants act - grounds for
issuance. |
07/07/06 |
S 3028 |
Cumberland - bonds - open space purposes. |
06/16/06 |
H 8076 |
Cumberland - bonds - open space purposes. |
06/16/06 |
S 2935 |
Cumberland - senior resident property tax services
credit program act. |
07/07/06 |
H 7912 |
Cumberland - senior resident property tax services
credit program act. |
07/06/06 |
S 2510A |
Dams and reservoirs - unsafe - investigation and orders - DEM director powers and duties - emergency action plans. |
06/09/06 |
H 7609A |
Dams and reservoirs - unsafe - investigation and
orders - DEM director - powers and duties - emergency action plans. |
06/09/06 |
S 2880 |
Dating services regulation act. |
06/16/06 |
H 7644 |
Dating services regulation act. |
06/16/06 |
S 2384B |
Dental hygienists and dental assistants -
supervision and delegation - licensed nursing facilities. |
07/04/06 |
H 7772A |
Dental hygienists and dental assistants -
supervision and delegation - licensed nursing facilities. |
07/07/06 |
S 2784 |
Domestic abuse prevention - uniform interstate
enforcement of domestic violence protection order act. |
07/03/06 |
H 7786 |
Domestic abuse prevention act - uniform interstate
enforcement of domestic violence protection order act. |
07/03/06 |
S 2419B |
Domestic assault and domestic abuse prevention acts
- definitions - stalking and cyberstalking violations. |
07/04/06 |
H 7138B |
Domestic assault and domestic abuse prevention acts
- stalking and cyber stalking violations included. |
07/22/06 |
H 7175B |
East Bay Economic Initiative - steering
committee - separation of powers constitutional amendment provisions. |
06/29/06 |
S 2593B |
East Bay Economic Initiative act - steering
committee. |
06/22/06 |
S 3183 |
East Greenwich - bonds - recreation facilities |
07/06/06 |
S 3181 |
East Greenwich - bonds
- landfill. |
07/06/06 |
S 3182 |
East Greenwich -
bonds - senior and community center. |
07/03/06 |
H 8062 |
East Greenwich - tax deferment of increase in
property taxes of persons sixty-five (65) years of age or older. *See effective date provisions. |
06/13/06 |
S 3075 |
East Greenwich - tax increase deferral program for
persons sixty-five (65) years of age or older. *See effective date provisions. |
06/16/06 |
S 3173 |
East Providence - bonds - roads and drainage system. |
07/14/06 |
H 7897 |
East Providence - bonds - roads and drainage system. |
07/14/06 |
H 8105 |
East Providence - dog ordinance violations -
penalties. |
07/07/06 |
S 2085A |
Education - charter
schools - procedure for creation - education plan - measurable student academic goals. |
06/16/06 |
H 6854 |
Education - charter
schools - procedure for creation - education plan - measurable student academic goals. |
06/16/06 |
S 2531 |
Education - state aid - statewide purchasing system. |
07/03/06 |
H 6853A |
Education - state aid - statewide purchasing system. |
07/03/06 |
S 2489A |
Education - statewide transportation of students
with special needs and for all students - system establishment. |
07/03/06 |
H 7841 |
Education - statewide transportation of students
with special needs and all students.
07/10/06 |
S 3012 |
Education equity and property tax relief act - joint legislative committee to establish a
permanent education foundation aid formula for Rhode Island - reporting date. *See effective date provision. |
06/14/06 |
H 8012 |
Education equity and property tax relief act - joint
legislative committee to establish a permanent education foundation aid
formula for Rhode Island - reporting date. *See effective date provision. |
06/14/06 |
H 6987Aam |
Elderly and disabled - property tax exemption act -
income range and the maximum credit amount increased. |
07/07/06 |
S 2219A |
Elderly and/or disabled persons - property tax
relief act - computation of credit. |
07/04/06 |
S 2797Aam |
Elections - campaign
contributions and expenditures reporting act - ballot questions and political
campaigns. |
06/27/06 |
S 3204 |
Elections - campaign
contributions and expenditures reporting act - contributions and expenditures
- credit or debit card transactions, on-line or electronic payment systems. |
07/14/06 |
H 7404 |
Elections - campaign
contributions and expenditures reporting act - contributions and expenditures
- credit or debit card transactions, on-line or electronic payment systems. |
07/14/06 |
H 7529Aam |
Elections - campaign
contributions and expenditures reporting act - requirements - ballot
questions and political campaigns - separate requirements. |
07/03/06 |
S 2783 |
Elections - combination of voting districts in
certain circumstances authorized - costs savings - closing of schools. |
07/07/06 |
H 7530A |
Elections - combination of voting districts in
certain circumstances authorized - costs savings. |
06/29/06 |
H 7938 |
Elections - felony convictions - restoration of
voting rights act. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
S 2808A |
Elections - mail ballots act - “bipartisan” definition - delivery -
voting from hospitals and convalescent homes - New Shoreham local elections. |
07/04/06 |
H 7533 |
Elections - mail ballots act - “bipartisan” definition - delivery -
voting from hospitals and convalescent homes - New Shoreham local elections. |
07/07/06 |
S 2780A |
Elections - primary - identification of party voters
- challenge of identity as to right to vote - bipartisan pair of poll
supervisors - duties. |
07/04/06 |
H 7531am |
Elections - primary - identification of party voters
- challenge of identity as to right to vote - bipartisan pair of poll
supervisors - duties. |
07/07/06 |
S 2860 |
Elections - publication of preliminary lists -
preparation and posting of preliminary lists - ballots for blind, visually
impaired and disabled voters - ease of use. |
06/13/06 |
H 7535 |
Elections - publication of preliminary lists -
preparation and posting of preliminary lists - ballots for blind, visually
impaired and disabled voters - ease of use. |
06/13/06 |
S 2812A |
Elections - recording and signing of returns -
deadline for delivery of election materials to the board of elections -
voting equipment storage. |
07/04/06 |
H 7532am |
Elections - recording and signing of returns -
deadline for delivery of election materials to the board of elections -
voting equipment storage. |
06/28/06 |
S 2486 |
Elections - restoration of voting rights act -
felons. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
H 6874 |
Elections -
statewide questions ordered by the Governor - repeal. |
06/13/06 |
H 7924Bam |
Electricians act - definitions - lightning protection contractors, installers and equipment - licenses. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007 |
07/03/06 |
H 6838am |
Electronic mail fraud act. |
07/14/06 |
H 7789A |
Electronic waste prevention reuse and recycling act. |
07/07/06 |
S 2509Aam |
Electronic waste prevention, reuse and recycling
act. |
07/07/06 |
H 7842Aam |
Emergency medical transportation services - documentation
of pre -hospital exposure of emergency medical service workers - licensing of
health care facilities - documentation of pre-hospital exposure of emergency
medical service workers. |
07/03/06 |
H 6759 |
Employees - maximum continuous employment without
mealtime. |
07/14/06 |
S 2844Aam |
Energy and consumer savings act -amendments -
efficiency standards. |
06/23/06 |
H 7610Aam |
Energy and consumer savings act -amendments -
efficiency standards. |
07/03/06 |
S 2903Bam |
Energy conservation,
efficiency and affordability act. |
06/29/06 |
H 8025Aam |
Energy conservation,
efficiency and affordability act. |
06/29/06 |
S 2277A |
Energy facility siting act - public notice and
hearings on construction projects in cities and towns affected - new
facilities for the transmission of electricity. |
07/14/06 |
H 7970am |
Energy facility
siting act - public notice and hearings on construction projects in cities
and towns affected - new facilities for
the transmission of electricity - applicant funding. |
07/14/06 |
S 2502B |
Environmental management department - planning and
management functions. |
07/04/06 |
H 7344Aam |
Environmental management department - planning and
management powers. |
07/07/06 |
S 2801A |
Estates and trusts - inheritance - certain immunity
of administrators, executors and trustees concerning certain adopted
children. |
06/23/06 |
H 7207A |
Exeter – West Greenwich regional school district -
meeting time. |
06/28/06 |
S 2836 |
Exeter-West Greenwich regional school district
meeting date - time period changed. |
06/16/06 |
S 2338 |
Farm property - certain greenhouses - tax exemption. |
07/10/06 |
H 7357 |
Farm property - certain greenhouses - tax exemption. |
07/10/06 |
S 2462Aam |
Federally insured or assisted housing preservation
act - owners - restrictions concerning termination of contracts. |
07/03/06 |
H 7383A |
Federally insured or assisted housing preservation
act - owners - restrictions concerning termination of contracts. |
07/03/06 |
H 7597 |
Fiduciaries -
probate conflict of interest - powers - representation by person having
substantially identical interest. *See effective date
provision. |
06/28/06 |
S 2349A |
Fiduciaries - representation by person having substantially
identical interest. *See effective date
provision. |
06/23/06 |
H 7594A |
Fiduciaries -
trustee’s power to adjust - total return unitrusts - alternative definition
of income. *See effective date
provision. |
06/28/06 |
S 2278A |
Fiduciaries - trustee's power to adjust - total return
unitrusts - alternative definition of income. *See effective date provision. |
06/23/06 |
S 2736 |
institutions - credit unions - demand deposits - certain overdraft restrictions. |
06/16/06 |
H 6837 |
institutions - credit unions - demand deposits - certain overdraft restrictions. |
06/16/06 |
S 2731Aam |
Financial institutions - uniform debt
management services act. *Provisions effective March 31, 2007. |
06/30/06 |
H 7577Aam |
Financial institutions - uniform debt
management services act. *Provisions effective March 31, 2007. |
07/03/06 |
S 2114Aam |
Fire departments - safety and health programs -
implementation plan - copy requirement - NFPA 1500 implementation plan review
committee – creation and membership. |
07/14/06 |
S 2868am |
Fire safety code act - places of worship - sprinkler
requirements. |
07/04/06 |
H 8213am |
Fire safety code act - places of worship - sprinkler
requirements. |
07/07/06 |
S 2229A |
Firefighters and police officers - relief of injured
and deceased - one time death benefit - surviving spouse or domestic partner.
07/14/06 |
H 7089A |
Firefighters and police officers - relief of injured
and deceased - one time death benefit - surviving spouse or domestic partner.
07/14/06 |
S 2825A |
Fort Adams
foundation act - organization. |
06/16/06 |
H 7955A |
Fort Adams
foundation act - organization. |
06/16/06 |
S 3101Aam |
Foster/Glocester regional school district - renamed: Ponaganset regional school district - amendments. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
H 8152A |
Foster/Glocester regional school district - renamed: Ponaganset regional school district - amendments. *See effective date provision. |
07/06/06 |
S 2992 |
Gasoline sales - minimum standards - weights and
measures. |
06/14/06 |
H 7900 |
Gasoline sales - minimum standards - weights and
measures. |
06/14/06 |
H 7975 |
General laws
amendments - implementation of separation of powers constitutional amendment
provisions. |
06/16/06 |
H 8017 |
Glocester - elderly and disabled persons - tax
exemptions. |
07/03/06 |
S 2869 |
Glocester - elderly,
disabled and veterans - tax exemptions. |
07/03/06 |
H 8023 |
Glocester - elderly, disabled and veterans - tax
exemptions. |
07/03/06 |
S 2867 |
Glocester - exemption of elderly and disabled
persons. |
06/23/06 |
S 3122 |
Gold Star Parents Day. |
07/03/06 |
H 7763 |
Gold Star Parents Day. |
07/03/06 |
S 2094A |
Government oversight and fiscal accountability
review act - fiscal monitoring of privatization contracts - state
departments, commissions, boards, councils and other agencies - contracting
report. |
06/23/06 |
S 2417 |
Government tort liability act - state -limitation of
damages - commuter rail service. |
07/14/06 |
H 7502 |
Government tort liability act - state -limitation of
damages - commuter rail service. |
07/14/06 |
H 8280 |
Harris Fire & Lighting District - consolidation
with the Central Coventry Fire District - validation and ratification. *See effective date provision. |
07/06/06 |
S 3190 |
Harris fire and lighting district and the Central
Covenrty fire district - consolidation - validation. |
07/07/06 |
H 7917A |
Hazardous chemicals - contamination of breast milk
and environment act. |
07/14/06 |
S 2848Aam |
Health care affordability act - small employer
health insurance availability act - wellness health benefit plan provisions. |
07/03/06 |
H 6999Aam |
Health care affordability act - small employer
health insurance availability act - wellness health benefit plan provisions. |
07/03/06 |
S 2618A |
Health care facilities - new nursing
facility beds - moratorium extended. |
07/10/06 |
S 2760A |
Health care facilities - safe patient handling act. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007. |
07/07/06 |
H 7386Aam |
Health care
facilities - safe patient handling act. *Provisions
effective January 1, 2007. |
07/07/06 |
S 2613am |
Health care facilities licensing act - rights of
patients - informed consent requirement for research on human subjects for
lifesaving devices, medications and treatments - exceptions. |
07/07/06 |
H 8073am |
Health care facilities licensing act - rights of
patients - informed consent requirement for research on human subjects for
lifesaving devices, medications and treatments - exceptions. |
07/03/06 |
S 2377A |
Health care for families act - administration -
human services department - report concerning RIte care program. |
07/14/06 |
H 7264A |
Health care for families act - administration - human
services department - report concerning RIte care program. |
07/14/06 |
S 2330Aam |
Health care for families act - human services
department - public health access beneficiary employer report. |
07/04/06 |
H 7025Aam |
Health care for families act - human services
department - public health access beneficiary employer report. |
07/07/06 |
S 2758A |
Health care insurers
- post-payment audits - restrictions. |
06/13/06 |
H 7158 |
Health care power of attorney act - statutory form -
amendments. |
07/14/06 |
S 2210 |
Health care quality steering committee - duties -
hospital-acquired infections. |
07/10/06 |
S 2753Aam |
Health care services - utilization review act -
amendments. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007. |
07/07/06 |
H 7572B |
Health care services - utilization review act -
health department - variance of statutory requirements. *See effective date provision. |
07/03/06 |
H 7654B |
Health care services utilization review act - amendments. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007. |
07/03/06 |
S 2369A |
Health department immunization program - adult influenza immunization - immunization account - insurers - requirements. |
07/03/06 |
H 7414A |
Health department immunization program - adult influenza immunization - immunization account - insurers - requirements. |
07/03/06 |
S 2176am |
Health insurance - reimbursement for orthotic and prosthetic services. |
07/07/06 |
S 2264A |
Health insurance commissioner - high risk pool
funding extension act provisions - guaranteed availability to certain
individuals - high risk pool rating rules - federal funding. |
07/03/06 |
H 7926A |
Health insurance commissioner - high risk pool
funding extension act provisions - guaranteed availability to certain
individuals - high risk pool rating rules - federal funding. |
07/03/06 |
S 2706Aam |
Health insurance coverage act - tobacco cessation
programs. |
07/03/06 |
H 7467A |
Health insurance coverage act - tobacco cessation programs.
07/03/06 |
H 7648A |
Health insurance
policies - post-payment audit
restrictions. |
06/13/06 |
S 2383am |
Hearing aid coverage - health insurance contracts - amount increased. |
07/14/06 |
H 8254 |
Hearing aid coverage - health insurance contracts - amount increased. |
07/14/06 |
H 7389A |
cemeteries advisory commission act. |
05/16/06 |
H 8204 |
Hoisting engineers - board of examiners - composition - licensing section. |
07/07/06 |
S 2652 |
Hoisting engineers - board of examiners - officers -
amendments. |
07/07/06 |
S 2851Aam |
Home loan protection act - predatory
lending practices. |
07/11/06 |
H 7814A |
Home loan protection act - predatory lending
practices. *Provisions effective December 31, 2006. |
07/11/06 |
H 7035A |
Homestead tax exemption act - amount. |
07/03/06 |
H 8269A |
Hopkinton - property
tax updates - time period extension. |
07/06/06 |
S 3105am |
Hopkinton - tax
revaluation - update. |
07/04/06 |
H 7568Aam |
Horse riding schools - equestrian professional -
first aid certification required. |
07/10/06 |
H 7773Aam |
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) acts - health
department - testing and counseling - amendments. |
07/14/06 |
S 2047am |
Hunting and hunting
safety - restriction on size of weapons
and ammunition. |
06/13/06 |
H 7185A |
Hunting and hunting
safety - restriction on size of weapons
and ammunition. |
06/13/06 |
S 3052A |
Hydrant tampering act - violations - penalties. |
07/14/06 |
H 8009A |
Hydrant tampering act - violations - penalties. |
07/14/06 |
S 2326 |
Imprisonments for failure to pay fines or costs or
give recognizance. |
07/07/06 |
H 7006 |
Imprisonments for failure to pay fines or costs or
give recognizance. |
07/07/06 |
S 3113 |
Industrial property remediation and reuse act -
amendments. |
07/03/06 |
H 8239 |
Industrial property remediation and reuse act -
amendments. |
07/03/06 |
S 2595A |
Industrial Recreational Building Authority act - organization - appointment of members - annual report. |
04/20/06 |
H 7204am |
Industrial Recreational Building Authority act - organization - appointment of members - annual report. |
04/20/06 |
H 7651 |
Insurance -
commercial special risks - criteria amended. |
06/16/06 |
S 2585 |
Insurance -
commercial special risks act - criteria amended. |
06/16/06 |
S 2303am |
Insurance - federal
Riot reinsurance reimbursement fund act - “basic property insurance” definition
amended - broad and special form dwelling coverage. *Provisions
effective January 1, 2007. |
06/28/06 |
H 7180A |
Insurance - federal
Riot reinsurance reimbursement fund act - “basic property insurance”
definition amended - broad and special form dwelling coverage. *Provisions
effective January 1, 2007. |
06/21/06 |
S 3170Aam |
Insurance - health care affordability act - transparency of information on health care
quality and cost - health insurance commissioner requirements. |
07/03/06 |
H 8243Aam |
Insurance - health care affordability act - transparency of information on health care
quality and cost - health insurance commissioner requirements. |
07/03/06 |
S 2211Aam |
Insurance - health
care affordability act - coverage for certain dependent children - large
groups health insurance coverage act - amendments. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007. |
07/07/06 |
H 7145A |
Insurance - health
care affordability act - coverage for dependent children - large groups
health insurance coverage act - amendments. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007 |
07/07/06 |
S 2107Aam |
Insurance - healthcare affordability act - small businesses. *See effective date provision. |
07/03/06 |
H 6905A |
Insurance - healthcare affordability act - small businesses. *See effective date provision. |
07/03/06 |
S 2588A |
Insurance - resident
insurance producers - errors and omissions insurance requirement. *Effective January
1, 2007. |
06/16/06 |
H 7469A |
Insurance - resident
insurance producers - errors and omissions insurance requirement. *Effective January
1, 2007. |
06/13/06 |
H 7348 |
Insurance - Rhode Island Insurers' insolvency fund - certain
borrowing powers. |
06/16/06 |
S 2737 |
Insurance - Rhode Island Insurers' insolvency fund - powers and
duties - borrowing. |
06/16/06 |
S 2178A |
Insurance -
scalp hair prosthesis - cancer treatments - mandatory coverage act. |
07/10/06 |
S 2735 |
Insurance - surplus line brokers - license -
affidavit of inability to obtain insurance - certain exceptions. |
07/14/06 |
H 7020am |
Insurance policies - reimbursement for orthotic and
prosthetic services. |
07/03/06 |
S 2589 |
Insurance producers’
branches and life insurance companies’ offices - requirements. |
06/13/06 |
H 7470 |
Insurance producers’
branches and life insurance companies’ offices - requirements. |
06/13/06 |
H 8171Aam |
Internet hunting act - use of the Internet to
remotely control the shooting of any bird or animal - prohibitions. |
07/14/06 |
H 7674 |
Internet misrepresentation of business affiliation
act - criminal offense. |
07/10/06 |
S 2750 |
Interpreters for the deaf - licensing and
qualifications act - amendments. |
07/03/06 |
H 8122 |
Interpreters for the deaf act - licensing
requirements - amendments. |
07/03/06 |
S 2989A |
Interstate pest control compact act. |
07/07/06 |
S 2693 |
heritage month. |
06/09/06 |
H 7863 |
heritage month. |
06/09/06 |
S 2170A |
Jamestown - municipal court act. |
06/22/06 |
H 7150am |
Jamestown -
municipal court act. |
06/13/06 |
H 7087 |
John 'Jack' F. Duffy Field B Shelter. –Field B. Pavilion at Lincoln Woods State Park. |
07/14/06 |
S 2020am |
Joseph 'Jay' P. Kirwin Rugby Pitch - Fort Adams
State Park. |
07/04/06 |
H 7132 |
Joseph 'Jay' P. Kirwin Rugby Pitch Field - Fort
Adams State Park. |
07/07/06 |
S 2773Aam |
Juveniles - interstate compact act - ratification
procedure - effective date. |
06/23/06 |
H 7454A |
Juveniles - interstate compact act - ratification
procedure - effective date. |
06/23/06 |
S 2681A |
Kent County water authority act - requirements -
certain biotechnology manufacturing facilities - water conservation plan. *See effective date provision. |
06/29/06 |
S 2112 |
Labor - minimum wage act - increase. |
02/24/06 |
H 6718 |
Labor - minimum wage act - increase. |
02/17/06 |
H 7656A |
Land subdivision act - farmland residential
compounds. |
07/07/06 |
H 7575am |
Land surveyors act - violations - penalties - |
07/03/06 |
S 2853 |
Law practice act - receipt of fees as
practice of law - statutory or tribunal-approved fee or award with certain non profit organizations. |
07/14/06 |
S 2865 |
Lincoln - property tax classification act -
commercial and industrial real estate and certain residential real estate. *Effective upon passage and shall be applied
retroactively to June 15, 2004. |
06/16/06 |
S 3069 |
Lincoln - tangible business property tax exemption
for new investments. |
07/07/06 |
S 3068 |
Lincoln - totally
disabled person - tax credits. |
06/16/06 |
H 7854 |
Lincoln - totally
disabled persons - tax credits. |
06/13/06 |
H 6878A |
Local taxes - assessment at full and fair cash value
- tangible property assessment according to the asset classification table. |
07/06/06 |
S 2088A |
Local taxes - levy and assessment - assessment of
tangible personal property. |
07/07/06 |
S 2615Aam |
Long-term health care ombudsperson act - amendments. |
07/07/06 |
H 8166 |
Long-term health care ombudsperson act - reporting
requirements - amendments. |
07/07/06 |
S 2428A |
Low and moderate
income housing - procedure for approval
of construction of low or moderate income housing - state housing
appeals board - appeals process - superior court. |
07/07/06 |
H 8260A |
Low and moderate
income housing - procedure for approval
of construction of low or moderate income housing - state housing
appeals board - appeals process - superior court. |
07/07/06 |
S 2999 |
Lung cancer awareness month. |
07/14/06 |
H 8175A |
Magnetic resonance imaging - quality assurance
standards - facilities -accreditations. |
07/14/06 |
S 3172A |
Massachusetts health care reform plan and its
potential applicability to the State of Rhode Island - study commission. |
07/04/06 |
S 3071am |
Mechanics’ lien act - amendments. *Provisions effective October 1, 2006. |
07/14/06 |
S 2628Aam |
Medical assistance - long term care service
and finance reform act - health care for elderly and disabled residents act -
categorically needy medical assistance coverage - (opt-out) managed care health
system. |
07/03/06 |
H 7686A |
Medical assistance - long term care service
and finance reform act - health care for elderly and disabled residents act -
categorically needy medical assistance coverage - (opt-out) managed care health
system. |
07/03/06 |
S 3180 |
Medical assistance - prescription drug program -
human services department. |
07/10/06 |
H 8071 |
Mental health law - voluntary admissions - admission of children - human services department. *See effective date provision. |
07/14/06 |
H 7812Aam |
Mercury reduction and education act - amalgam waste
recycling and disposal - dental office requirements. |
07/10/06 |
S 2668am |
Mercury reduction and education act - collection of
mercury added products. |
07/04/06 |
H 8220am |
Mercury reduction and education act - collection of
mercury added products. |
07/07/06 |
S 3151 |
Middletown - bonds - new police station. |
07/06/06 |
H 8223 |
Middletown - bonds - new police station. |
07/06/06 |
H 8222 |
Middletown - bonds - open space and recreation
areas. |
07/06/06 |
S 3149 |
Middletown - bonds - open space and recreation
purposes. |
07/06/06 |
H 8224 |
Middletown - bonds - road construction, drainage and
sidewalk improvements. |
07/06/06 |
S 3152 |
Middletown - bonds - roads, drainage and sidewalks. |
07/06/06 |
H 8221 |
Middletown - bonds - sewer system. |
07/06/06 |
S 3150 |
Middletown - bonds - sewers. |
07/06/06 |
H 7652Aam |
Middletown – power to regulate excavations performed
within the town. |
07/03/06 |
S 2684Aam |
Middletown - regulation of excavating. |
07/07/06 |
H 7933 |
Middletown - sewer system act - amendments. |
06/16/06 |
S 2986 |
Middletown - storm water control system act. |
06/16/06 |
H 7951 |
Middletown - storm water control system act. |
06/16/06 |
S 2891A |
Middletown - water line assessments. *See effective date provision. |
07/04/06 |
H 7855A |
Middletown - water
lines and works act - amendments. *See effective date
provision. |
07/06/06 |
S 2966 |
Middletown sewer system act - amendments. |
06/16/06 |
S 2028A |
Military reserve components members on active duty - families eligible for child-care assistance. *See effective date provision. |
07/14/06 |
S 2231 |
Mortgage billing - payment allocation requirement. |
07/14/06 |
S 2777A |
Mortgage foreclosure consultant regulation act and
mortgage foreclosure purchasers act. |
06/30/06 |
H 7650A |
Mortgage foreclosure consultant regulation act and
mortgage foreclosure purchasers act |
07/03/06 |
S 2917A |
Motion picture production tax credits act - amendments -
Rhode Island film and television office established. *This act is effective upon passage and applies to
any production that filed written notice with the Rhode Island film office as
of or subsequent to January 1, 2005. |
04/14/06 |
H 7839A |
Motion picture production tax credits act - amendments -
Rhode Island film and television office established. *This act is effective upon passage and applies to
any production that filed written notice with the Rhode Island film office as
of or subsequent to January 1, 2005. |
04/14/06 |
S 3065A |
Motor fuel theft act - violations penalties. |
07/07/06 |
H 6866 |
Motor fuel theft act - violations penalties. |
07/07/06 |
S 2011A |
Motor scooters - definition - license
requirements. New Shoreham - motor scooters - rentals or leases -
dealers - licensing requirements. |
03/30/06 |
H 6717A |
Motor scooters - definition - license
requirements. New Shoreham - motor scooters - rentals or leases -
dealers - licensing requirements. |
03/30/06 |
S 3047A |
Motor vehicle - veterans’ plate act - design - gold
star parents. |
07/07/06 |
H 7082A |
Motor vehicle - veterans’ plate act - design - gold
star parents. |
07/03/06 |
H 7224 |
Motor vehicle accidents - duty to stop -accidents
with a person riding a bicycle - duty to stop and give information and render
aid. |
07/14/06 |
H 7723A |
Motor vehicle and trailer excise tax elimination act
- amendments. |
07/11/06 |
S 3070am |
Motor vehicle and trailer excise tax elimination act -
excise tax phase-out - rates and ratios of assessment. *See effective date provision |
07/04/06 |
H 7705 |
Motor vehicle body replacement parts act -
aftermarket parts - insurer and auto body repair shop time limit prohibition
- notice requirements. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007. |
07/14/06 |
H 7168 |
Motor vehicle damage
appraisers - conduct of appraisers - violations - notice requirements -
consumers - right of choice. |
06/01/06 |
S 2302 |
Motor vehicle
insurance - casualty insurance rating act - uniform safe driver point system. |
06/16/06 |
H 7353 |
Motor vehicle
insurance - casualty insurance rating act - uniform safe driver point system. |
06/16/06 |
S 2970 |
Motor vehicle offense - driving under the influence
of liquor or drugs - violations - fee assessment. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
H 7931 |
Motor vehicle offense - driving under the influence
of liquor or drugs - violations - fee assessment. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
S 2072A |
Motor vehicle offenses
- refusal to submit to a chemical test - district court and traffic tribunal
judges - violations - penalties - attorney general - annual impaired driving
report. |
06/28/06 |
H 6700Bam |
Motor vehicle
offenses - refusal to submit to a chemical test - violations -district court
and traffic tribunal adjudication - penalties - attorney general - annual
impaired driving report. |
06/28/06 |
S 2121am |
Motor vehicle plates for persons with disabilities -
certificate of entitlement - renewals - applicants, applicant’s guardian or
legal representative. |
07/04/06 |
H 6967am |
Motor vehicle plates for persons with disabilities -
certificate of entitlement - renewals. |
06/29/06 |
S 2019 |
Motor vehicles - Audubon Society of Rhode
Island/Save the Bay license plate. |
07/07/06 |
H 6781 |
Motor vehicles - Audubon Society of Rhode
Island/Save the Bay license plate. |
07/07/06 |
H 7170Aam |
Motor vehicles - automobile body repair shops - auto
collision repair licensing advisory board - certification of auto repair or
glass repair and/or replacement technicians. |
06/29/06 |
H 7169am |
Motor vehicles -
automobile body repair shops - grounds for license suspensions or revocations
- towing storage charges - notice
requirements - consumers - right of choice. |
06/01/06 |
H 7167A |
Motor vehicles - insurance carriers - auto body
repair labor rate surveys. |
06/23/06 |
H 7081A |
Motor vehicles - parking prohibitions - crosshatched
access aisle adjacent to disability parking spaces - disability parking
spaces - requirements. |
07/20/06 |
S 2055 |
Motor vehicles - registrar of motor vehicles -
electronic recording of security interests. |
07/14/06 |
S 2013A |
Motor vehicles - Reserve Forces - special license
plates. |
07/14/06 |
S 2678A |
Motor vehicles - Rotary International license
plates. |
07/04/06 |
H 6776A |
Motor vehicles - Rotary International license
plates. |
07/07/06 |
S 2871Aam |
Motor vehicles - special registration plates for the following: former speaker of the house of representatives, each former majority and minority
leader of the house of representatives, each former majority and minority
leader of the senate, president of the senate, house majority leader
emeritus, house minority leader emeritus, senate majority leader emeritus,
senate minority leader emeritus, senate president emeritus. |
07/04/06 |
S 2451A |
Motor vehicles - use of cell phones by certain
minors while operating motor vehicles - prohibition. |
07/04/06 |
H 7372Bam |
Motor vehicles - use of cell phones by minors while
operating motor vehicles prohibited. |
06/29/06 |
S 2016 |
Motor vehicles - veterans serving in a
number of conflicts - registration plates. |
07/14/06 |
S 2598 |
Mount Hope Bridge
Authority act - abolishment of authority and repeal of act. |
03/29/06 |
H 7176 |
Mount Hope Bridge Authority act - abolishment of authority and repeal of act. |
04/20/06 |
H 7157A |
Municipal employee
benefits - state comprehensive plan
appeals board - annual report - membership - terms. |
06/07/06 |
H 6711A |
Municipal employees - residency within municipality
not required - certain employment contracts exempted from provisions. |
07/14/06 |
S 2592am |
Municipal employees benefits - state comprehensive
plan appeals board - annual report - membership - terms. |
04/06/06 |
S 2092Aam |
Municipalities - authority granted to collectors to
sell, assign and transfer tax liens and tax titles in bulk - Rhode Island housing and
mortgage finance corporation - tax sales act - sale of owner-occupied
residential property to housing agency - notice of sale to taxpayer. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007 |
07/10/06 |
H 7364A |
Municipalities - authority granted to collectors to
sell, assign and transfer tax liens and tax titles in bulk - Rhode Island housing and
mortgage finance corporation - tax sales act - sale of owner-occupied
residential property to housing agency - notice of sale to taxpayer. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007 |
07/10/06 |
S 3050Aam |
Municipalities - maximum tax levy - percentage increase restriction - property
tax and fiscal disclosure - municipal budgets - property tax relief and
replacement act - state aid - excuse, avoidance or suspension of
reimbursement requirements. *See
effective date provision |
07/03/06 |
S 2961 |
Narragansett - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
H 7948 |
Narragansett - bonds
- schools. |
07/06/06 |
S 2554 |
National Guard - state payment of life insurance premiums. * The act is effective upon passage and shall be applied retroactively to October 1, 2005. |
07/10/06 |
H 7392 |
National Guard act -
qualifications of officers - state
residency requirement removed. |
07/10/06 |
H 7212 |
National guard act - state payment of life insurance
premiums. *See effective date provision. |
07/10/06 |
S 2741A |
New health care equipment and new institutional
health services - determination of need act - amendments. |
07/05/06 |
H 8055A |
New health care equipment and new institutional
health services - determination of need act - amendments. |
07/05/06 |
S 2274 |
Newport - bonds - streets and sidewalks. |
07/06/06 |
H 7053 |
Newport - bonds - streets, sidewalks, traffic
control devices, landscaping and construction management services. |
07/06/06 |
S 3035 |
Newport senior resident property tax services credit
program - age and income limits. |
07/10/06 |
H 8098 |
Newport senior resident property tax services credit
program - age and income limits. |
07/03/06 |
S 2056 |
Nonprofit hospital and/or medical service
corporation act - board of directors - requirements. *See effective date provision. |
07/14/06 |
S 2943A |
Nonprofit hospital service corporations act - investments and holdings in certain
corporations authorized - limitations - additional powers. |
06/29/06 |
H 7691Aam |
Nonprofit hospital service corporations act -
investments and holdings in certain corporations - additional powers. |
07/14/06 |
S 3129 |
North Kingstown - bonds - farmland and land
acquisition. |
07/06/06 |
H 8165 |
North Kingstown - bonds - farmland and other real
estate acquisition. |
07/06/06 |
H 8164 |
North Kingstown - bonds - municipal facilities and
equipment. |
07/06/06 |
S 3127 |
North Kingstown - bonds - public safety facilities. |
07/06/06 |
H 8163 |
North Kingstown - bonds - public safety facilities. |
07/06/06 |
S 3144 |
North Kingstown - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
H 8210 |
North Kingstown - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
S 3130 |
North Kingstown - bonds - septic system loan program |
07/06/06 |
H 8162 |
North Kingstown - bonds - septic system loan
program. |
07/06/06 |
S 3128 |
North Kingstown - bonds - town facilities. |
07/06/06 |
S 2889 |
North Kingstown - fence viewer - election or
appointment - prohibition. |
06/16/06 |
S 3053 |
North Kingstown - municipal court act. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
H 8074 |
North Kingstown - municipal court act. *See effective date provision. |
07/06/06 |
S 2890 |
North Kingstown - sealer of weights and measures -
election or appointment - prohibition. |
06/16/06 |
S 3188 |
North Smithfield -
bonds - open space purposes. |
07/06/06 |
H 8268 |
North Smithfield - bonds - open space purposes. |
07/06/06 |
S 2165 |
North Smithfield - bonds - schools. |
03/10/06 |
S 3178 |
North Smithfield - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
H 8219 |
North Smithfield - stabilization of taxes for
commercial expansion and new development. |
07/06/06 |
S 2119A |
North Smithfield - tax stabilization for certain
persons age sixty-five (65) and over. |
07/04/06 |
H 6976A |
North Smithfield - tax stabilization for certain
persons age sixty-five (65) and over. |
07/06/06 |
S 3038A |
North Smithfield - water authority act - repeal -
referenda. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
H 8020A |
North Smithfield - water authority act - repeal -
referenda. *See effective date provision |
07/06/06 |
S 2606B |
Nurse practitioners - certified registered - global
signature authority. physician assistants - permitted health care
practices. |
06/20/06 |
H 7311Bam |
Nurse practitioners, certified registered - global
signature authority. physician assistants - permitted health care
practices. |
07/01/06 |
S 2415Aam |
Nursing and assisted living facilities - corrections
department - disclosure and notice requirements concerning persons who commit
certain crimes and register sex offenders. |
07/10/06 |
H 8244A |
Oil spill prevention, administration and response
fund - amendments - monitoring activities. |
07/10/06 |
H 7588 |
Open meetings act - “open forum" definition -
notice - responses to comments. |
07/07/06 |
H 7321 |
Open meetings act - hearings of the various juvenile
hearing boards of any municipality - exemption. |
07/14/06 |
S 2312am |
Open meetings act - school committees notice
requirements - items for informational purposes. |
07/04/06 |
H 7536am |
Open meetings act - school committees notice
requirements - items for informational purposes. |
07/07/06 |
S 2106Aam |
Orthotic or prosthetic services - freedom of choice
act. *Provisions effective July 1, 2006. |
06/29/06 |
H 7018A |
Orthotic or prosthetic services - freedom of choice
act. *Provisions effective July 1, 2006. |
06/28/06 |
S 2177B |
Orthotics and
prosthetics practices act. *Effective January
1, 2007. |
06/23/06 |
H 7103B |
Orthotics and
prosthetics practices act. *Effective January
1, 2007. |
06/16/06 |
S 2713A |
Parental and family medical leave act - “family member” definition - domestic partners - health insurance benefits - COBRA - certain taxable income. *See effective date provision. |
07/04/06 |
H 7804A |
Parental and family medical leave act - “family member” definition - domestic partners - health insurance benefits - COBRA - certain taxable income. *See effective date provision. |
06/28/06 |
S 3026 |
Pawtucket - bonds -
animal shelter. |
06/02/06 |
H 7982A |
Pawtucket - bonds - animal shelter. |
06/08/06 |
S 3021 |
Pawtucket - bonds -
bridges. |
06/02/06 |
H 7980 |
Pawtucket - bonds - bridges. |
06/08/06 |
S 3023 |
Pawtucket - bonds -
public buildings. |
06/02/06 |
H 7981A |
Pawtucket - bonds - public buildings. |
06/08/06 |
S 3022am |
Pawtucket - bonds - public recreation facilities. |
06/16/06 |
H 7986A |
Pawtucket - bonds - public recreation facilities. |
06/16/06 |
S 3024 |
Pawtucket - bonds -
school buildings. |
06/02/06 |
H 7984A |
Pawtucket - bonds - school buildings. |
06/08/06 |
S 3020 |
Pawtucket - bonds -
sewer and sanitation system. |
06/02/06 |
H 7985 |
Pawtucket - bonds -
sewer and sanitation system. |
06/16/06 |
S 3027 |
Pawtucket - bonds -
streets and sidewalks. |
06/02/06 |
H 7983A |
Pawtucket - bonds - streets and sidewalks. |
06/08/06 |
S 3025am |
Pawtucket - bonds -
traffic control devices. |
06/02/06 |
H 7987A |
Pawtucket - bonds - traffic control devices. |
06/08/06 |
S 2993 |
Pawtucket - property
tax classification - commercial and industrial property - taxation rate. |
06/02/06 |
H 7956 |
Pawtucket - property tax classification - commercial and industrial property - taxation rate. |
06/08/06 |
H 7744A |
Persian Gulf War information and relief commission -
duties - composition - legislative advisory. |
07/10/06 |
H 8249 |
Pest control - interstate compact act. |
07/07/06 |
S 2594A |
Pilotage commission
- appointment of members - duties - annual report. |
06/01/06 |
H 7155A |
Pilotage commission - appointment of members - duties - annual report. |
04/20//06 |
S 2346 |
Police and firefighters - immunity from liability -
property damage. |
07/14/06 |
S 2937am |
Portsmouth - tax deferral for certain persons age
sixty-five (65) and for persons with a disability. |
07/03/06 |
H 7781am |
Portsmouth - tax deferral for certain persons age
sixty-five (65) and for persons with a disability. |
07/03/06 |
S 2685 |
Precious metal sales
act - licenses - consignment shops - “person” definition. |
06/16/06 |
H 7689 |
Precious metal sales
act - licenses - consignment shops - “person” definition. |
06/16/06 |
S 2205 |
Probate courts - appointment and supervision of temporary custodians
of decedents' estates - certain property sales. *Effective upon passage and shall apply to all
actions involving wills, estates, trusts and fiduciaries commenced after the
date of this act. |
06/16/06 |
H 7598 |
Probate courts - appointment and supervision of temporary custodians
of decedents' estates - certain property sales. *Effective upon passage and shall apply to all
actions involving wills, estates, trusts and fiduciaries commenced after the
date of this act. |
06/16/06 |
S 2066A |
practice and procedure - executor or administrator or other estate fiduciary
- notice of devise or bequest to corporation or association. *Provisions effective September 1, 2006. |
07/04/06 |
H 7591 |
Probate practice and procedure
act - real estate division - certificate of descent - recording. |
07/14/06 |
H 7172A |
Professional employer organizations act -
registration requirements - limited registration - workers' compensation
coverage requirement. |
07/03/06 |
H 7893am |
Providence - certain Class B and BV liquor licenses
- proximity to schools and
churches restriction - exemption. |
07/14/06 |
H 7320A |
Public officer - false impersonation of out of state
police - violation. |
07/14/06 |
H 7816A |
Public officials, employees, or elected officials -
indemnity act - police officers and firefighters included. |
07/14/06 |
H 6779A |
Public property and works - government oversight and
fiscal accountability review act - public disclosure requirement -
contracting report. |
06/23/06 |
S 2181 |
Public records - access act - administrative appeals
- attorney general - complaint on behalf of the public interest. |
07/07/06 |
H 7110 |
Public records - access act - administrative appeals
- attorney general initiating a complaint on behalf of the public interest. |
07/07/06 |
S 2188A |
Public utilities and carriers - duties -
telephone companies - confidentiality of telephone records. *Provisions effective October 1, 2006. |
06/30/06 |
S 2972A |
Public utilities and carriers - duties -
telephone companies - confidentiality of telephone records. *Provisions effective October 1, 2006. |
06/30/06 |
H 8183A |
Public utilities and carriers - duties -
telephone companies - confidentiality of telephone records. |
06/30/06 |
H 6731Aam |
Public utilities
commission act - LNG ships in transit -
requirements. |
07/10/06 |
S 2525A |
Quonset State Airport - state real property, buildings and facilities - lease to the
United States Air Force. |
07/04/06 |
H 7543A |
Quonset State Airport - state real property, buildings and facilities - lease to the
United States Air Force. |
07/07/06 |
H 7683A |
Quonset State Airport - state real property,
buildings and facilities - lease to the United States Air Force. |
07/07/06 |
S 2689 |
Real estate appraiser certification act - certification requirement - trainees - certified appraiser - supervision restrictions. *See effective date provisions. |
07/07/06 |
H 7434am |
Real estate appraiser certification act - licensing
requirements - certified appraisers - supervision of trainees -restrictions. *See effective date provision. |
07/03/06 |
S 2461A |
Real property - condominium and low income housing acts
- invalidity of certain restrictive covenants - financing instrument -
housing restrictions. |
07/07/06 |
H 7352Aam |
Real property - condominium and low income housing acts
- invalidity of certain restrictive covenants - financing instrument -
housing restrictions. |
07/07/06 |
S 2120A |
Rebates -
advertising restrictions and prohibitions - deceptive trade practices act. |
07/04/06 |
S 2920 |
Redevelopment agencies act - “blighted and
substandard area" definition - tax sales - unimproved land - exemption
or stabilizing of taxes. |
07/07/06 |
H 7328 |
Redevelopment agencies act - “blighted and
substandard area" definition - tax sales - unimproved land - exemption
or stabilizing of taxes. |
07/07/06 |
S 3046 |
Redman, George, Linear Park - East Providence. |
06/16/06 |
H 8045 |
Redman, George, Linear Park - East Providence. |
06/16/06 |
S 2701am |
Refuse disposal act
- "beneficial use determination" definition - host municipality
beneficial reuse of solid waste - requirements. |
02/28/06 |
H 7257Aam |
Refuse disposal act
- "beneficial use determination" definition - host municipality
beneficial reuse of solid waste - requirements. |
06/28/06 |
S 2048Aam |
Refuse disposal act - “solid waste” definition - tree stumps and tree waste -licenses and registration. |
06/09/06 |
H 6828Aam |
Refuse disposal act
- “solid waste” definition - tree stumps and tree waste -licenses and registration. |
06/09/06 |
S 2722am |
Religious organizations - certain dwelling houses
and land owned or held in trust - tax exemptions. |
07/07/06 |
H 7063A |
Religious organizations - certain dwelling houses
and land owned or held in trust - tax exemptions. |
07/07/06 |
S 2974am |
Residential sanitary sewer connections act. |
07/14/06 |
H 7237Aam |
Reverse mortgages act - term of loan advancements. |
07/14/06 |
S 3174am |
Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance
Corporation act - powers - contaminated soil - Environmentally Compromised
Home Opportunity (ECHO) loan program - establishment. |
07/10/06 |
H 8259A |
Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance
Corporation act - powers - contaminated soil - Environmentally Compromised
Home Opportunity (ECHO) loan program - establishment. |
07/10/06 |
H 7798A |
Rhode Island Public
Telecommunications Authority - powers and duties - acquisition of public
education and government television studios and equipment. |
07/14/06 |
S 2740A |
Rhode Island
Resource Recovery Corporation act - amendments - separation of powers
provisions. |
05/04/06 |
H 6889B |
Rhode Island
Resource Recovery Corporation act - amendments - separation of powers
provisions. |
06/07/06 |
S 3076 |
Richmond - financial town meeting - location. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
S 3146 |
Richmond - tax levy amount. |
07/07/06 |
S 2696B |
Schools - distribution of beverages and snacks -
nutritional and healthy guidelines - school health program |
06/28/06 |
H 6968am |
Schools - distribution of beverages and snacks -
nutritional and healthy guidelines - school health program |
06/28/06 |
S 2997am |
Science and technology advisory council act. |
07/03/06 |
H 8001A |
Science and technology advisory council act. |
07/03/06 |
H 8108 |
Scituate - bonds - middle/high school complex. |
06/16/06 |
H 6709 |
Scituate - Class C
retail liquor license prohibitions. |
03/29/06 |
H 6749am |
Separations of
powers – constitutional amendment – education - general laws changes for
implementation of provisions. |
05/03/06 |
S 2138Bam |
Separations of
powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation of
provisions. |
06/16/06 |
S 2139Aam |
Separations of
powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation
of provisions. |
07/04/06 |
S 2140A |
Separations of
powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation
of provisions. |
03/29/06 |
S 2141Aam |
Separations of powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation of provisions. |
04/20/06 |
S 2597A |
Separations of
powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation
of provisions. |
07/04/06 |
H 6750Aam |
Separations of
powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation
of provisions. |
07/07/06 |
H 6751am |
Separations of
powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation
of provisions. |
03/31/06 |
H 6753am |
Separations of powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation of provisions. |
05/03/06 |
H 7016A |
Separations of
powers – constitutional amendment – general laws changes for implementation
of provisions. |
07/07/06 |
S 2142am |
Separations of
powers – education acts - changes for implementation of constitutional
amendment provisions. |
03/24/06 |
S 2058B |
Sexual assault - sexual offender and community
registration act - penalties for violations - Jessica Lunsford child predator
act of 2006. |
06/28/06 |
H 7040Bam |
Sexual assault - sexual offender and community
registration act - penalties for violations - Jessica Lunsford child predator
act of 2006. |
06/28/06 |
S 2443A |
Sexual offender registration and community
notification act - persons registered as a sex offender in another state -
requirements. |
07/07/06 |
H 6924Aam |
Sexual offender registration and community
notification act - persons registered as a sex offender in another state -
requirements. |
07/07/06 |
S 2325 |
Shoplifting - civil restitution - certain
limitations. |
07/14/06 |
S 2976 |
Smithfield - bonds -
land acquisition. |
05/19/06 |
H 7976 |
Smithfield - bonds - land acquisition. |
07/03/06 |
S 2987 |
Smithfield - bonds - road repairs. |
06/16/06 |
S 3156 |
Smithfield - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
H 8258 |
Smithfield - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
H 8233 |
Smithfield - bonds- schools. |
07/06/06 |
S 3093A |
Smithfield - certain police and firefighters -
municipal employees - retirement system membership. |
07/04/06 |
H 6811 |
Software fraud act - damage to computers -
violations - penalties. |
07/14/06 |
S 3102 |
South Kingstown -
bonds - capital transportation
improvement projects. |
07/06/06 |
S 3106 |
South Kingstown -
bonds - community gymnasium. |
07/06/06 |
S 3103 |
South Kingstown -
bonds - open space, recreation and
agricultural purposes. |
07/06/06 |
H 8096 |
South Kingstown - bonds - capital
transportation improvement projects. |
07/06/06 |
H 8095 |
South Kingstown - bonds - community
gymnasium. |
07/06/06 |
H 8097 |
South Kingstown - bonds - land acquisition
for open space, recreation and agricultural purposes. |
07/06/06 |
S 3104 |
South Kingstown -
bonds - neighborhood guild improvements. |
07/06/06 |
H 8094 |
South Kingstown - bonds - neighborhood
guild improvements. |
07/06/06 |
H 7932 |
South Kingstown - exemption or stabilization of tax
on qualified property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes in the
town. |
07/06/06 |
S 2963 |
South Kingstown - tax exemption or stabilization of
tax on qualified property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes. |
07/07/06 |
H 7737A |
State -
actions against on highway and public works contracts - suits allowed -
jurisdiction - statute of limitations - procedure - pre-judgment interest and
post judgment awards. |
07/07/06 |
S 2839A |
State - actions against on highway and public works
contracts - suits allowed - jurisdiction statute of limitations - procedure -
pre-judgment interest and post judgment awards. |
07/04/06 |
H 7120Aam |
State - appropriations for support
for fiscal year ending June 30, 2007 and various amendments to the General
Laws for the implementation of the State Budget provisions. *Click on links to each individual
Budget Article: ARTICLE
06/30/06 |
S 2497Aam |
State - preservation of state open space act -
administration department. |
07/20/06 |
S 2799A |
State - public officers and employees - public
accountability and reform act. |
07/07/06 |
H 7455Aam |
State - public officers and employees - public
accountability and reform act. |
07/07/06 |
S 2565 |
State airports - municipal services -payment for
compensation - Rhode Island airport corporation. |
06/28/06 |
H 7200 |
State airports - municipal services -payment for
compensation - Rhode Island airport corporation. |
06/28/06 |
S 3091 |
State and municipal court compact act - application
- jurisdiction over certain violations *See effective date provision. |
07/20/06 |
H 6851 |
State Budget act - Governor’s submission to the
General Assembly - deadline date. |
01/28/06 |
H 8288A |
State budget act for fiscal year ending 2007 -
technical corrections. |
06/30/06 |
S 2456A |
State building code
- special technical services - certain
repetitive construction. |
06/23/06 |
H 7394A |
State building code
- special technical services - certain
repetitive construction. |
06/28/06 |
S 2463 |
State building code
- waiver of detailed field inspection -
one and two (2) family dwellings - private sector inspectors. |
06/16/06 |
H 7403 |
State building code
- waiver of detailed field inspection -
one and two (2) family dwellings - private sector inspectors. |
06/16/06 |
S 2757Aam |
State coordinated health planning act of 2006. |
07/07/06 |
H 7424Aam |
State coordinated health planning act of 2006. |
07/07/06 |
H 7440am |
State crime laboratory commission - membership - powers and duties - annual report -
training course for new members - separation of powers provisions. |
06/07/06 |
S 2826Aam |
State crime
laboratory commission act -separations of powers – constitutional amendment
provisions. |
06/00/06 |
S 2717Bam |
State employees -
insurance benefits - domestic partner
income loan program - certain delinquent tax payments - interest or penalties
removed. *See effective date
provision. |
07/14/06 |
H 7679Aam |
State employees -
insurance benefits - domestic partner
income loan program - delinquent tax payments - interest or penalties. *See effective date
provision. |
06/21/06 |
S 2432am |
State highway and public works contracts - actions
against the state by contractor on behalf of subcontractors. |
07/04/06 |
H 7221A |
State highway and public works contracts - actions
against the state by contractor on behalf of subcontractors. *See effective date provision. |
07/07/06 |
S 2018am |
State lottery - director - permanent joint committee on state lottery -
conferences and term. |
07/14/06 |
H 8238 |
State lottery - director - permanent joint committee on state lottery -
conferences and term. |
07/14/06 |
H 8180 |
State properties committee - annual reports and
training of new members - separation of powers
constitutional amendment provisions. |
07/07/06 |
S 3158 |
State properties committee - composition - annual
report - new members - training requirements -separation of powers
provisions. |
07/07/06 |
H 6885am |
State purchases -
international trade agreements - procurement rules - general assembly
approval. |
06/23/06 |
S 2331A |
State purchases act - international
trade agreements - procurement rules - general assembly approval. |
06/23/06 |
S 2526A |
State purchases act - University of Rhode Island,
Rhode Island College and the Community College of Rhode Island - certain
research or research related activity - exemption from certain competitive
bidding provisions. |
07/03/06 |
H 7029A |
State purchases act - University of Rhode Island,
Rhode Island College and the Community College of Rhode Island - certain
research or research related activity - exemption from competitive bidding. |
07/10/06 |
H 7285B |
Statutes - general laws - technical amendments and
corrections. |
07/03/06 |
H 7896A |
Storm drainage system maintenance - municipalities
and department of environmental management. |
07/07/06 |
S 2511A |
Storm drainage system maintenance act - duties -
municipalities and department of environmental management. |
07/07/06 |
S 3171am |
Subdivision of land act - farmland residential
compounds. |
07/07/06 |
S 2877Aam |
Taxicabs and limited public motor vehicles - proof
of financial responsibility - public utilities and carriers certificate of
insurance. |
07/14/06 |
H 8174A |
The Fred Lippitt Woonasquatucket River Greenway. |
07/03/06 |
H 8279 |
Tiogue Lighting District - consolidation with the
Central Coventry Fire District - validation and ratification. *See effective date provision |
07/06/06 |
S 3191 |
Tiogue lighting district and the Central Covenrty
fire district - consolidation - validation. |
07/07/06 |
S 3148am |
Tiverton – tax sales - assignments to the Tiverton
land trust. |
07/07/06 |
H 8226A |
Tiverton – tax sales - assignments to the Tiverton
land trust. |
07/06/06 |
S 2454 |
Transportation department - repair and/or
maintenance of state property damaged by motor vehicles - certain contracts
with outside firms prohibited. |
07/14/06 |
S 2604Aam |
Traumatic brain injuries - permanent advisory
commission - department of human services - duties - expenditures. |
07/07/06 |
H 7546A |
Traumatic brain injuries - permanent advisory
commission - purpose and duties - human services director - duties -
traumatic brain injury program -expenditures. |
07/07/06 |
H 7015 |
Tree wardens - tree
or shrubs on land adjoining public highway - distance requirements. |
07/10/06 |
H 7210 |
Underground storage
tank financial responsibility act - environmental protection regulatory fee -
disposition. Provisions effective January 1, 2006. |
05/31/06 |
S 2616am |
Uniform anatomical gift act - authorization by
medical examiner - referral of death and authorization by medical examiner. |
07/10/06 |
H 7346 |
Uniform commercial code - secured transactions -
continuation statements. |
06/28/06 |
S 2739 |
Uniform commercial
code act - definitions - technical amendments. |
06/16/06 |
H 7574 |
Uniform commercial
code act - definitions - technical amendments. |
06/16/06 |
S 2726A |
Uniform commercial
code act - effectiveness of action taken before effective date - financing
statement - continuation statements. |
06/23/06 |
S 3081am |
Uniform controlled substance act - certain
prescriptions - dosage units increases - restrictions - physician
requirements. |
07/03/06 |
H 7748Aam |
Uniform controlled substance act - prescriptions -
certain dosage restrictions - physician requirements. |
06/26/06 |
S 2786A |
Uniform interstate
family support act - amendments. *Provisions
effective July 1, 2006. |
06/14/06 |
H 7336A |
Uniform interstate
family support act - amendments. *Provisions
effective July 1, 2006. |
06/14/06 |
S 2423 |
Uniform interstate family support act - domestic
relations - legal representation in child support cases act - human services
department, office of child support services. |
07/07/06 |
S 2988am |
University of Rhode Island commission for research
innovation act |
07/10/06 |
H 7604A |
Veteran - burial - funerals - bugler playing “taps.” |
07/03/06 |
S 3079 |
Veterans - burial - funerals - bugler playing “taps.” |
07/03/06 |
S 2075 |
Veterans' property tax relief - conflicts eligible. |
01/24/06 |
H 6728 |
Veterans' property tax relief - conflicts eligible. |
01/24/06 |
S 2110A |
Victim's rights act - felony cases - governmental entity having final responsibility for the defendant's supervised custody - notice requirements. *Provisions effective February 1, 2007. |
07/07/06 |
H 7136A |
Victim's rights act - notifications - governmental entity having final responsibility for the defendant's supervised custody. *Provisions effective February 1, 2007. |
07/03/06 |
H 6782A |
Video lottery terminal act - prizes – set-off for child support debts - information system establishment. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007. |
07/07/06 |
S 2347B |
Video lottery terminal act - video lottery terminal
prize – Set-off for child support debts - director - establishment of
information system, operating procedures, reporting and accounting criteria. *Provisions effective January 1, 2007. |
07/04/06 |
H 7066 |
Vision education and services program act. |
07/10/06 |
H 6723am |
Vital records act - new certificates of birth following
foreign adoption -- exempt from judicial proceedings. *Provisions effective January
1, 2007. |
07/14/06 |
H 8104 |
Warren - assessment and taxation of new real estate
construction in the town. |
07/06/06 |
S 3098 |
Warren - assessment and taxation of new real estate
construction. |
06/28/06 |
S 3016B |
Warren - historic
commercial structures - property tax reduction. |
07/04/06 |
H 7978A |
Warren - historic
residence tax credit act provisions. |
07/07/06 |
H 8064 |
Warren - tax exemption for certain alternatively fueled vehicles. |
07/06/06 |
S 3049 |
Warren - tax exemption for certain vehicles primarily
fueled by certain alternative fuels. |
07/07/06 |
S 3137 |
Warwick - bonds - city buildings. |
07/06/06 |
H 8199 |
Warwick - bonds - city buildings. |
07/06/06 |
S 3042 |
Warwick - bonds - fire station. |
06/14/06 |
H 7998 |
Warwick - bonds - fire station. |
06/08/06 |
S 3043 |
Warwick - bonds
- open space purposes. |
06/16/06 |
H 8002 |
Warwick - bonds - open space purposes. |
07/06/06 |
S 3044 |
Warwick -
bonds - parks and recreation facilities. |
06/14/06 |
H 8003 |
Warwick - bonds
- parks and recreation facilities. |
06/16/06 |
S 3100 |
Warwick - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
H 8110 |
Warwick - bonds - schools. |
07/06/06 |
S 3099 |
Warwick - bonds - sports complex |
07/06/06 |
S 2315 |
Warwick - reduction in assessed value of real estate
upon removal of damaged buildings. |
07/14/06 |
S 2457am |
Warwick - sewer authority act - amendments. |
07/07/06 |
H 8278 |
Washington Lighting District - consolidation with
the Central Coventry Fire District - validation and ratification. *See effective date provision. |
07/06/06 |
S 3192 |
Washington lighting district and the Central
Covenrty fire district - consolidation - validation. |
07/07/06 |
H 6819Aam |
Water pollution act - boats - no discharge certificate
decal requirement - certification agents. |
06/28/06 |
S 2991Aam |
Water pollution act
- no discharge certificate decal requirement - certification agent -
penalties for violations - enforcement. |
06/02/06 |
H 7791Bam |
Water pollution act
- no discharge certificate decal requirement - certification agent -
penalties for violations - enforcement. |
06/23/06 |
S 2143am |
Water resources
board and water supply facilities acts - amendments - reporting requirements. |
06/16/06 |
H 6752am |
Water resources
board and water supply facilities acts - amendments - reporting requirements. |
06/16/06 |
S 2275 |
West Warwick -
distressed areas economic revitalization act. |
06/14/06 |
H 7365 |
West Warwick -
distressed areas economic revitalization act. |
06/16/06 |
S 2010 |
Westerly - tax exemptions - increase. |
06/16/06 |
H 6740 |
Westerly - tax exemptions. |
06/13/06 |
S 2912Aam |
Workers' compensation act - benefits - weekly
compensation for total incapacity -- permanent total disability - certain
brain injuries due to a violent assault. |
07/14/06 |
H 7042Aam |
Workers' compensation act - benefits - weekly
compensation for total incapacity -- permanent total disability - certain
brain injuries due to a violent
assault. |
07/14/06 |
S 2153 |
Workers compensation court - annual report to the
general assembly - repeal. |
07/14/06 |
S 2990Aam |
Youth commission act. |
07/04/06 |
H 7620Aam |
Youth commission act. |
07/07/06 |
S 3037 |
Zambarano Hospital - employees -residency within
state not required. |
07/07/06 |
H 6973 |
Zambarano Hospital - employees -residency within
state not required. |
07/07/06 |
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