2006 -- H 7515
Enacted 06/13/06
By: Representatives Davey, and Long
Introduced: February 16, 2006
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Chapter
16-58 of the General Laws entitled "Adult Education
Commission" is hereby repealed in its
Adult Education
Commission established. -- There is established within the board
of regents for
elementary and secondary education a permanent
committee to be known as the Rhode Island
adult education commission, referred to as
"the commission"; nothing contained in this paragraph
shall be construed to grant the board of regents
power to exercise control over the functions,
powers, and duties which are vested in the
Definition of adult education. -- (a) Adult education consists
of programs,
courses, classes, instruction, training,
apprenticeships, and other learning experiences, and related
counseling, guidance, informational, and other
services which enable persons to acquire the basic
knowledge and skills necessary to function as
responsible and productive citizens in society, for
citizenship, and learning the English language,
for academic achievement, for qualifying for and
advancing in employment, improving marketable
skills, and qualifying for occupational
licensing, and for general personal development and
(b) These
activities may be for individuals or groups, formal or informal, full time or
time, and may be sponsored by and operated in
public, private, and proprietary instructions and
agencies, employment setting, through printed or
broadcast media, by home study, in community
centers, libraries, and other learning
(c) Subject
areas may include fundamental, academic, business, trade, career, technical,
professional, paraprofessional, vocational,
avocational, and others, whether or not leading to
credits, certificates, diplomas, degrees, or
credentials of any kind. Levels may include primary,
secondary, postsecondary, undergraduate,
graduate, and general.
(d) Persons
who participate in adult education are those who are above the age of
compulsory school attendance, except persons who
remain enrolled or re-enroll in regular high
school programs prior to attaining age eighteen
(18) and persons who enter or re-enter higher
education prior to attaining age twenty-five
(25) and not excluding persons who are disabled.
Composition of commission. -- (a) The commission shall be
composed of
thirty-two (32) members, as follows:
(1) Fourteen
(14) members representing state officials, including three (3) members of
the state senate, not more than two (2) from the
same political party, who shall be nominated by
the president of the senate; and three (3)
members of the state house of representatives, not more
than two (2) from the same political party, who
shall be nominated by the speaker of the house;
and one member of the board of regents for
elementary and secondary education, who shall be
nominated by the chairperson of the board; the
commissioner of higher education, or his or her
designee; and one member of the human resource
investment council appointed by the
chairperson; and five (5) members who shall be
the directors or the director's designee of each of
the following: (1) the department of labor and
training; (2) the Rhode Island Economic
Development Corporation; (3) the department of
health; (4) the department of human services;
and (5) the office of library and information
(2) Nine (9)
members representing the adult education profession, including the
commissioner of elementary and secondary
education, or his or her designee; and seven (7) other
professionals; two (2) program administrators or
teachers who shall be nominated by the
executive board of the Adult Education
Association of Rhode Island, with not less than five (5)
years experience in local adult education
programs; five (5) program administrators or teachers
nominated by the Rhode Island Adult Literacy
Council, including one representative from each of
the following program areas: (i) English as a
second language program; (ii) vocational literacy
program; (iii) G.E.D. preparation program; (iv)
basic reading and literacy program; (v) family
literacy program; and one (1) member designated
by the Rhode Island Literary Resource Center.
(3) Nine (9)
members from local cities and towns appointed by the governor, including
one member of a school committee from a city or
town which has an active adult education
program appointed by the executive committee of
the Rhode Island Association of School
Committees, one representative of the Rhode
Island School Superintendents' Association, to be
nominated by the executive committee of the
association; two (2) representatives of business or
industry; one representative of organized labor;
three (3) persons who have received, or are
receiving, adult education services; and one
member representing a public library from a city or
town with an active adult education program.
(b) It is
recognized that the policy of the commission shall be to facilitate and insure,
the fullest extent possible, that adult
education will provide adult Rhode Islanders the educational
opportunities to achieve their fullest potential
as community members, workers, parents, and
productive citizens.
Appointment and terms of commission members. -- (a) All members
continue to serve until their successors are
appointed and qualified. Terms shall run for three (3)
years, commencing on the effective date of this
commission and continuing through April 30
three (3) years from that time on.
(b) The
members of the commission shall meet at the call of the speaker of the house
organize and shall select from among the
legislators a chairperson. Vacancies in the commission
shall be filled in the same manner as the
original appointment.
Oath of office. -- Each appointed member of the commission,
before entering
upon his or her duties, shall take an oath to
administer the duties of his or her office faithfully and
impartially, and the oath shall be filed in the
office of the secretary of state.
Responsibilities and duties of commission. -- The Rhode Island
education commission, on a continuing basis,
(1) Be a leading
advocate of adult education in the state; promote the establishment and
development of appropriate programs and
services, and the participation in these programs and
services of the consumers for whom they are
intended, within communities and throughout the
state; provide relevant advice and consultation
to state and local education officials and to all
entities in the delivery system; cooperate with
recognized organizations of persons engaged in
adult education; convene and confer with other interested,
concerned, and affected parties; serve
as a clearinghouse for the collection and
dissemination of information related to adult education
issues, policies, practices, and activities, and
undertake any other activities that it shall deem
(2) Ascertain
whether the provisions of this title, as they pertain to adult education, are
being properly administered or enforced, whether
any of the provisions should be amended or
repealed, and whether any new provisions should be
enacted, in order to insure that these laws are
up to date and adequately prescriptive of the
state's obligations in the field of adult education over
the foreseeable future;
(3) Undertake
a comprehensive study of the delivery of adult education programs and
services in Rhode Island, to include but not
necessarily be limited to:
(i) An
assessment of the needs and interests of the people who are actual or potential
consumers of adult education;
(ii) A
determination of the adequacy of existing programs and services;
(iii) An
analysis of the costs of providing adult education programs and services, and a
review of funding, including tuition and fee
arrangements, public support, and other actual or
potential financial resources;
(iv) An
evaluation of the organization, administration, staffing, and other aspects of
delivery systems, at state and local levels; and
(v) An
appraisal of the communication, cooperation, and coordination among various
agencies and institutions, especially in view of
utilizing resources, maintaining availability of and
access to programs and services, and
facilitating maximum participation;
(4) Constitute
and have all the responsibilities, duties, and powers of the state advisory
council on literacy and adult education,
authorized pursuant to the federal Adult Education Act,
20 U.S.C. section 1201 et seq. and the National
Literacy Act of 1991, P.L. 102-73, and any
amendments to it, extensions of it, or successor
legislation, namely:
(i) Advise the
governor, the state board of regents for elementary and secondary
education, the commissioner of elementary and
secondary education, and the state director of
adult education on the development of, and
policy matters arising in the administration of, the
state plan for adult education;
(ii) Advise
the governor, the board, commissioner, and director with respect to long
range planning and studies to evaluate adult
education programs, services, and activities assisted
under the Adult Education Act;
(iii) Prepare
and submit to the board, commissioner, and director, and to the national
advisory council on adult education established
pursuant to the Adult Education Act, an annual
report of its findings and recommendations,
accompanied by any additional comments which the
board, commissioner, and director may deem
appropriate; and
(5) Report
simultaneously to the governor, the general assembly, the state board of
governors for higher education, and the state
board of regents for elementary and secondary
education, on or before September 30, annually.
Meetings and quorums. -- The commission shall meet as frequently
as it
deems necessary, but not less than four (4)
times within the period from May 1 to the subsequent
April 30, annually. Nine (9) of the members
present shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of
a quorum shall be required for any action of the
Officers and staff of commission. -- The officers of the commission
shall be a
chairperson, a vice chairperson, and a
secretary, elected from among the members at its annual
meeting. The commission may engage any staff as
it deems necessary.
Other operations -- Bylaws or rules. -- The commission shall adopt
bylaws or
rules to govern other aspects of its operations
not specifically prescribed in this chapter, provided
that the bylaws or rules are not inconsistent
with applicable federal or state laws.
Relationship within state and local government. -- The actions
of the
commission shall be advisory in nature. No
provision of this chapter shall constitute the taking
over or limitation of the authority of any other
existing department, agency, board, or commission
within state or local government.
Cooperation within state and local government. -- All
departments and
agencies of state and local government shall
cooperate with the commission by furnishing any
information and advice, documentary and
otherwise, as the commission or its agents shall deem
necessary or desirable to facilitate the intent
of this chapter.
Financial support. -- The commission shall receive financial
support from
funds granted to the state pursuant to the
amended federal Adult Education Act, P.L. 100-297, 20
U.S.C. section 1201 et seq., and the National
Literacy Act of 1991, P.L. 102-73.
No compensation for members. -- The members of the commission
serve without compensation.
act shall take effect upon passage.