Relating To Motor Vehicle Emissions
Inspection Fees
SECTION 1. Section 31-47.1-11 of the General Laws in Chapter 31-47.1 entitled “Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program” is hereby amended to read as follows:
31-47.1-11. Fees. – (a) A fee of forty-seven dollars ($47.00) is to be charged for each motor vehicle inspected. The amount of fees collected shall provide for the cost of the inspection, the costs of administering the motor vehicle emissions inspection program and other costs provided by law. The fee must be paid for each motor vehicle inspected at an emissions inspection station at the time of the inspection and is payable whether a compliance certificate, waiver certificate, or no certificate is issued. There shall be no fee charged for one reinspection of a vehicle that failed an initial inspection when the reinspection is conducted at the AIRS that conducted the initial inspection.
Of the forty-seven dollars ($47.00)
fee, eighteen dollars ($18.00) shall be retained by the inspection station
owner to cover the costs of performing the inspection. The remaining
twenty-nine dollars ($29.00) shall be remitted to the program manager. The
program manager shall retain thirteen dollars ($13.00) no more than
ten dollars ($10.00) of the fee and remit the remaining sixteen dollars
($16.00) no less than nineteen dollars ($19.00) for deposit in the
state general fund. The general assembly shall annually appropriate such sums
as may be required to cover the costs of administering the program by the
division of motor vehicles and the department of environmental management.
(b) The general assembly shall on or before June 30th of each calendar year review the costs and fees associated with the program with the goal of eliminating all fees being directed to the general fund and to eliminate all costs and fees not directly related and necessary to pay the costs of administering the motor vehicle emission inspection program as required under 40 CFR 51.354(a).
SECTION 2. This article shall take effect on January 1, 2007.