WHEREAS, The budget reserve account, also known as "the rainy
day fund", was made part of the state constitution through voter
referendum in 1992 to ensure adequate cash and budget reserves for
unanticipated revenue shortfalls; and
WHEREAS, The constitution limits appropriations for any fiscal
year to ninety-eight percent of estimated revenues and requires the two percent
difference to be deposited into the budget reserve account until the account
reaches three percent of said revenues; and
WHEREAS, The constitution further requires that excess funds
available after the budget reserve account has been fully funded shall be
transferred to the state capital bond fund for debt reduction, debt service, or
capital projects; and
WHEREAS, In recent years state capital bond funds have been used
increasingly to pay debt service, with the result that the budget reserve
account cannot be used without jeopardizing the state's ability to meet its
debt service obligations; and
WHEREAS, Experience since passage of the 1992 constitutional
amendment has demonstrated that the three percent cap results in insufficient
funding of the reserve account; and
WHEREAS, The viability of the reserve account will be restored by
limiting the state capital bond fund to capital projects, limiting
appropriations from ninety-eight percent
of estimated revenues to ninety-seven percent of estimated revenues, and
allowing the cap on the budget reserve account to be expanded from three
percent to five percent of revenues; and, now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That a majority of all members elected to each house of
the general assembly voting therefore, an amendment to section 16 of Article IX
of the Constitution of the state shall be proposed to the qualified electors of
the state for their approval in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV of
the Constitution, and upon such approval, the amended section 16 of Article IX,
set forth below, shall be included in the Constitution; and that said
proposition of amendment shall be submitted to the electors for their approval
or rejection at the next statewide general election, and said proposition of
amendment shall appear on the ballots and shall be preceded by the following
explanation and space to "approve" or "reject", all of
which shall be in substantially the following form:
Approval of the amendment set forth
below will increase the funding and restore the viability of the budget reserve
account, also known as "the rainy day fund", by limiting the amount
of estimated revenues that can be appropriated, increasing the cap on the
reserve account, and limiting the use of capital funds to capital projects.
Section 16. Limitation on
state spending [Effective from July 1, 2007 until July 1, 2012].
(a) No appropriation, supplemental appropriation or budget act
shall cause the aggregate state general revenue appropriations enacted in any
given fiscal year to exceed ninety-eight percent (98%) of the estimated state
general revenues for such fiscal year from all sources, including estimated
unencumbered general revenues to the new fiscal year remaining at the end of
the previous fiscal year. Estimated
unencumbered general revenues are calculated by taking the estimated general
revenue cash balance at the end of the fiscal year less estimated revenue
anticipation bonds or notes, estimated general revenue encumbrances, estimated
continuing general revenue appropriations and the amount of the budget reserve
account at the end of said fiscal year.
(b) The amount between the applicable percentage in (a) and one
hundred percent (100%) of the estimated state general revenue for any fiscal
year as estimated in accordance with subsection (a) of this section shall be
appropriated in any given fiscal year into the budget reserve account;
provided, however, that no such payment will be made which would increase the
total of the budget reserve account to more than three percent (3%) of only the
estimated state general revenues as set by subsection (a) of this section. In the event that the payment to be made
into the budget reserve account would increase the amount in said account to
more than three percent (3%) of estimated state general revenues that said
amount shall be transferred to the state bond capitol Rhode Island
Capital Plan fund to be used solely for reduction of state indebtedness,
payment of debt service, and/or funding of capitol capital projects.
(c) Within forty-five (45) days after the close of any fiscal
year, all unencumbered general revenue in the year end surplus account from the
said fiscal year shall be transferred to the general fund.
Section 16. Limitation on
state spending [Effective July 1, 2012].
(a) No appropriation, supplemental appropriation or budget act
shall cause the aggregate state general revenue appropriations enacted in any
given fiscal year to exceed ninety-eight percent (98%) ninety-seven
percent (97%) of the estimated state general revenues for such fiscal year
from all sources, including estimated unencumbered general revenues to the new
fiscal year remaining at the end of the previous fiscal year. Estimated unencumbered general revenues are
calculated by taking the estimated general revenue cash balance at the end of
the fiscal year less estimated revenue anticipation bonds or notes, estimated
general revenue encumbrances, estimated continuing general revenue
appropriations and the amount of the budget reserve account at the end of said
fiscal year.
(b) The amount between the applicable percentage in (a) and one
hundred percent (100%) of the estimated state general revenue for any fiscal
year as estimated in accordance with subsection (a) of this section shall be
appropriated in any given fiscal year into the budget reserve account;
provided, however, that no such payment will be made which would increase the
total of the budget reserve account to more than three percent (3%) five
percent (5%) of only the estimated state general revenues as set by
subsection (a) of this section. In the
event that the payment to be made into the budget reserve account would
increase the amount in said account to more than three percent (3%) five
percent (5%) of estimated state general revenues that said amount shall be
transferred to the state bond capitol Rhode Island Capital Plan
fund to be used solely for reduction of state indebtedness, payment of debt
service, and/or funding of capitol capital projects.
(c) Within forty-five (45) days after the close of any fiscal
year, all unencumbered general revenue in the year end surplus account from the
said fiscal year shall be transferred to the general fund.
RESOLVED, That the said proposition of amendment shall be
submitted to the electors for their approval or rejection at the next statewide
general election. The voting places in the several cities and towns shall be
kept open during the hours required by law for voting therein; and be it
RESOLVED, That the secretary of state shall cause said proposition
of amendment to be published as a part of this resolution in the newspapers of the
state prior to the date of the said meetings of the said electors; and the said
proposition shall be inserted in the warrants or notices to be issued previous
to said meetings of the electors for the purpose of warning the town, ward, or
district meetings, and said proposition shall be read by the town, ward or
district clerks to the electors in the town, ward, or district meetings to be
held as aforesaid; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the town, ward, or district meetings to be held
aforesaid shall be warned, and the list of voters shall be canvassed and made
up, and the said town, ward, or district meetings shall be conducted in the
same manner as now provided by law for the town, ward, and district meetings
for the statewide general election.
This article shall take effect upon passage.