This document is not an official record of the Senate and does not reflect the final vote of the Senate or of any individual Senator on the captioned matter. The final and official vote is reported in the Journal of the Senate of this date.
THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2024 8:32:27 PM
CALENDAR ITEM 46 2024-H 7562 SUB A Noret Environment & A RELATING TO FISH AND WILDLIFE -- FURBEARING ANIMALS In Concurrence Passage
YEAS - 36
NAYS - 1
Y Acosta
N Bell
Y Bissaillon
Y Britto
Y Burke
Y Cano
Y Ciccone
Y de la Cruz
Y DeLuca
Y DiMario
Y DiPalma
Y Euer
Y Felag
Y Gallo
Y Gu
Y Kallman
Y LaMountain
Y Lauria
Y Lawson
Y Lombardi
Y Mack
Y McKenney
Y Miller
Y Morgan
Y Murray
Y Paolino
Y Pearson
Y Picard
Y Quezada
Y Raptakis
Y Rogers
Y Sosnowski
Y Tikoian
Y Ujifusa
Y Valverde
Y Zurier
Y Mr. President