R 140
2025 -- H 6031
Enacted 03/06/2025

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Shallcross Smith, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Ajello, Fogarty, Handy, Tanzi, Potter, and Messier

Date Introduced: March 06, 2025

     WHEREAS, Social Workers enter the profession because they have a strong desire to
help empower individuals, families, communities, and our nation to overcome issues that prevent
them from reaching their full potential; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers have worked for more than a century to improve human
well-being and enhance the basic needs of all people; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers follow a Code of Ethics that call on them to fight social
injustice and respect the dignity and worth of all people; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers positively touch the lives of the 1.09 million Rhode
Islanders each day and in a variety of places, including schools, hospitals, the military, child
welfare agencies, community centers, and in federal, state and local government; and
     WHEREAS, The 2025 Social Work Month theme is "Social Worker: Compassion +
Action". Throughout 2025, social workers will be called to turn their compassion into action to
help our nation address a variety of societal challenges, including the prospect there could be
mass deportations of migrants and continued attacks on the people who are LGBTQIA2S+,
reproductive rights, diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. Social workers are also in the
forefront of helping our nation address a mental health and substance use disorder crisis and
chronic inequality that has led to homelessness; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers are the largest professional group with mental health
licenses in Rhode Island, working daily to help thousands of Americans overcome mental
illnesses such as depression and anxiety; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers are on the frontlines of the nation’s opioid addiction crisis,
helping people get the treatment they need and prevail over substance use disorders; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers have helped people cope with death and grief and helped
people directly affected by the housing crisis in Rhode Island; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers have helped this nation live up to its values by advocating
for equal rights for all, including people of color, people who are Indigenous, people who are
LGBTQIA2S+, or people who follow various faiths; and
     WHEREAS, The Social Work profession is one of the fastest growing careers in the
United States, with more than 728,000 social workers today, more than 6,000 of them are
practicing in Rhode Island, and more than 53,000 more social workers are expected to enter the
profession over the next decade; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers have continued to push for changes that have made our
society a better place to live, including a livable wage, improved workplace safety, and social
safety net programs that help ameliorate poverty, hunger, and homelessness; and
     WHEREAS, Social Workers endeavor to work throughout our society to meet people
where they are and help empower people and our society to reach the goals they wish to attain;
now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
celebrates March of 2025 as “National Social Work Month” and with gratitude and admiration,
recognizes the numerous contributions made by Rhode Island’s Social Workers. We moreover
call upon all citizens to join the National Association of Social Workers Rhode Island Chapter in
celebration and support of the Social Work profession; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Rebekah Gewirtz, MPA, Executive Director,
National Association of Social Workers Rhode Island (NASW-RI).