R 135
2025 -- H 6024
Enacted 03/04/2025

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Casimiro, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Kennedy, Ajello, Fellela, Cruz, Shallcross Smith, and Paplauskas

Date Introduced: March 04, 2025

     WHEREAS, The Seabees are celebrating their 83rd Anniversary in 2025. The Seabees
were created at Davisville, Rhode Island, in 1942 by United States Navy Rear Admiral Ben
Morrell, Chief of the Bureau of Yards, to meet our nation's need for building and maintaining
overseas bases during World War II; and
     WHEREAS, More than 350,000 Seabees served their nation during World War II as
members of the United States Navy construction forces. They participated in virtually every
United States Theater of operations, from England, Italy and France to North Africa, China,
Burma, and numerous islands throughout the vast Pacific. They built vital bases and airfields
under very difficult conditions, including being bombarded by enemy ships and planes, and were
killed by snipers or booby-trapped mines and bombs. They had to deal with extreme weather
conditions such as typhoons and extreme heat, and often had to suffer debilitating medical
conditions such as malaria; and
     WHEREAS, The Seabees constructed piers, hospitals, airfields, housing, and every
imaginable kind of facility. They unloaded vital food and medical supplies quickly and efficiently
and saved lives every day during all of America's wars and conflicts. Thanks to the Seabees, the
United States has the ability to bring the war, if necessary, into our enemy's sphere of influence;
     WHEREAS, The Seabees have served our nation with honor and valor during times of
peace and war. They answered our nation's call to duty during all of its modern conflicts, from
World War II and the Korean War, to Vietnam and our various engagements in the Middle East.
They have earned a reputation for ingenuity, innovation, courage and for having a "can do" and
"just get the job done" spirit that is renowned throughout the United States military and across the
globe; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
congratulates the Seabees on the joyous celebration of their 83rd Anniversary; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Rear Admiral Bradley J. Andros, Commander,
Navy Expeditionary Combat Command.