R 128
2025 -- S 0597
Enacted 03/04/2025

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators Urso, Ujifusa, Felag, Tikoian, LaMountain, Euer, E Morgan, Lawson, Rogers, and Paolino

Date Introduced: March 04, 2025

     WHEREAS, International Women’s Day is a global observance of the social, economic,
cultural and political achievements of women, marking a call to action to accelerate gender
equality, and to honor the contributions of women worldwide; and
     WHEREAS, International Women’s Day was launched in Western Europe in 1911, as a
day to rally for the rights of women to work, to vote, to be trained and to hold public office, and
to end discrimination against women; and
     WHEREAS, International Women’s Day was recognized by the United Nations in 1975,
and has since become an annual occasion to uplift and empower women and girls, to honor their
achievements and to safeguard their futures, to promote and lobby for women’s equality and
rights, and to showcase organizations that prioritize the well-being of women; and
     WHEREAS, In 2025, we celebrate the 114th observance of International Women’s Day,
adopting the annual theme “Accelerate Action,” and a call to step forward in solidarity to help
accelerate equality for the 4 billion women and girls in the world, 170 million of whom comprise
half the population of the United States; and
     WHEREAS, In 2025, we continue the fight for equal pay for women in the United States,
to end discrimination, violence, and oppression against women and girls worldwide, to pursue
policies that protect the health and human rights of women, and to promote the participation of
women in every aspect of government, business, the U.S. Military, society and community; and
     WHEREAS, The State of Rhode Island, one of the original 13 colonies, founded on
principles of diversity and soul liberty, the first to declare independence from Great Britain, and
the birthplace of American Industry, counts among its earliest settlers two independent woman,
Mary Dyer and Anne Hutchinson, key figures in the history of religious tolerance in the New
World; and,
     WHEREAS, Prior to European contact, the land to become known as Rhode Island was
home to three powerful 17th century female sachems of the Indigenous Tribes: Weetamoo of the
Pocasset Wampanoag, Awashonks of the Sakonnet, and Quaiapen of the Narragansett; and,
     WHEREAS, Throughout our history, the State of Rhode Island has been enriched by the
legacies of many of its female citizens, among them:
     (1) In the 18th century, Hannah Wilkinson Slater of Pawtucket, the wife of Samuel
Slater, who was granted the first U.S. Patent awarded to a woman in the United States for her
invention of 2-ply cotton sewing thread, thereby launching the thread manufacturing industry in
Pawtucket, and who co-founded the first Sunday School in America, and founded a Beneficent
Society for Women in Rhode Island; and
     (2) In the 19th century, Kady Brownell of Providence, who served as color bearer under
Colonel Ambrose Burnside in the 1st Rhode Island Infantry in the Civil War, participating in the
First Battle of Bull Run in 1861, and reenlisting into the 5th RI Infantry at the Battle of New Bern
in 1862, and who was the only female ever to receive discharge papers from the Union Army; and
     (3) In the 20th century, Isabelle Florence Ahearn O’Neill of Woonsocket, the first woman
to serve in the Rhode Island General Assembly, having been elected to the House in 1922, and
the Senate in 1930, the first women to hold a leadership position in this Chamber, who
championed the hiring of women in law enforcement, prohibiting gender discrimination in the
teaching profession, formally recognizing women’s cosmetology professions, and protecting
women through the creation of life estates in the homes of their husbands; and
     WHEREAS, The theme for 2025 Women’s History Month is “Moving Forward
Together! Women Educating & Inspiring Generations,” which beckons us to carry forward the
lessons and experiences of the women who came before us and who serve as examples of the
potential of women to serve their communities with dignity, intellect and resolve, earning the
respect of all citizens; and
     WHEREAS, Women’s History Month was recognized in 1987, having advanced from
the original national celebration of Women’s History Week, so declared by Congress in March
1981; and
     WHEREAS, The Rhode Island State Senate, with 17 women among its 38 current
members, desires to carry forward these traditions, and to encourage all citizens to learn about the
contributions of women to the history of our state and nation, and to encourage those who seek to
make their own history as leaders who chart a path forward for the betterment of all citizens; now,
therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby recognizes March 8,
2025 as “International Women’s Day” and the month of March as “Women’s History Month” in
the State of Rhode Island; and, be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to the Honorable Daniel J. McKee, Governor of
the State of Rhode Island.