R 118
2025 -- H 5541
Enacted 02/25/2025

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Kennedy, Ajello, Fogarty, Ackerman, Tanzi, Bennett, and Cortvriend

Date Introduced: February 25, 2025

     WHEREAS, National Caregivers Day was created in 2015, and first celebrated in 2016,
by the Providers Association for Home Health & Hospice Agencies (PAHHHA) as a way to
recognize and thank the millions of caregivers who go the extra mile every day to provide
critically important and nurturing care to millions of Americans; and
     WHEREAS, According to a 2020 report from the National Alliance for Caregiving and
the American Association of Retired Persons, approximately 53 million caregivers in the United
States cared for an adult or child without pay. Most caregivers take care of one adult, but
approximately fifteen percent care for two adults, and three percent care for three or more adults.
The Institute on Aging reports that more than seventy-five percent of caregivers are female; and
     WHEREAS, The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index also reports that caregivers spend
an average of six days in a month grooming, feeding, dressing, bathing, and walking the people
they take care of, thirteen days a month commuting, cleaning, doing laundry, monitoring
medication, shopping and cooking special meals for their patients, and a further thirteen hours a
month coordinating visits with physicians, researching symptoms and diseases, and managing
finances; and
     WHEREAS, Each year, National Caregivers Day offers an opportunity to thank and show
appreciation to our local caregivers, including professional caregivers such as home health aides,
nurses, and therapists, as well as informal family caregivers, who provide critically needed and
loving care to so many people within our communities. Our communities are truly blessed to have
these hard-working and dedicated professionals serving our neighborhoods and taking care of our
loved ones and those in need of daily care and assistance; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
proclaims February 21, 2025, to be "National Caregivers Day" in the State of Rhode Island; and
be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Providers Association for Home Health &
Hospice Agencies (PAHHHA).