R 076
2025 -- S 0161
Enacted 02/04/2025

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senator V. Susan Sosnowski

Date Introduced: February 03, 2025

     WHEREAS, The Veterans of Foreign Wars, formally known as the Veterans of Foreign
Wars of the United States, is a charitable organization founded in 1899, and the Veterans of
Foreign Wars Auxiliary was established in 1914, both with a stated purpose of vigorously
advocating for the rapid rehabilitation of our nation’s disabled veterans and those veterans in need
of assistance, as well as their dependents. The VFW also promotes patriotism through education
and community service; and
     WHEREAS, Membership in the VFW is restricted to any active duty or honorably
discharged member of the United States Armed Forces who has served in any foreign war
recognized by the authorization or the issuance of a United States Military Campaign Medal.
Currently, the VFW has 1.6 million members and Auxiliary members, forming 6,000 local
chapters known as Posts, covering the 50 states, the Asia-Pacific region, and Europe. Notable
members have included eight former United States Presidents; and
     WHEREAS, On February 14, 1925, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 916 Auxiliary
was established with 23 Founding Members, including its first Auxiliary President, Sarah
Steadman, mother of VFW Post 916’s 1st Commander Oliver Steadman. VFW Post 916
Auxiliary members have raised thousands of dollars and volunteered thousands of hours of time
in support of local and national charities through the years; and
     WHEREAS, Thanks to the hard work and tireless service provided by the members of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 916 Auxiliary, many Rhode Island Veterans have been recognized
for their brave service to our grateful nation, and have received much-needed assistance and
access to their rights as military veterans of foreign wars of the United States; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby heartily celebrates the
100th Anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 916 Auxiliary; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 916