R 427
2023 -- H 6528
Enacted 06/14/2023

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Morales, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Tanzi, Ajello, Shallcross Smith, Cortvriend, Fellela, and Fogarty

Date Introduced: June 14, 2023

     WHEREAS, Professional Wrestling is an amalgamation of theater and sport that is
extremely popular in the United States. It is estimated that approximately 90 million Americans
follow World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), All Elite Wrestling (AEW), local independent
wrestling promotions, and other forms of professional wrestling; and
     WHEREAS, Professional Wrestling events such as WrestleMania have attracted more
than one hundred thousand paying customers in person, and millions more paying to watch their
broadcast. These events also bring in millions to help local businesses and communities grow
during a difficult time; and
     WHEREAS, Professional Wrestling, which got its start after the American Civil War,
developed by the turn of the 20th century into performance art in which matches are
choreographed to better entertain the customers while ensuring the physical safety of the
wrestlers. One of the biggest influences on the development of Professional Wrestling in the
United States was carnival culture and its reliance on theatrics to entice the public to buy tickets;
     WHEREAS, Rhode Island has long been a haven for the wrestling world, with an
independent company dating back to the early 1990’s known as the New England Wrestling
Alliance (NEWA) which gave a platform for people to live out their dreams while also giving
back to communities across Rhode Island. Local programming like Public Access, independent
companies like the Rhode Island Wrestling Alliance (RIWA) and the Renegade Wrestling
Alliance (RWA) were formed and grew on the basics of NEWA where they were able to bring
wrestling into events, such as helping the Sport Celebrate Carville for the Special Olympics of
Rhode Island, and so many more great charities; and
     WHEREAS, Professional Wrestling is a significant part of American culture and its
landscape, giving fans a place to feel free and to enjoy their time, and to except everyday life.
Wrestling has given back by visiting our troops overseas and stars like John Cena have granted
the most Make A Wish dreams come true to date. Professional Wrestling and its wrestlers have
contributed so much to fans around the world, including the State of Rhode Island, so much so
that the ‘Official Wrestling Museum’ was founded by Dino Ruggiero which was formed to show
respect to the industry. Just like America today, it is diversifying its performers, productions, and
the people it appeals to, and contributes much to local economies as it sells out venues and
provides employment for many people; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
proclaims June 13th to be “Professional Wrestling Day” in the State of Rhode Island; and be it
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to The Official Wrestling Museum, Dino
Ruggiero, and the Renegade Wrestling Alliance.