R 399
2023 -- H 6503
Enacted 06/08/2023

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Noret, Solomon, Donovan, Fellela, Craven, Blazejewski, Shekarchi, Lima, Chippendale, and Hull

Date Introduced: June 08, 2023

     WHEREAS, June 10th marks the anniversary of the death, in 1580, of the revered
Portuguese poet, Luis Vaz Camoes, who is best known for his epic poem "Os Lusiadas," a tribute
to the golden age of Portuguese maritime exploration and discoveries. The day is now celebrated
around the world in Portuguese-speaking communities as the "Day of Portugal, Camoes and the
Portuguese Communities"; and
     WHEREAS, Rhode Island's large and significant Portuguese population has made
substantial contributions to all aspects of the State's history and rich cultural diversity; and
     WHEREAS, Between 1830 and 1860, whaling ships from Bristol, Newport, New
Bedford, and Fall River traveled to the Azores where they often took on Portuguese sailors. Many
of these sailors traveled back to New England, settling in Providence, Pawtucket, and East
Providence. They frequently took on work in the textile mills, which were abundant in the area at
the time, while others became farmers in Little Compton and Portsmouth; and
     WHEREAS, The main goal for the Portuguese people coming to Rhode Island and the
United States was economic betterment, but, like the Irish and Italians, the Portuguese people all
too often suffered discrimination and exploitation in employment. Through perseverance and an
indomitable work ethic, they carved a future for themselves, their families, and generations to
come; and
     WHEREAS, Thousands sought refuge in Rhode Island in the mid-20th century to escape
the devastation of the Capelinhos volcano on the Azorean island of Faial, opening the door for
legal immigration for all Portuguese and many other ethnicities; and
     WHEREAS, The number of Rhode Islanders who claim Portuguese ancestry is nearly 9
percent of the State's population, the densest population of any state in the nation with the
majority making their homes in Providence, Newport and Bristol counties; and
     WHEREAS, The 1st Congressional District of Rhode Island has one of the highest
Portuguese populations of any Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives; and
     WHEREAS, The Portuguese American population in Rhode Island is an active and vital
part of our State. They have enriched and delighted our palates with fine restaurants that serve
traditional Portuguese dishes, and they actively contribute to and participate in all areas of the
community distinguishing themselves in leadership roles in such fields as the judiciary, law
enforcement, medicine, education, social services, entrepreneurship, civic engagement and
political participation; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
thanks Rhode Island's Portuguese community for the many contributions they have generously
made to the enrichment of this State; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That this House hereby recognizes June 10, 2023, as the "Day of Portugal"
in the State of Rhode Island and joins in the celebration of the 46th consecutive celebration of this
auspicious occasion; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the Rhode Island "Day of Portugal" Committee,
and the Vice-Consulate of Portugal in Providence.