R 393
2023 -- S 1101
Enacted 06/08/2023

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senator Dominick J. Ruggerio

Date Introduced: June 07, 2023

     WHEREAS, According to Harvard Health, as of 2022, men in the United States had a life
expectancy of 73.2 years, approximately 5.9 years less than women. Native American and
African-American males have even lower life expectancies. One of the reasons for this disparity
is the fact that men are often reluctant to go to the doctor, with studies showing that women go to
the doctor twice as often as men. Even when ill, many men will avoid seeing a doctor, with sixty-
five percent saying they avoid going to the doctor as long as possible; and
     WHEREAS, Sixty percent of men do not get annual physicals and according to the
National Institutes of Health, and 34.1 percent of American men are overweight or obese; and
     WHEREAS, As of 2018, the leading causes of death for men were heart disease and
cancer. In 2023, an estimated 288,300 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer making it the
second overall leading cause of death amongst men. In addition, mental health issues are common
amongst American men, with suicide ranking as the eighth leading cause of death, and the
Centers for Disease Control reports that males are more likely than females to die from COVID-
19; and
     WHEREAS, Many of these illnesses can be prevented or treated properly through annual
screenings, regular visits to a physician, and getting vaccinated for COVID-19. Men who do so
are better educated about their health and live longer and happier lives. Fathers who take care of
their health and choose to live healthier lifestyles serve as important role models for their
children; and
     WHEREAS, While all of June is Men's Health Month, Friday, June 16, 2023, is "Wear
Blue Day" in which all organizations and individuals are encouraged to raise awareness and
much-needed funds to educate men about the importance of getting regular check-ups and
screenings to get information on health issues such as testicular and prostate cancer, as well as
cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, diabetes, skin cancer, and mental health well-being; now,
therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby proclaims June of
2023, to be "Men's Health Month" in the State of Rhode Island; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Director Utpala Bandy, MD, MPH, Interim
Director, Rhode Island Department of Health.