R 275
2023 -- S 0947
Enacted 04/27/2023

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators Sosnowski, Acosta, Mack, Lawson, Rogers, de la Cruz, Britto, McKenney, Gu, and Tikoian

Date Introduced: April 27, 2023

     WHEREAS, A just society acknowledges the impact of crime on individuals, families,
neighborhoods, and communities by ensuring that rights, resources, and services are readily
available to help rebuild the lives of innocent victims or those left behind; and
     WHEREAS, Rhode Island will always be dedicated to doing whatever it takes to help
crime victims and their families after undergoing a traumatic experience; and
     WHEREAS, Rhode Island supports victims of crime by treating them with respect and
dignity, listening to them, and matching their needs to appropriate services and support; and
     WHEREAS, Providing crime victims with knowledge of the rights and resources
available to them strengthens their ability to recover by restoring a sense of self-empowerment;
     WHEREAS, Victims of crime not only face physical and emotional costs, they often
suffer a serious economic toll as well; and
     WHEREAS, Victims can carry a fiscal burden long after the day a crime occurred,
whether it be medical expenses, crime scene cleanup, the cost of physical re-location, or lost
earnings; and
     WHEREAS, The Crime Victims Compensation Program – administered by the Office of
the General Treasurer – helps to defer the economic burden on innocent victims that is so often
associated with crime; and
     WHEREAS, In 2022, the Crime Victims Compensation Program helped over 260 victims
and families get back on their feet; and
     WHEREAS, In 2022, the Crime Victims Compensation Program provided nearly
$900,000 in financial assistance to victims of crime; and
     WHEREAS, Legislation introduced at the request of the General Treasurer works to
increase funding for the Crime Victims Compensation Program through a small fee on traffic
violations; and
     WHEREAS, This Legislation would also expand resources to victims and access to
program funds for sexual assault survivors; and
     WHEREAS, Obstacles still prevent many victims from receiving meaningful access to
quality, comprehensive services and support; and
     WHEREAS, Many criminal acts – including rape and sexual and domestic assault – are
often unreported out of a fear of retribution or past negative encounters with the criminal justice
system; and
     WHEREAS, The Office of the General Treasurer and the General Assembly is
committed to ensuring every innocent victim of crime has access to the resources and services
they need to recover from their ordeals and to regain a feeling of safety; and
     WHEREAS, The week of April 23 through 29, 2023, is National Crime Victims' Rights
Week, where our nation dedicates itself to strengthening victims and survivors in the aftermath of
crime and expresses its gratitude and appreciation for community members, victims service
providers, and criminal justice professionals who are committed to helping all who have suffered
from criminal acts; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this the Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby proclaims the
week of April 23 through 29, 2023, to be "Crime Victims' Rights Week" in the State of Rhode
Island. We moreover urge innocent victims of crime to apply for a grant from the Crime Victims
Compensation Program to help defer the cost of crime and convalesce; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to Day One RI, the Lawrence A. Aubin, Sr. Child
Protection Center, Bikers Against Child Abuse of Rhode Island, Sojourner House, and the Rhode
Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence.