R 274
2023 -- S 0945
Enacted 04/27/2023

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators Kallman, Cano, F. Lombardi, Ciccone, Picard, Raptakis, Acosta, Lawson, and de la Cruz

Date Introduced: April 27, 2023

     WHEREAS, Adequate enforcement of existing laws requires a well-informed and
engaged public; and
     WHEREAS, The "Wage Theft Day of Action" brings awareness to the problems of wage
theft, worker misclassification, and tax fraud which robs our communities of important tax dollars
and our citizens of income; and
     WHEREAS, It is not acceptable to have employers working in our community who
subvert labor and employment laws passed to protect workers and ensure workplace health and
safety; and
     WHEREAS, It is in the public interest to enforce the law evenly so law-abiding firms are
not put at a competitive disadvantage by unscrupulous employers that avoid their obligations
under the law; and
     WHEREAS, Partnerships between local governments, communities and business leaders
can create safe and thriving workplaces that foster inclusivity and raise the standard of living for
all citizens; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby proclaims April 19th
of 2023 to be "Wage Theft Day of Action" in the State of Rhode Island; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to the Honorable Daniel J. McKee, Governor of
the State of Rhode Island.