R 266
2023 -- H 6319
Enacted 04/25/2023

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives McEntee, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Chippendale, Spears, Cotter, Craven, Caldwell, Casimiro, and Cortvriend

Date Introduced: April 25, 2023

     WHEREAS, Crime and victimization in Rhode Island and the United States has
significant, and sometimes life-shattering, impacts on victims, survivors, and communities; and
     WHEREAS, Delivering true justice requires that all victims are provided with the support
they need; and
     WHEREAS, Barriers that prevent many survivors from receiving the services they need
and the justice they deserve still exist with many violent crimes, including rape and sexual
assault, often going unreported to law enforcement because, among other concerns, victims fear
placing themselves in further danger and from negative interactions with the criminal justice
system; and
     WHEREAS, The inequality of victimization and surge in hate crimes faced by
historically marginalized groups including communities of color, Native American communities,
the LGBTQI+ community, the Asian American community, and the Jewish community needs to
be more fully addressed; and
     WHEREAS, Victims of crime not only face physical and emotional costs, they often
suffer a serious economic toll as well; and
     WHEREAS, Helping those who have experienced crime and their families is an
important step toward the protection of and support for victims' rights. Dedicated professionals
have worked to develop support and services for survivors that are more holistic, trauma-
informed, and effective at overcoming systemic barriers that certain communities face in
prosecuting offenders and obtaining justice; and
     WHEREAS, More work remains to be done to advance these goals and National Crime
Victims' Rights Week provides an opportunity to raise awareness for our commitment to
providing survivors of crime with the support they need to heal; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
commemorates April 23rd – April 29th as "National Crime Victims' Week". We moreover honor
crime victims, survivors, and the individuals who advocate for them and renew our commitment
to providing survivors of crime with the support and access to services that will help them cope
with the physical, psychological, financial, and other adverse effects of crime; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to Peg Langhammer, Executive Director of Day
One, and Meagan Fitzgerald, Program Manager of Advocacy & Prevention, Aubin Center.