R 231
2023 -- H 6262
Enacted 04/06/2023

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Noret, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Corvese, Vella-Wilkinson, Chippendale, Kennedy, Edwards, Ajello, and Tanzi

Date Introduced: April 06, 2023

     WHEREAS, On October 29, 1929, the United States Stock Market crashed, thereby
ending what has been called “The Roaring Twenties” and ushering in more than a decade of
economic privation the likes of which had never been seen before in American history and
hopefully will never be seen again; and
     WHEREAS, Before the United States Constitution was altered by the Twentieth
Amendment, newly elected Presidents used to take office on March 4th. As President Franklin
Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was set to take office, America was suffering in unimaginable ways.
The official American unemployment rate was at a record high of 24.9 percent and that number
didn’t count those who could only find part-time work and those who had given up on finding
work. According to a report from Irving Bernstein for the United States Department of Labor,
“There is no doubt that 1933 was the worst year, and March the worst month, for joblessness in
the history of United States”; and
     WHEREAS, When FDR assumed office, there was a feeling that this nation’s democratic
underpinnings were in peril with far right and far left totalitarians on the American scene
threatening America’s very foundations. It was against this backdrop that FDR took office and he
knew that he had to take immediate action to lower the jobless rate in America; and
     WHEREAS, On April 5th, 1933, FDR signed the “Emergency Conservation Act”, also
known as the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), an act that quickly gave much-needed jobs to
approximately 275,000 enrollees and 10,000 supervisors, in camps across the United States. The
Civilian Conservation Corps, and similar Programs like the Works Progress Administration,
allowed hungry people to get fed, have shelter and gave people hope amidst the despair. The
Civilian Conservation Corps also had the additional advantage of its great benefit to the
Environment; and
     WHEREAS, The State of Rhode Island had more than 15,900 enrollees in the CCC, with
others working in various New England States such as Vermont and Maine. Civilian
Conservation workers did timber stand improvement, forest insect control, developed recreation
facilities, and planted approximately 1 million trees. These CCC workers also helped towns deal
with natural disasters such as the 1938 Hurricane; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
commemorates the 90th Anniversary of the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps and
furthermore honors the memory of the Civilian Conservation Corps workers who worked
tirelessly to better Rhode Island’s State parks and forests; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Mr. Martin Podskoch, Board member of CCC