R 189
2023 -- S 0831
Enacted 03/23/2023

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators Miller, F. Lombardi, Ciccone, DiMario, Gu, Murray, Lauria, Raptakis, and Britto

Date Introduced: March 23, 2023

     WHEREAS, Turner Syndrome is a rare, noninheritable chromosomal condition that
affects approximately 300 women in Rhode Island, with 1 in 2,000 female-affected births
occurring world-wide and over 1,000 baby girls born annually with the Syndrome; and
     WHEREAS, Individuals with Turner Syndrome often have nonverbal learning
disabilities, early ovarian failure, hearing problems, and are short in stature, which can result in
reduced functional skills and job retention; and
     WHEREAS, In addition, the risk for acute aortic dissection is increased by more than a
hundredfold in young and middle-aged women with Turner Syndrome, but with early diagnosis,
support services and the help of medical specialists, females with Turner Syndrome can live a
long and healthy life; and
     WHEREAS, Growth hormones, estrogen supplements, occupational therapy, and early
monitoring of medical issues involving the heart, kidneys and thyroid, diabetes, hearing loss and
more, produces positive outcomes and essential quality of life benefits; and
     WHEREAS, The signs of Turner Syndrome should be detected during a girl's first few
years of life for the best possible outcomes however, currently, the average age for diagnosis of
Turner Syndrome is between 7 and 17; and
     WHEREAS, Greater awareness for this condition and its many complications will allow
health care providers to diagnose this condition much earlier and will allow for more research in
order to better treat the health issues affecting women with Turner Syndrome; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island hereby commemorates
“Turner Syndrome Awareness Month” and urges the State’s citizens and medical professionals to
share experience and information to raise public awareness about Turner Syndrome; and be it
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to Utpala Bandy, MD, MPH, Interim Director at
the Rhode Island Department of Health, the Turner Syndrome Foundation, and Ms. Nicole Topp.