R 175
2023 -- H 6158
Enacted 03/16/2023

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Kennedy, Craven, McNamara, Casey, Edwards, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, McEntee, O'Brien, and Chippendale

Date Introduced: March 16, 2023

     WHEREAS, On March 17th, during the annual celebration of the Feast of Saint Patrick,
the Patron Saint of Ireland, Irish Americans join with people of all ethnic origins who, for one
day, are considered honorary citizens of Ireland as they celebrate Saint Patrick and a love of all
things Irish; and
     WHEREAS, Wielding the devotion of his faith like a great sword of righteousness, and
using the strength of his intellect and the power of his passions, Saint Patrick assimilated the
ancient pagan Irish myths into a Christian message, and in so doing, converted all of Ireland to
Christianity during his lifetime; and
      WHEREAS, Irish immigrants to Rhode Island helped to form the cultural foundation of
our State, and Rhode Islanders of Irish lineage today proudly sing of their roots in Ballinamore
and Ballinasloe, in Ennistymon and Enniscorthy, in Cahirciveen and Castlebarr, and in
Skibbereen and Skerries; and
     WHEREAS, The songs of Ireland are the tragic songs of love and the joyous songs of
battle: the nostalgic reveries of the sorrows and the glories that are the Emerald Isle; and the
lamentations of life's myriad travails and the odes to joy and the life eternal; and
     WHEREAS, The year 2023 marks the 25th Anniversary of The Good Friday Agreement
that largely ended the "Troubles,” three decades of violence that had racked Northern Ireland
since the late 1960s. It was signed on April 10, 1998, which fell that year on Good Friday in the
Christian Easter holiday; and
     WHEREAS, There are people alive in the Republic of Ireland today because of the
continuous bipartisan encouragement of the major political parties in the United States. The Good
Friday Agreement has had the support for 25 years of State Legislators from the fifty states,
successive United States Presidents, the United States Senate, United States House of
Representatives, and elected officials working in partnership with the Government of Ireland and
the Government of the United Kingdom; and
     WHEREAS, We honor the Good Friday Agreement also known as the Belfast Agreement
in 2023, the 25th anniversary of its ratification, as the framework for lasting peace in Northern
Ireland. The Agreement demonstrated a democratic and peaceful means of resolving differences
that recognize the British and Irish Governments ongoing support and implementation of the
Good Friday Agreement that has become the irrevocable foundation of the peace process; and
     WHEREAS, The year 2023 also marks the 175th anniversary of the first flying of the tri-
color Irish flag in County Waterford by Thomas Francis Meagher with the green representing
Irish nationalism; the orange, Ireland’s Protestant minority, and the Orange Order; and the white,
for lasting peace between the two. Meagher embodied the links between Ireland and the United
States of America first as a member of the Young Irelander Rebellion and later becoming a
Brigadier General in the 69th Regiment of the famous ‘Fighting Irish Brigade’ in America, where
he fought in some of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War including Fredericksburg
and Antietam; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
commemorates the celebration of the Feast of Saint Patrick, the national Apostle of Ireland and
celebrates the flag of Ireland as a symbol of the link between the United States and Ireland in its
representation of peace; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the United States Senators and Members of the
House of Representatives from Rhode Island to enlighten them concerning the bipartisan
resolution in Congress regarding Ireland, the Good Friday Peace Agreement, and the Irish Peace
Process; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the Chair of the American Irish State
Legislators Caucus, the Honorable Senator Mark Daly the 24th Chair of the Senate of Ireland,
and to the National co-chairs of the American Irish State Legislators Caucus, including
Assemblywoman Carol Murphy, New Jersey; Assemblyman Robin Vos, Wisconsin; Senator
Shannon O’Brien, Montana; Representative Brian Patrick Kennedy, Rhode Island; Assemblyman
James Gallagher, California; Representative Fran Hurley, Illinois; and Representative Killian
Timoney, Kentucky.