R 400 |
2022 -- H 7268 SUBSTITUTE A Enacted 06/22/2022 |
H O U S E R E S O L U T I O N |
Introduced By: Representatives Kennedy, Abney, Vella-Wilkinson, Azzinaro, and Diaz |
Date Introduced: February 02, 2022 |
WHEREAS, The health and safety of the public are affected by the degree of compliance |
with and the effectiveness of enforcement activities related to state nurse licensure laws; and |
WHEREAS, Uniformity of nurse licensure requirements throughout the states promotes |
public safety and public health benefits; now, therefore be it |
RESOLVED, That a special legislative commission be and the same is hereby created |
consisting of thirteen (13) members: three (3) of whom shall be members of the House of |
Representatives, not more than two (2) from the same political party, to be appointed by the |
Speaker of the House; one of whom shall be a registered nurse employed in a Rhode Island |
healthcare facility that provides care to patients, to be appointed by the Speaker; one of whom |
shall be the Director of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education, RIDOH, or designee; one of |
whom shall be the Dean of the Rhode Island College School of Nursing, or designee; one of |
whom shall be the Chief Nursing Officer for Care New England, or designee; one of whom shall |
be the Chief Nursing Officer at Rhode Island Hospital, or designee; one of whom shall be the |
Executive Vice President of SEIU, or designee; one of whom shall be the President of the United |
Nurses and Allied Professionals (UNAP/RI), or designee; one of whom shall be the Executive |
Director of the Rhode Island State Nurses Association, or designee; one of whom shall be the |
President of the Organization of Nurse Leaders (ONL), or designee; and one of whom shall be the |
President and CEO of the Rhode Island Health Care Association, or designee. |
In lieu of any appointment of a member of the legislature to a legislative study |
commission, created by a General Assembly resolution, the appointing authority may appoint a |
member of the general public to serve in lieu of a legislator; provided that, the majority leader or |
the minority leader of the political party which is entitled to the appointment consents to the |
member of the general public. |
The purpose of said commission shall include review of statewide data including but not |
limited to nursing job vacancies, enrollment in state nursing school programs, nurse retirements, |
and length of time when hiring registered nurses, and in addition, be to make a comprehensive |
study and provide recommendations for uniform multi-state nursing license requirements that |
would allow nurses to hold a multi-state license that enables them to practice across state lines |
without having to obtain multiple licenses, including, but not limited to, oversight, dispute |
resolution, and enforcement. |
Upon passage of this resolution, the members of the commission shall meet on or after |
October 25, 2022, and organize and shall select, from among the legislators, a Chairperson. |
Vacancies in said commission shall be filled in like manner as the original appointment. |
The membership of said commission shall receive no compensation for their services. |
All departments and agencies of the state shall furnish such advice and information, |
documentary and otherwise, to said commission and its agents as is deemed necessary or |
desirable by the commission to facilitate the purposes of this resolution. |
The Speaker of the House is hereby authorized and directed to provide suitable quarters |
for said commission; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That the commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the |
House of Representatives no later than April 13, 2023, and said commission shall expire on June |
29, 2023. |
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