R 006 |
2022 -- H 7038 Enacted 01/11/2022 |
H O U S E R E S O L U T I O N |
Introduced By: Representatives Morales, Giraldo, Hull, Henries, Alzate, Biah, Blazejewski, Batista, Filippi, and Felix |
Date Introduced: January 11, 2022 |
WHEREAS, On January 1, 1804, Haiti declared its independence from France to become |
the world’s first black republic and the second democracy in the world after the United States; |
and |
WHEREAS, The Haitian Declaration of Independence was proclaimed by Jean-Jacques |
Dessalines, culminating with the end of the thirteen year Haitian Revolution and resulting in Haiti |
becoming the first independent nation in Latin America; and |
WHEREAS, The Haitian Declaration of Independence was the first successful revolution |
of enslaved people in world history; and |
WHEREAS, Prior to this historic event, Freemen from the French colony of Saint |
Domingue, now the Republic of Haiti, had fought alongside the United States Continental Army; |
and |
WHEREAS, Major Joseph Savary, a Haitian, was the first black Major in the United |
States Army and led the Second Battalion of Freeman of Color at the Battle of New Orleans; and |
WHEREAS, Frederick Douglass, the foremost spokesman on human rights and the anti- |
slavery movement in the United States, was named the first United States Minister and Consul- |
General to Haiti in 1889; and |
WHEREAS, Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, a Haitian, built the first permanent settlement |
of what would later become the City of Chicago; and |
WHEREAS, The culture of Haiti is an amalgamation of African, Taino, the indigenous |
people of the Caribbean, and European elements, primarily French, that has produced world- |
famous art, cuisine, music and dance; and |
WHEREAS, Many people from Haiti and their descendants have contributed greatly to |
the arts and sciences in the United States, such as W.E.B. DuBois, the Haitian-American author |
and political activist, who was one of the most prestigious and prominent intellectual leaders of |
African-American society and all of the United States in the 20th century; and |
WHEREAS, An estimated 1.2 million people of Haitian descent currently live in the |
United States. The close proximity to American shores, in conjunction with our common bond of |
mutual values and commitment to democracy and equality, ensures lasting comity and continued |
trade and diplomatic relations; and |
WHEREAS, An estimated eight thousand people of Haitian decent came to live in Rhode |
Island; and |
WHEREAS, Councilperson Aniece Germain of Cranston, has become the first person of |
Haitian descent to be elected to a public office in Rhode Island; now, therefore be it |
RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby |
joyously celebrates the 218th Anniversary of Haitian Independence; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to |
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to His Excellency, Bocchit Edmond, Ambassador |
of the Republic of Haiti in the United States, and to the Honorable Councilperson Aniece |
Germain of Cranston. |
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LC003752 |
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