R 205
2021 -- H 6259
Enacted 04/27/2021

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Diaz, Shekarchi, Blazejewski, Ruggiero, Shallcross
Date Introduced: April 27, 2021

     WHEREAS, On April 28th, 2021, a panoply of citizens representing myriad organizations
and institutions from across our State gathered electronically through a virtual event to celebrate
the 9th annual Child Care Awareness Day; and
     WHEREAS, This event was held to discuss the challenges and advocate for resources to
meet the needs of Rhode Island’s children and their families and to highlight the work of various
organizations and programs in our State that work every day to improve the lives of children,
youth, and families by providing high-quality care and education; and
     WHEREAS, The world’s current health care crisis has brought to the forefront our State
workforce’s urgent and critical need and reliance upon safe and continuous child care; and
     WHEREAS, Research on the human brain reveals that an overwhelming amount of a
person's lifetime brain development occurs during early childhood, before the age of three; and
     WHEREAS, To be prepared for success, our children must receive high-quality child
care from caregivers who have the appropriate skills, education, and training; and
     WHEREAS, A child care teacher's day is spent interacting with children and caring for
their needs, because it is through play, interaction, and socializing that children learn the
fundamentals about others, as well as the world around them; and
     WHEREAS, High quality child care is sensitive, responsive, personal, and
developmentally appropriate. It provides the proper nurturing that children need at one of the
most critical and vulnerable times in their lives; and
     WHEREAS, It is of immense importance to our State’s economy and to Rhode Island's
families that their children receive the highest quality care and are challenged at an early age, so
that they may develop the necessary abilities to thrive in adulthood and someday lead our State
into an even brighter future; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
proclaims and celebrates April 28th of 2021, as "Child Care Awareness Day." We furthermore
urge the citizens of Rhode Island to recognize the tremendous skills, dedication, diligence, and
value of the laudable child care providers who protect and equip our children for future success;
and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the President of the Child Care Directors
Association, the Director of Prevent Child Abuse RI, and the Chair of the Permanent Legislative
Commission on Child Care.