R 080
2021 -- H 6062
Enacted 03/02/2021

H O U S E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Representatives Ackerman, Baginski, Casimiro, Williams, Serpa,
Date Introduced: March 02, 2021

     WHEREAS, The American Cancer Society encourages the citizens of the State of Rhode
Island to observe March, 2021, as "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month"; and
     WHEREAS, Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths among
men and women combined in Rhode Island as well as in the United States; and
     WHEREAS, According to the American Cancer Society, in 2021 there will be an
estimated 149,500 new cases of colon and rectal cancer in the United States and 52,980 deaths
from colorectal cancer. In Rhode Island, there were 470 new cases of colorectal cancer in 2018,
and 160 deaths from colorectal cancer; and
     WHEREAS, When colorectal cancer is found early, it has a survival rate of 80-95
percent, but left undetected, survival rates for colorectal cancer can plummet to 10 percent; and
     WHEREAS, There are often no symptoms of colorectal cancer, but regular screenings
can significantly reduce the number of deaths from this disease by detecting cancerous or pre-
cancerous conditions early, when treatment is most effective; and
     WHEREAS, Education can help inform the public of methods of early detection and
prevention. Colorectal cancer is largely preventable with screening tests that find and remove pre-
cancerous polyps; and
     WHEREAS, Working with the legislature, the American Cancer Society remains
committed and dedicated to informing the public about colorectal cancer prevention and
screening; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island hereby
proclaims the month of March as "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month" in Rhode Island; and be
it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the American Cancer Society, and Dr. Samir
Shah, President-Elect, American College of Gastroenterology.