R 161 |
2019 -- H 5898 Enacted 03/26/2019 |
H O U S E R E S O L U T I O N |
Introduced By: Representatives McNamara, Casimiro, Edwards, Jackson, and Shekarchi |
Date Introduced: March 26, 2019 |
WHEREAS, ON March 25, 1821, the Feast Day of the Annunciation, the Greek nation |
reclaimed its ancient heritage as the "Cradle of Democracy" by overthrowing the yoke of |
oppression which had enslaved its people since the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Conquered by |
the Ottoman Turks in the 15th century, Greece waged a successful war of Independence (1821- |
1829) and re-instituted a democratic form of government; and |
WHEREAS, The people of the United States generously offered humanitarian assistance |
to the Greek people during their struggle for independence; and |
WHEREAS, The price for Greece in holding onto our common values in their region was |
high, as hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed in Greece during World War II; and |
WHEREAS, Greece is one of only three nations in the world, beyond the former British |
Empire, that has been allied with the United States in every major international conflict over the |
last 100 years; and |
WHEREAS, Greece, located in a region where Christianity meets Islam and Judaism, |
maintains excellent relations with Muslim nations and Israel, and demonstrates religious |
tolerance; and |
WHEREAS, The Ancient Macedonians were Hellenes and the northern Province of |
Greece, Macedonia, are their Hellenic descendants; and |
WHEREAS, Greece and the United States are at the forefront of the effort for freedom, |
democracy, peace, stability, and human rights; and |
WHEREAS, Over the past year, the United States has significantly increased its |
engagement with Greece in the maritime sector. In partnership with the Greek shipping fleet, the |
United States is helping Greece and all of Southeast Europe ensure energy independence; and |
WHEREAS, March 25, 2019, Greek Independence Day, marks the 198th Anniversary of |
the beginning of the revolution that freed the Greek people from the Ottoman Empire and |
celebrates the aspirations for democracy and tolerance that the people of Greece and the United |
States share; and |
WHEREAS, The role of United States innovation and technology in Greece's shipping |
sector where ONEX also announced its additional plans for other operations here in Greece were |
highlighted at the 2018 Thessaloniki International Fair; and |
WHEREAS, In December of 2018, at the United States-Greece Strategic Dialogue, it was |
clear that both nations, along with their EU partners, are united in their belief that Greece is a |
pillar of stability in a region that stretches from the Black sea to the Mediterranean and on to the |
Persian Gulf that is vital to United States Interests; and |
WHEREAS, In September of 2018, the United States participation as the host nation in |
the Greek City of Thessaloniki in the 83rd Thessaloniki International Trade Fair, under the |
auspices of United States Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt, highlighted a landmark event in Greek- |
United States relations and an economic partnership between the two nations; and |
WHEREAS, The United States Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, stressed during the |
energy conference organized by the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce (AmCham), that |
the presence of major American companies at the TIF is a sign of trust in the future of Greece's |
economy and of America's desire to be a part of it; and |
WHEREAS, It is proper and desirable for the United States to celebrate this Anniversary |
with the Greek people and to reaffirm the democratic principles from which these two great |
nations were born; now, therefore be it |
RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives of the State of Rhode Island and |
Providence Plantations hereby celebrates March 25, 2019, as the 198th Anniversary of Greek |
Independence, reaffirms Rhode island's abiding commitment to the magnificent principles of |
democracy and religious freedom, and urges Turkey to respects the rights and religious freedoms |
of the Ecumenical Patriarchate; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That this House of Representatives commends Greece as it assumes an |
increasing leadership role in resolving long-standing diplomatic issues in its neighborhood, and |
we affirm our common vision to integrate the countries of the region firmly in European and |
Euro-Atlantic institutions; and |
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to |
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of |
Cranston, the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church of Pawtucket, the St. Spyridon Greek |
Orthodox Church of Newport, the member of the Rhode Island Congressional Delegation, the |
Honorable Stratos Efthymiou, Consul General of the Hellenic Republic in Boston, and |
Archbishop Demtrios of the Greek Archdiocese of America. |
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