R 157 |
2018 -- S 2360 Enacted 04/04/2018 |
S E N A T E R E S O L U T I O N |
Introduced By: Senators Miller, Sosnowski, Felag, Conley, and Goodwin |
Date Introduced: February 15, 2018 |
WHEREAS, On January 4th, 2018, the Trump administration announced that it would |
allow offshore oil drilling in most United States coastal waters, an announcement vigorously |
opposed by all environmental groups and numerous governors and members of Congress, |
including a number of elected Republican officials; and |
WHEREAS, President Trump's decision lifts the ban on offshore oil drilling that was |
imposed by President Barack Obama. It opens up approximately one billion acres of territory to |
oil drilling and exploration and would implement 47 drilling leases, the largest number of such |
leases offered in the history of the United States. In addition, the Trump administration has |
weakened offshore oil exploration and safety regulations, particularly safety equipment |
regulations, all of which poses a severe threat to the environmental well-being of our nation and |
the safety of countless people; and |
WHEREAS, President Trump's decision also poses a significant threat to our nation's, |
and Rhode Island's, thriving tourism and fisheries industries. A 2014 industry report conducted by |
IHS Consulting reported that in 2013 alone, the total impact of travel and tourism in Rhode Island |
was $2.8 billion dollars, representing 5.3 percent of the state's Gross Product and accounting for |
approximately 45,000 jobs - nearly ten percent of the state's total employment. Overall, tourism is |
the fourth largest economic sector in Rhode Island. Also, in a report prepared by the Cornell |
Cooperative Extension Marine Program, the fisheries industry in Rhode Island for 2010 |
employed 4,968 individuals; and |
WHEREAS, Nationally, tourism represented a $10.9 billion industry in the United States |
as of 2013, and the commercial fishing and seafood industry accounted for $153 billion in sales |
for the year 2014. The Governors of Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, North |
Carolina, California, Oregon, Washington and the Republican Governors of Maryland and South |
Carolina are opposing President Trump's plan to open up approximately one billion acres of |
territory to offshore drilling and oil exploration. The threat to the economies of our coastal states |
and to the safety of those who work in the fisheries industry are too grave to allow these plans to |
proceed. It is time for everyone, including all Rhode Islanders, to lend their voices in opposition |
to the President's offshore drilling policies and in support of our country's vital natural resources |
and for those whose livelihoods depend upon the vigorous protection of our coastal waters; now, |
therefore be it |
RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations |
hereby expresses opposition to President Trump's decision to allow offshore drilling in most of |
America's coastal waters; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to |
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to President Donald J. Trump, Governor Gina M. |
Raimondo and the Rhode Island Congressional delegation. |
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