R 157
2018 -- S 2360
Enacted 04/04/2018

S E N A T E   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators Miller, Sosnowski, Felag, Conley, and Goodwin
Date Introduced: February 15, 2018

     WHEREAS, On January 4th, 2018, the Trump administration announced that it would
allow offshore oil drilling in most United States coastal waters, an announcement vigorously
opposed by all environmental groups and numerous governors and members of Congress,
including a number of elected Republican officials; and
     WHEREAS, President Trump's decision lifts the ban on offshore oil drilling that was
imposed by President Barack Obama. It opens up approximately one billion acres of territory to
oil drilling and exploration and would implement 47 drilling leases, the largest number of such
leases offered in the history of the United States. In addition, the Trump administration has
weakened offshore oil exploration and safety regulations, particularly safety equipment
regulations, all of which poses a severe threat to the environmental well-being of our nation and
the safety of countless people; and
     WHEREAS, President Trump's decision also poses a significant threat to our nation's,
and Rhode Island's, thriving tourism and fisheries industries. A 2014 industry report conducted by
IHS Consulting reported that in 2013 alone, the total impact of travel and tourism in Rhode Island
was $2.8 billion dollars, representing 5.3 percent of the state's Gross Product and accounting for
approximately 45,000 jobs - nearly ten percent of the state's total employment. Overall, tourism is
the fourth largest economic sector in Rhode Island. Also, in a report prepared by the Cornell
Cooperative Extension Marine Program, the fisheries industry in Rhode Island for 2010
employed 4,968 individuals; and
     WHEREAS, Nationally, tourism represented a $10.9 billion industry in the United States
as of 2013, and the commercial fishing and seafood industry accounted for $153 billion in sales
for the year 2014. The Governors of Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, North
Carolina, California, Oregon, Washington and the Republican Governors of Maryland and South
Carolina are opposing President Trump's plan to open up approximately one billion acres of
territory to offshore drilling and oil exploration. The threat to the economies of our coastal states
and to the safety of those who work in the fisheries industry are too grave to allow these plans to
proceed. It is time for everyone, including all Rhode Islanders, to lend their voices in opposition
to the President's offshore drilling policies and in support of our country's vital natural resources
and for those whose livelihoods depend upon the vigorous protection of our coastal waters; now,
therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
hereby expresses opposition to President Trump's decision to allow offshore drilling in most of
America's coastal waters; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to President Donald J. Trump, Governor Gina M.
Raimondo and the Rhode Island Congressional delegation.