R 312
2017 -- S 0915
Enacted 06/10/2017

J O I N T   R E S O L U T I O N

Introduced By: Senators DiPalma, Ruggerio, Algiere, Lombardi, and Metts
Date Introduced: May 25, 2017

     WHEREAS, Two hundred and twenty-seven years ago, on May 29, 1790, in the City of
Newport, the Rhode Island Constitutional Convention was convened for the purpose of resolving
the adoption of the proposed Constitution that would create the original union and birth of the
United States of America; and
     WHEREAS, Fourteen years and twenty-five days had passed since the revolutionary
English Colony of Rhode Island had declared itself separate and free from any allegiance to Great
Britain on May 4th of 1776; and, two years, eight months, and twelve days had elapsed since the
Philadelphia Constitutional Convention had adopted the proposed Constitution for the United
States of America on September 17th of 1787; and
     WHEREAS, On a vote of thirty-four to thirty-two, Rhode Island's Constitutional
Delegation adopted the proposed Constitution of the United States of America; and, thus, became
the thirteenth and last of the original states ratifying the Constitution and completing the national
Union; and
     WHEREAS, When the deciding vote was cast, the great bell of the Second Baptist
Church on Farewell Street rang joyously, precipitating an exuberant carillon of all Newport's
church bells; and, the dancing in the streets of the City of Providence combined with great
celebrations across the countryside, heralding the newborn sovereign State of Rhode Island and
Providence Plantations, the Hope State, and marking the "Birth of Our Nation"; and
     WHEREAS, By Rhode Island's revolutionary legislative action, the United States of
America had been formally born in Liberty and Justice; and, the Hope of the Nation's Founding
Fathers had been realized: E pluribus unum - One from many: Our Nation's motto. HOPE: Rhode
Island's motto. Rhode Island: Our Nation's Birthplace; now, therefore be it
     RESOLVED, That this General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence
Plantations hereby commemorates the 227th Anniversary Celebration Of "Hope Day: Birth Of
Our Nation"; and be it further
     RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the Honorable Governor Gina Raimondo, the
Honorable Governors of the other twelve Original States, the Mayors or Administrators of Rhode
Island's thirty-nine Cities and Towns, and George Brian Sullivan, Ph.D., Executive Director,
Newportant Foundation.