R 254 |
2017 -- S 0908 Enacted 05/17/2017 |
S E N A T E R E S O L U T I O N |
Introduced By: Senators Sosnowski, Ruggerio, Algiere, Lombardi, and Archambault |
Date Introduced: May 17, 2017 |
WHEREAS, The basis of the American economy at its founding, and for many years |
thereafter, was rooted in an agrarian society, an important legacy for Americans to remember; and |
WHEREAS, Agriculture as an industry has actively pursued new methods and |
technologies which not only increase productivity, but also conserve natural resources. |
Agriculture contributes to environmentally friendly efforts by producing crops suitable for |
making biodegradable plastics, by recycling chemical containers, feed bags and food by-products; |
and |
WHEREAS, The first Agriculture Day was celebrated in 2001, making this year the 16th |
annual Agriculture Day in Rhode Island; and |
WHEREAS, Rhode Island is home to 1,243 farms, an increase of 44 percent since 2002, |
and nearly 70,000 acres in our state are currently devoted to farmland. However, according to the |
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM), the state has lost 80 percent of |
its farmland since 1940, more than anywhere else in the nation over the same period of time; and |
WHEREAS, The top agricultural commodities in the state are greenhouse and nursery |
products, dairy products, sweet corn, aquaculture (seafood), and apples; and |
WHEREAS, According to the federal Census of Agriculture, Rhode Island has the |
highest percentage of beginning farmers in the nation. Beginning farmers are estimated to make |
up over 31 percent of all principal farm operators in our state, compared to 25 percent in 2007; |
and |
WHEREAS, In 2002, the average farm size was 56 acres and the median farm size was |
24 acres. Today, the number of farms with less than 9 acres has increased and accounts for 35 |
percent of all farms, while the number of farms with between 10 and 49 acres and between 50 and |
179 acres has decreased, and the number of farms with 180 acres or more has increased; and |
WHEREAS, Agriculture is a way of life for many Americans and Rhode Islanders. |
Currently, women principal farm operators account for 25 percent of the principal farm operators, |
up from 24 percent in 2007, and the average age of the principal operator of a Rhode Island farm |
was 56.3 years in 2007, and 56.7 years in 2002; and |
WHEREAS, Rhode Island ranks 3rd with 30.2 percent in a study of Direct Market Sales |
for farms in New England States, and 2nd with 10.5 percent in a ranking of Direct Market Sales as |
a percent of farm sales; and |
WHEREAS, Agriculture Day and National Agriculture Week provides an opportunity to |
highlight the role agriculture plays in supplying safe, abundant and affordable produce and |
products; now, therefore be it |
RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations |
hereby celebrates Agriculture Day and National Agriculture Week in our State. We moreover |
thank the women and men of agriculture who dedicate themselves to providing for all Americans |
the most affordable food and fiber supply in the world; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to |
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to Janet Coit, Director Rhode Island Department |
of Environmental Management. |
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LC002724 |
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