R 206 |
2015 -- S 0279 SUBSTITUTE A Enacted 04/14/2015 |
S E N A T E R E S O L U T I O N |
Introduced By: Senators Goldin, Miller, and Raptakis |
Date Introduced: February 11, 2015 |
WHEREAS, Anti-Semitic acts committed and recorded in 2014 around the world, |
including countries in the Middle East, Latin America, Europe, and North America, include |
incidents of murder at Jewish sites, violent attacks and death threats against Jews, as well as gun |
violence, arson, graffiti, anti-Semitic cartoons, and other property desecration at Jewish |
cemeteries, places of worship, and communal activity; and |
WHEREAS, A survey by the Anti-Defamation League of attitudes towards Jews in more |
than 100 countries around the world, released in May 2014 found that over a quarter of the people |
surveyed (26 percent), and nearly three quarters of those surveyed in the Middle East (74 percent) |
hold anti-Semitic views, a stunning indicator of the stubborn resilience of anti-Semitic beliefs, |
even in countries where few Jews reside; and |
WHEREAS, The Anti-Defamation League survey also found that a majority of people |
surveyed overall have either not heard of the Holocaust or do not believe it happened as has been |
documented by factual accounts and recorded by history; and |
WHEREAS, President Barack Obama said in his remarks at the USC Shoah Foundation |
Dinner on May 7, 2014, ". . . if the memories of the Shoah survivors teach us anything, it is that |
silence is evil's greatest co-conspirator. And it's up to us--each of us, every one of us--to |
forcefully condemn any denial of the Holocaust. It's up to us to combat not only anti-Semitism, |
but racism and bigotry and intolerance in all their forms, here and around the world. It's up to us |
to speak out against rhetoric that threatens the existence of a Jewish homeland and to sustain |
America's unshakeable commitment to Israel's security''; and |
WHEREAS, In 2004, Congress passed the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act, which |
established an Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, headed by a Special Envoy to |
Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism; and |
WHEREAS, The United States Government has consistently supported efforts to address |
the rise in anti-Semitism through its bilateral relationships and through engagement in |
international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), the Organization for Security and |
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Organization of American States (OAS); and |
WHEREAS, In recent decades there has been a clear and troubling pattern of increased |
violence against Jewish persons and their property, purportedly in connection with increased |
opposition to policies enacted by the Government of Israel; and |
WHEREAS, During Israel's 2014 Operation Protective Edge aiming to stem the rocket |
fire and terrorist infiltrations by Hamas, Jews and Jewish institutions and property were attacked |
in Europe and elsewhere, including attempts to invade a synagogue in Paris, fire-bombings of |
synagogues in France and Germany, assaults on Jewish individuals, and swastikas spray-painted |
in a heavily Jewish area of London and also in Rome's historic Jewish quarter; and |
WHEREAS, Anti-Semitic imagery and comparisons of Jews and Israel to Nazis have |
been on display at demonstrations against Israel's actions in Gaza throughout the United States, |
Europe, the Middle East and Latin America, including, placards comparing Israeli leaders to |
Nazis, accusing Israel of carrying out a "holocaust'' against Palestinians, equating the Jewish Star |
of David with the Nazi swastika, and demonstrations that have included chants of "Death to |
Jews'', "Death to Israel'', or expressions of support for suicide terrorism against Israeli or Jewish |
civilians; and |
WHEREAS, The Governments in France, Germany, and Italy, the three countries where |
the majority of incidents have occurred, have strongly condemned anti-Semitism as unacceptable |
in European society and have all made clear statements that such attacks on their Jewish |
communities are intolerable, and they have matched those words with strong law enforcement; |
and |
WHEREAS, Some civil society leaders have set strong examples, including the |
condemnation by the Union of Mosques of France, on behalf of their 500 mosques, called the |
attacks "morally unjust and unacceptable'', and stated, "nothing can justify any act that could |
harm our Jewish compatriots, their institutions, or their places of worship''; and |
WHEREAS, The largest newspaper in circulation in Germany, Bild, featured statements |
against anti-Semitism from politicians, business leaders, civic leaders, media personalities and |
celebrities with "Never Again Jew Hatred'' on the front page; and |
WHEREAS, Lawmakers at all levels have played an essential role in illustrating and |
counteracting the resurgence of anti-Semitism worldwide; now, therefore be it |
RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations |
hereby unequivocally condemns all forms of anti-Semitism and rejects attempts to justify anti- |
Jewish hatred or violent attacks as an acceptable expression of disapproval or frustration over |
political events in the Middle East or elsewhere; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That this Senate hereby decries and condemns the comparison of Israel to |
Nazis as an insult to the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust and an affront to those |
who survived and their children and grandchildren, the righteous gentiles who saved Jewish lives |
at peril to their own lives and to those who bravely fought to defeat the Nazis; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That this Senate hereby applauds those foreign leaders who have |
condemned anti-Semitic acts and calls on those who have yet to take firm action against anti- |
Semitism in their countries, to do so; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That this Senate hereby affirms its support for the mandate of the United |
States Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism as part of the broader policy priority |
of fostering international religious freedom; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That this Senate hereby supports expanded Holocaust educational |
programs that increase awareness, counter prejudice, and enhance efforts to teach the universal |
lessons of the Holocaust; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That this Senate hereby fully supports and respectfully urges the United |
States Secretary of State to: |
(1) Maintain combating anti-Semitism as a United States foreign policy priority; |
(2) Ensure that the instruments of United States public diplomacy, including the United |
States Representative to the Organization of Islamic Conference, are utilized to effectively |
combat anti-Semitism; |
(3) Ensure high-level United States participation in the 2014 Organization for Security |
and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) high level event marking the 10th anniversary of the 2004 |
OSCE Berlin Declaration against anti-Semitism; |
(4) Urge governments to ensure that adequate laws are in place to punish anti-Semitic |
violence against persons and property; |
(5) Continue robust United States reporting on anti-Semitism by the Department of State |
and the Special Envoy to Combat and Monitor Anti-Semitism; |
(6) Provide necessary training and instruction for personnel posted in United States |
embassies and missions to analyze and report on anti-Semitic violence against persons and |
property as well as the response of governments to those incidents; |
(7) Ensure that United States Government efforts to train law enforcement personnel and |
prosecutors abroad incorporate tools to address anti-Semitic violence against persons and |
property; and |
(8) Strongly support the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's |
specialized efforts to monitor and address anti-Semitism, including through support for its law |
enforcement and civil society training programs; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is authorized and directed to |
transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to the Rhode Island Congressional Delegation, the |
Honorable John Kerry, Secretary of State of the United States, and The Jewish Alliance of |
Greater Rhode Island. |
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LC001246/SUB A |
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