R 082 |
2015 -- S 0364 Enacted 02/25/2015 |
S E N A T E R E S O L U T I O N |
Introduced By: Senators Metts, Paiva Weed, Ruggerio, Algiere, and Pichardo |
Date Introduced: February 25, 2015 |
WHEREAS, Throughout the history of America, truly significant African-American |
contributions to the economy, social growth, sciences, and arts in this great nation have all too |
often been ignored. In recognition of this plethora of major accomplishments made by men and |
women of African ancestry, the month of February is celebrated as "Black History Month" across |
the nation; and |
WHEREAS, African-Americans were first brought to America forcibly. They were |
enslaved, faced inhuman cruelty, and were subjected to injustices beyond understanding. Families |
were torn apart, lynching went unpunished, and segregation and denial of fundamental |
constitutional rights and protections went on for decades; and |
WHEREAS, Though these men and women suffered immense tragedies and social |
inequalities, they also persevered, and their triumphs and contributions to the economic, artistic, |
literary, scientific, and technological advancement of our country are significant and momentous; |
and |
WHEREAS, African-Americans have been an integral part of Rhode Island's social, |
political, and economic development from its beginning as a British colony, to its inclusion in the |
formation of the United States, to the rich diversity of today's Ocean State; and |
WHEREAS, From the initial shots fired in the struggle for American Independence, to |
the Rhode Island 1st Black Regiment's Battle of Newport, to the garrisons of the Rhode Island 14th |
Heavy Artillery Regiment (Colored) in 1863, Americans of African descent have responded to |
the call of duty; and |
WHEREAS, In recognition of the numerous positive and patriotic contributions of |
African-American Rhode Islanders in the United States military, we honor their legacy of |
bravery, honor, and sacrifice. From the earliest recordation of Black History in our state, |
including those of slaves, former slaves, and free men, African-Americans have served with pride |
to protect our vital interests and provide for our common defense; and |
WHEREAS, Structures in the City of Newport, such as the Brick Market, later used as |
the town hall and theater; the Old Colony House, which at one time served Rhode Island as its |
capitol; and the oldest library in America, the Redwood Library, stand as lasting and beautiful |
tributes to the African-Americans who lived in our state and played a major role in the |
construction of these magnificent historic structures; and |
WHEREAS, The United States and particularly the State of Rhode Island owe a debt of |
gratitude to our African-American citizens and their forefathers, whose documented |
achievements have too long gone unrecognized; and |
WHEREAS, This year's celebration of "Black History Month" holds a special place in the |
hearts and minds of all Americans. Men such as civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who sought the |
Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988, opened the doors to a new generation of |
African-American political leaders. Standing on the shoulders of trailblazers before him, |
President Barack Obama has articulated a message of change that has given hope for a truly |
united nation; now, therefore be it |
RESOLVED, That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations |
hereby proudly proclaims February as "Black History Month," and we further recognize and |
applaud the sacrifices and myriad of contributions made by African-American men and women |
throughout this great nation's history; and be it further |
RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and he hereby is authorized and directed to |
transmit a duly certified copy of this resolution to the Rhode Island Black Heritage Society. |
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