2014 -- S 2418 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 07/01/14
Introduced By: Senators Metts, Pichardo, Jabour, Crowley, and Goldin
Date Introduced: February 27, 2014
WHEREAS, Rhode Island holds a unique place in history with the establishment of its
Royal Charter in July 1663, that marked the first time that a sovereign leader signed a charter
guaranteeing that individuals within a society were free to practice the religion of their choice
without any interference from the government; and
WHEREAS, This progressive act during the early settlement of the Colony of Rhode
Island would attract from across the world all manner of religious, ethnic and racial groups to
Rhode Island shores bringing with them their expertise in maritime trade and commerce; and
WHEREAS, By the 18th century Rhode Island was one of Colonial America's leading
maritime centers; and
WHEREAS, As Rhode Island became the first American Colony to declare its
independence from Great Britain on May 4, 1776, it was also at the same time in history one of
the largest African trade and importation centers; and
WHEREAS, The earliest history and people of Rhode Island has included persons of
African heritage who, even though they arrived as chattel property, would soon rise up to
establish many of America's earliest African American civic, religious, cultural and educational
enterprises; and
WHEREAS, The history of the African slave trade, the early arrival of persons of African
heritage to the state, and the triumphs of African-Americans and their significant contributions to
the development of this state and country is the proper concern of all people, particularly students
enrolled in the schools of the State of Rhode Island; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That a special legislative commission, to be known as "The 1696 Historical
Commission," so named in honor of the first documented group of enslaved Africans to arrive in
Rhode Island at Newport in 1696 on the brig Seaflower, be and the same is hereby created
consisting of fifteen (15) members: one of whom shall be the Secretary of State, or designee; one
of whom shall be the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, or designee; one of
whom shall be the Executive Director of the Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage
Commission, or designee; and twelve (12) of whom shall be public members, four (4) of whom
shall be appointed by the President of the Senate, four (4) of whom shall be appointed by the
Speaker of the House, and four (4) of whom shall be appointed by the Governor.
The public members shall be residents of this state, chosen with due regard to broad
geographic representation and ethnic diversity, who have an interest in the history of Rhode
Island, the African slave trade and slavery in Rhode Island and America and the contributions of
African-Americans to our society. Vacancies in said commission shall be filled in the same
manner as the original appointment.
The purpose of said commission shall be to develop a comprehensive African American
history curriculum for all K-12 public schools in Rhode Island. Said curriculum should include,
but not be limited to, the history of persons of African heritage, including the history of African
peoples before the political conflicts that led to the development of slavery, the passage to
America and Rhode Island, the enslavement experience in America and Rhode Island, abolition,
and the contributions of Africans to America and Rhode Island.
The commission shall develop, in consultation with the Department of Education,
curriculum guidelines for the teaching of information on the African slave trade, slavery in
America and Rhode Island, the vestiges of slavery in this country and state, and the contributions
of African-Americans to our country and state.
The commission shall make recommendations on facilitating the inclusion of the history
of persons of African heritage, including the history of African peoples before the political
conflicts that led to the development of slavery, the passage to America and Rhode Island, the
enslavement experience in Rhode Island and America, abolition, and the contributions of African
Americans to Rhode Island and America and any related special programs in the educational
system of the state, with the goal of funding and implementing such curriculum for the start of the
September, 2016 K-12 public school year.
Every local board of education is requested to incorporate the information developed by
the commission in an appropriate place in the curriculum of elementary and secondary school
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students in the state; and
On facilitating the inclusion of the history of persons of African heritage, including the
history of African peoples before the political conflicts that led to the development of slavery, the
passage to America and Rhode Island, the enslavement experience in Rhode Island and America,
abolition, and the contributions of African-Americans to Rhode Island and America and any
related special programs in the educational system of the state, with the goal of funding and
implementing such curriculum for the start of the September, 2016 K-12 public school year.
The Secretary of State, or designee, shall serve as the chair and the Commissioner of
Education, or designee, shall serve as the vice-chair of the commission. The presence of a
majority of the authorized membership of the commission shall be required for the conduct of
official business.
The membership of said commission shall receive no compensation for their services.
The Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission and Rhode Island
Department of Education shall provide staff support for the Commission.
All departments and agencies of the state shall furnish such advice and information,
documentary and otherwise, to said commission and its agents as is deemed necessary or
desirable by the commission to facilitate the purposes of this resolution.
The commission is authorized to prepare all reports by January 1, 2015 for the Governor
and the Legislature regarding its findings and recommendations on facilitating the inclusion of
the history of persons of African heritage, including the history of African peoples before the
political conflicts that led to the development of slavery, the passage to America and Rhode
Island, the enslavement experience in Rhode Island and America, abolition, and the contributions
of African-Americans to Rhode Island and America and any related special programs in the
educational system of the State, with the goal of funding and implementing such curriculum for
the start of the September, 2016 K-12 public school year.
The Joint Committee on Legislative Services is hereby authorized and directed to provide
suitable quarters for said commission; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the
General Assembly and the Governor no later than January 6, 2015, and said commission shall
expire on February 15, 2015.
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