2014 -- S 3060
Enacted 07/01/14
Introduced By: Senator Dennis L.Algiere
Date Introduced: June 03, 2014
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. That act entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Westerly Cemetery Company"
enacted at the October Session 1849, as amended at the sessions of January 1853, January 1882,
January 1908 and January 1996, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
Section 1. Vincent Carr, Lyndon Taylor, George D. Cross, William C. Pendleton, Rowse
Babcock, Horatio N. Campbell, and such others as are or may be associated with them, and their
successors, shall be a body politic and corporate by law, under the name of the River Bend
Cemetery Company and by that name shall be able and capable in law to have and use a common
seal, and to do all other things that are incident to corporations.
Section 2. The estate, property and affairs of said corporation shall be
managed by five
a majority of whom shall be a quorum capable of doing business. The trustees
shall be
to five year terms, it being the intention to elect only one trustee at every
annual meeting.
the next annual meeting, five trustees shall be voted in, one for a one year
term, one
a two year term, one for a three year term, one for a four year term and one
for a five year
The election shall be by ballot, and every proprietor of a lot, or if there be
more than one
of any such lot, then such one as a majority of the proprietors of such
original lot, for
time being, shall designate to represent such lot, shall have either in person
or by proxy, one
for each such lot, and the person being a lot proprietor, having a majority of
all the votes
at such election, shall be declared a duly elected trustee for each of the five
different terms.
every annual meeting subsequent to the next annual meeting, one trustee shall
in for a five year term. The election shall be by ballot, and every proprietor
of a lot, or if
be more than one proprietor of any such lot, then such one as a majority of the
proprietors of
original lot, for the time being, shall designate to represent such lot, shall
have either in
or by proxy, one vote for each such lot, and the person being a lot proprietor,
having a
of all the votes given at such election, shall be declared a duly elected
trustee for a five
trustees shall in all cases be chosen from among the lot proprietors, and shall
power to fill vacancies in their number that may occur during the period from
which they hold
office; and in case of a failure in the annual meeting of the Company, the
trustees for the
being shall continue in office and shall elect others to fill vacancies until
an election shall
place by the Company.
(A) The estate, property and affairs of said corporation shall be managed by at least five
(5) trustees but no more than seven (7) trustees, all of whom must be lot proprietor(s). The term,
"lot proprietor(s)", for the purposes of this subparagraph 2.A., shall be defined as a person who
personally owns an interest in a River Bend Cemetery lot, a person who is a trustee and represents
the trust owning such an interest, a person who is the managing partner of a general or limited
partnership or a limited liability partnership owning such an interest, a person who is the
managing partner of a general or limited partnership owning such an interest and represents their
interest, or an officer representing a corporation or a limited liability company that owns such an
interest and said officer represents their interest or a person who represents some other entity (an
estate or other entity) that owns such an interest and said person represents such other entity.
(B) The number of trustees, between five (5) and seven (7) shall be determined by the
Board of Trustees at any annual meeting of the corporation. The terms of the trustees shall be for
five (5) years. In no event shall more than two (2) trustees be elected in any one calendar year.
Should a trusteeship, for whatever reason, be vacated, the board of trustees shall have the power
to elect a replacement trustee for a term ending at the next annual meeting, unless such
subsequent election exceeds the limit set herein, then the term may be extended for one more
calendar year. The rules regarding trustee terms staggering, the definition of a voter (to be based
on lot ownership), proxy voting, et cetera, shall be determined by the board of trustees in the
bylaws of the corporation.
Section 3. An annual meeting of said Company shall be held olden
at such time and place
as the by-laws shall direct, notice whereof shall be given by posting up notices in at least three
public places in the Village of Pawcatuck, Connecticut and/or the Town of Westerly, Rhode
Island, seven days at least before the time of meeting. A business quorum shall consist of not less
than five persons present, being lot owners or representatives of lots. The trustees shall make a
written report to the corporation at such annual meeting of their doings, and of their management,
condition and fiscal concerns of the Corporation.
Section 4. Special meetings of the Company on other days may be called by order of the
trustees, or upon request made in writing to the trustees by five members of the Company. At
such special meetings such business shall only be transacted as shall be specified in the order
calling the same, and in the notice given of such meeting to the members.
Section 5. The trustees of said Company, under the direction of the Company, shall have
power to purchase and hold land, not exceeding one hundred acres, to be used for the purpose of
the cemetery, and to erect and hold such buildings, structures, and personal property as shall be
requisite to the improvement and maintenance of said Cemetery, to sell the lots in said Cemetery,
to appoint and employ a treasurer, secretary, and other officers, and to make such by-laws, rules
and regulations relating to lots and to the other concerns of the Company, as they from time to
time may think necessary.
Section 6. All lots or parcels of ground when conveyed, designated and numbered as lots
said corporation shall be indivisible, by but may afterwards be
held and owned in undivided
shares, and the funds arising from all sales made by said Corporation or otherwise, or the income
of such funds, shall, at the discretion of the Company, be applied to the payment of the purchase
money of the land acquired by said Corporation, and to the preservation, improvement and
embellishment of the said Cemetery, and the incidental expenses thereof, and to no other purpose
Section 7. The rights of individual lot owners in and to lots purchased, after the passage
of this act, shall be created by deed from the Treasurer under the common seal of said Company,
and such lots, together with those now held by proprietors, shall be deemed personal estate, and
subject to the rules and regulations of said Company or their trustees. Transfers of such rights
among individuals shall be by deed, and all original deeds and deeds of transfer shall be recorded
in the Company's books. No transfer of any right shall be valid, until approved by the Company
or the board of trustees, and properly authenticated by a certificate signed by the trustees or their
authority. Any person may convey, devise or bequeath any estate, real or personal, to the
Corporation to hold the same in perpetual trust, to apply the same or the proceeds or income
thereof to the care, support, or improvement of said Cemetery, or any part thereof or any lot or
monument or structure therein; Provided, that no such trust shall be binding or obligatory upon
the Corporation, until the same has been accepted by the written assent of a majority of the
trustees for the time being and duly recorded.
Section 8. The property of said Corporation, and the lots held by the proprietors thereof,
or which may be conveyed by said Corporation to individual proprietors, shall be exempt from
assessment by the Company and public taxes, and not liable to be sold on execution or applied to
the payment of debts by assignment, or under any bankrupt or insolvent laws.
Section 9. No public way shall be made over or through any part of the cemetery estate of
said Company, without the consent of the trustees and of the individual lot owners who shall be
affected thereby.
Section 10. The first annual meeting shall take place within twenty days after the passage
of this act of incorporation, notice of which meeting shall be given by Lyndon Taylor, by posting
up notices in three or more public places in the Village of Pawcatuck in Westerly.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.