2011 -- H 6266
Enacted 07/12/11
Introduced By: Representatives Petrarca, and Winfield
Date Introduced: June 15, 2011
It is enacted by the
General Assembly as follows:
Section 1. Sections 1 and 2 of an Act passed by the General
Assembly at its January
session A.D. 1996 and approved July 4, 1996 entitled “An Act
Relating to the Greenville Water
District” is hereby amended
by adding thereto the following language adding to the District’s
Description the land and
territory which encompasses
by the following described area between such roads as
Section 1. - Description.
that part of the town of
intersection of the
parallel with and 200 feet north of the northerly highway line
with a line parallel with and 200 feet west of the
running in a southerly direction to the flow line of the
Stillwater Reservoir at the
parallel with and 200 feet of the
in a southerly direction to a point on a line parallel
with and 200 feet southerly on Mapleville
Road; thence running in a
southerly direction to a point on a line parallel with and 200 feet south
of the southerly highway line of
direction along said road to a point where a line parallel with
and 200 feet west intersects with the
easterly town line of Glocester;
thence in a southerly direction to a point on the southerly
boundary line of the town of
line of the town of
former Route 44 Drive In Theater; thence in a straight line
in a northerly direction; across Putnam
Pike to 200 feet north of
the northerly highway line of
in a northerly direction; crossing a portion of
of beginning at the
district to be called the
addition, the territory formerly served by the Oakview
Water Company including the
assets, rights and franchise of said company, is included in
and became a part of the territory of
the district for all purposes and the qualified electors
resident in said territory are qualified
electors of the district and, in addition, “Beginning at a
point on a line of the Greenville Water
District on
described proposed inclusion: thence proceeding in a
northwesterly direction, on a line parallel
with and 200 feet east from the easterly line of
point; thence proceeding in a northwesterly direction, on a
line parallel with and 200 feet
northeasterly from the northeasterly line of
thence proceeding in a northeasterly direction, on a line
parallel with and 200 feet east from the
easterly line of
northwesterly direction a distance of 500 feet±, crossing the
terminus of
point; thence proceeding in a southwesterly direction a
distance of 800 feet ± to a point 200 feet
north from the northerly line of
southwesterly direction, on a line parallel with and 200 feet from
the northwesterly line of
direction, on a line parallel with and 200 feet from the
westerly line of
distance of 400 feet ± to a point; thence proceeding in a
southeasterly direction, on a line parallel
with and 200 feet west from the westerly line of
point; thence proceeding in a southeasterly direction, on a
line parallel with and 200 feet
southwesterly from the southwesterly line of
point on the northwesterly line of the Greenville Water
District; thence proceeding in a
northeasterly direction, along the
School Road, a distance of
1,700 feet ± to a point; thence proceeding in a southeasterly direction,
along the
1,900 feet ± to a point;
thence proceeding in a southeasterly direction, along the
district line that runs parallel with
place of beginning.
description is meaning and intending to include all of the Connors Farm
all of the
all land between
addition, the district is authorized to serve any other area it is servicing as
of the date
of passage of this act.
Section 2. Purpose - - Purchase of Water - - Seal
purpose of the district shall be to secure, maintain and provide a water supply
water services for all purposes including fire protection,
manufacturing and domestic uses in the
town of
served by the
may, if it so desires, sell water to and purchase water
from a city or town, any municipal or quasi-
municipal corporation, any incorporated water company and/or
water company owned and
operated by a town or city. The district may have a common
seal, sue and be sued and enjoy the
other powers generally incident to corporations.
to the provisions of Section 1 of this act, wherever the district extends its
service, the district is authorized to exercise jurisdiction
over such areas, including the imposition
of its rules, regulations, and fees and charges.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.