2010 -- S 3023
Enacted 06/10/10
Introduced By: Senators Connors, and Miller
Date Introduced: June 10, 2010
provides a stream of revenue for state administered highways,
mass transit construction and
maintenance of local roads and street, and other purposes; and
WHEREAS, Volatility in
the wholesale and retail prices of gasoline, over which Rhode
Islanders have little or no control, can and does
significantly affect the level of public
consumption of gasoline; this, in turn, significantly affects the
revenues generated from the
gasoline tax; and
WHEREAS, The volatility in revenues generated from the gasoline tax
can and does
result in multiple difficulties, including unanticipated
revenue shortfalls and planning difficulties
for the department of transportation and the
WHEREAS, The people of the state could significantly benefit if a
more stable and
predictable source of revenue were found to replace or supplement
the gasoline tax; now,
therefore be it
That a special legislative commission to be known as
the "Study
Commission on Sustainable
Transportation Funding" is hereby created consisting of twelve (12)
members: three (3) of whom shall be members of the senate, not
more than two (2) from the same
political party, to be appointed by the president of the
senate; one of whom shall be the director of
the department of transportation, or designee; one of
whom shall be the director of the division of
taxation, or designee; one of whom shall be the director of
the division of motor vehicles, or
designee; one of whom shall be the general manager of the
or designee; and five (5) of whom shall be
representatives of the general public to be appointed
jointly by the speaker of the house and the president of the
senate as follows: one representing the
business community; one representing organized labor; one
representing an environmental
advocacy group; one representing a transportation advocacy
group; and one representing gasoline
dealers. The president of the senate shall select a chairperson.
Vacancies in the commission shall
be filled in like manner as the original appointment.
The purpose of the
commission shall be to make a comprehensive examination of issues
relating to the desirability and feasibility of the state
developing and implementing new funding
sources for the department of transportation and the
replacements for or supplements to the current gasoline tax. The
areas of inquiry of the study
commission shall include, but not be limited to, funding methods
that have been included in the
Blue Ribbon Panel report of December 2008 on a
sustainable approach to transportation funding,
reports that have been previously issued or published by
governmental or non-governmental
panels, commissions, and organizations. For each such new
funding source studied, the
commission may examine economic and fiscal implications,
community, social, and
environmental benefits and detriments, and issues of fairness and
The commission shall
file a written report with the president of the senate no later than
twelve (12) months after the passage of this resolution. The
commission shall expire six (6)
months following delivery of its written report, and, during
that time, shall study any additional
questions or matters directed to it by the president of the
senate. The responses of the study
commission to any such additional questions or matters submitted
to it shall be conveyed to the
president of the senate. The commission shall dissolve upon
completion of its duties as set forth
in this paragraph.
The commission shall be
subject to the provisions of chapter 46 of title 42 (Open
Meetings) and chapter 2 of title 38
(Open Records).
All departments and
agencies of the state shall furnish advice and information,
documentary and otherwise, to the commission and its agents as
may be deemed necessary or
desirable to facilitate the purposes of this chapter.
joint committee on legislative services is authorized and directed to provide
quarters for the commission.