06-R 272

2006 -- S 3085

Enacted 05/17/06


J O I N T  R E S O L U T I O N




     Introduced By: Senators Sosnowski, Paiva-Weed, Walaska, McCaffrey, and Gibbs

     Date Introduced: May 09, 2006




     WHEREAS, A healthy environment is an integral part of Rhode Island’s economy,

society, and culture; and

     WHEREAS, Rhode Island is home to several threatened and endangered species,

including the roseate tern, the piping plover, several endangered sea turtles, and the Bald Eagle;


     WHEREAS, Rhode Island and the United States have a long and proud tradition of

demonstrating respect for the Earth’s wildlife and natural resources; and

     WHEREAS, We have a responsibility to our children and future generations to be good

stewards of our environment and to leave behind a legacy of protecting endangered species and

the special places they call home; and

     WHEREAS, The strength and vitality of the human environment is inextricably linked to

the health of all species and the places where they live; and

      WHEREAS, Species extinction and habitat destruction are a serious threat to our own

welfare, as nature is the source for most of our commonly prescribed medicines, and the loss of

any species could mean the loss of life saving drugs; and

      WHEREAS, Tourism, wildlife watching, bird watching, wildflower watching, hunting,

and fishing provide many economic benefits to all of Rhode Island; and

     WHEREAS, Recreational hiking, rafting, and fishing are important activities for many

Rhode Islanders; and

      WHEREAS, We have a responsibility to use the best available science to ensure we

protect this legacy for future generations; and

     WHEREAS, For more than 30 years, the Endangered Species Act has served as the

nation’s safety net for wildlife preservation, saving hundreds of plants and animals from

extinction, putting hundreds more on the path to recovery, and safeguarding the habitats on which

they all depend; and

      WHEREAS, Several proposals to weaken protections for endangered species and natural

habitats are currently pending before the United States Congress; now, therefore be it

      RESOLVED, That this General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence

Plantations hereby proclaims May 11, 2006 as “Endangered Species Day” in the State of Rhode

Island; and be it further

      RESOLVED, That this General Assembly supports upholding the Endangered Species

Act so it may continue to protect our plants and animals, and the special places they live, from the

finality of extinction; and be it further

      RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and he hereby is authorized and directed to

transmit duly certified copies of this resolution to President George W. Bush, the United States

Secretary of the Interior, Governor Donald Carcieri, and Rhode Island’s Congressional




