2004 -- H 8399
Enacted 04/06/04
Introduced By:
Representatives Murphy, Fox, Menard, Lima, and Watson
Introduced: April 06, 2004
That Rule 26 of the House which was adopted by the House at its January
session, A.D. 2004, entitled
2003-2004,” be and it is hereby amended to read as
Committees shall take into consideration all such petitions, resolves,
bills, matters
or things as may be referred
to them by the House with power to report by bill or otherwise;
provided, however, that
committees shall, whenever possible, consider all bills of substantially
the same or of a similar
nature at the same time in a manner that is otherwise in conformity with
these rules.
A committee shall not consider any public bill or resolution not previously
in print and electronically to
its members except by unanimous consent of the members present.
The Chair of every committee shall post, in print and electronically, at least
eight (48) hours prior to
any committee meeting, a list by number and title of the bills
and resolutions to be
heard at that meeting. The Chair shall limit such listings to the number
bills or resolutions he or she
reasonably expects can be taken up by the committee at that meeting.
Any bill or resolution
so posted which the committee is not able to take up at the stated
meeting must be re-posted
as stated above and shall be placed at the top of such subsequent
posted list. Such postings
shall be made electronically and on the House bulletin board. Copies of
all posted bills or
resolutions shall be provided in print and electronically to all committee
members and principal
sponsors. A committee shall not hear any said bill or resolution without
such notice except by the
consent of a majority of its members and with at least one (1) day's
notification to
the principal sponsor. The sponsor may, however, waive such
one-day notification.
Every standing committee shall meet at least once weekly if any requests
for hearings
on or consideration of bills
or resolutions are pending before it. The right to be heard on any such
bill or resolution shall
be granted upon request to the principal sponsor thereof as provided in
these rules, and provided
further, however, that any such request shall be made in writing to the
Chair, a copy of which is to
be given to the reading clerk, no later than ten (10) calendar days
following referral of the
bill or resolution to the committee; and provided further that, in
any even-numbered year,
any such request to be heard on any bill or resolution referred to the
committee during the
immediately preceding session shall be made in writing to the Chair not
later than the last
legislative day in the month of January, and shall be posted
electronically and in
print. No committee shall hear
more than twenty-five (25) bills (exclusive of city and town bills
and those to be placed on the
consent calendar) at any one (1) meeting.
Upon receipt of a written request by the Chair for committee consideration
from the
principal House sponsor of a
bill or resolution, a copy of which is to be given to the recording
clerk, the committee
shall grant to said principal House sponsor a hearing on any said bill
or resolution within
thirty (30) calendar days of the request, and provided further, that said
committee shall grant to the
principal House sponsor consideration of his or her bill or resolution
within eight (8)
legislative days of the committee hearing, unless a later date is
otherwise agreed
to by the said principal
sponsor and the Chair of the Committee. The principal sponsor with the
concurrence of the Chair, may
cancel a scheduled hearing with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice to
the Chair, which notice shall
be posted electronically. A hearing postponed twice at the sponsor’s
request need not be
re-scheduled. The deadline for requests for hearings and consideration
be the first legislative day
after the last day for bill introduction. For the purpose of the rule,
consideration shall mean
a majority vote on one (1) of the following:
a motion to report the bill or resolution to the House with
a recommendation of
a motion to report the bill or resolution as amended, or in
substitute form, to the
House with a recommendation of
passage; or
(iii) a motion to report the bill or resolution to the House
without recommendation,
provided that such action
shall require the affirmative vote of four-fifths (4/5) of the members
the event of a tie vote on any of the motions specified in (i), (ii) or (iii)
hereof, the bill
or resolution shall be lost.
originals of bills or resolutions which have failed in committee shall be
by the committee clerks to the
Secretary of State for the State Archives, with an appropriate
notation thereon.
Once a committee has considered a bill or resolution the principal
House sponsor shall
be notified in writing or
electronically by the end of the second legislative day following such
action including the vote
tally within the committee and the date thereof, prior to the report being
made to the full House.
Committee Chairs shall bring reports of committee actions to the floor no
later than two (2) weeks
following the committee votes thereon, provided that this shall not apply
to the Committee on Finance. A
committee member may move reconsideration of any vote taken
so long as the subject matter
of the vote remains in the possession of the committee.
or resolutions concerning appropriations, revenue or expenditures shall
not be
subject to the above time
In the event a committee shall fail to afford consideration to any bill
or resolution
within the prescribed time,
the principal sponsor may report such failure to the Speaker of the
House and the Speaker shall
order the immediate discharge of the bill or resolution from a
committee to the
House floor.
All bills or resolutions reported from committee shall be placed on the
calendar or,
pursuant to the
restrictions of these rules, on the consent calendar for the required
period of time
according to these rules
before House consideration. Bills and resolutions reported from
committees and received by the
Clerk of the House prior to the convening of the session on a
given legislative day shall be
deemed to have been received, and therefore in order to be placed
upon the appropriate calendar,
as of that day. Bills and resolutions so received after the convening
of the session on a given
legislative day shall be deemed to have been received, and therefore in
order to be placed upon the
appropriate calendar, on the next legislative day and shall be
considered a part of that
day’s business.
House Rule 26(e) through (h) shall not apply to any bill or resolution which
have originated in the
No public bill or resolution which originated in the House shall
be considered by a
House committee unless the
committee has held a hearing on that bill or resolution no later than
one (1) week prior to April
11, 2003 (or April 8 21, 2004, in the case of 2004), and
the committees of the
House shall not consider public bills or resolutions except those which
been acted upon by the Senate
and transmitted by the Senate to the House of Representatives,
provided however, that
the committee on finance may hear and consider such House bills, acts or
resolutions as it deems
to have a fiscal impact after April 11, 2003 (or April 8 21,
2004, in the
case of 2004), except
as provided in section (j) hereof, and provided further, that each other
House committee may
complete consideration of not more than three (3) House bills or
resolutions after said date,
on which such committee had not been able to complete action, upon
approval by the Speaker of a
written request from the Chair. All such requests must be filed with
the Clerk of the House no
later than April 11, 2003 (or April 8 21, 2004, in the case
of 2004).
Reporting deadlines shall not
apply during 2003 to the committees newly created by these Rules.
No House bill which relates to an individual's pension or retirement shall
be accepted
as a committee report from the
committee on finance unless it shall have been considered by the
committee on or before
April 11, 2003 (or April 8 21, 2004, in the case of 2004),
and shall have
been heard in the
committee no later than one (1) week prior to that date.