Introduced By: Representatives Long, Ginaitt, Henseler, Naughton, and Amaral |
Date Introduced: February 05, 2002 |
That a special legislative commission be and the same is hereby created
consisting of nineteen (19) members: four (4) of whom shall be from the House
of Representatives, not more than three (3) from the same political party, to
be appointed by the Speaker of the House; four (4) of whom shall be from the
Senate, not more than three (3) from the same political party, to be appointed
by the Senate Majority Leader; two (2) of whom shall be a member of the general
public, to be appointed by the Governor; one (1) of whom shall be the Director
of the Department of Statewide Planning, or designee; two (2) of whom shall be
the Director and the chairperson of the Coastal Resources Management Council,
or designee; one (1) of whom shall be the Director of the Department of
Environmental Management, or designee; one (1) of whom shall be the Director of
the Economic Development Corporation, or designee; one (1) of whom shall be a
member of an environmental advocacy organization, to be appointed by the
Speaker of the House; one (1) of whom shall be a member of an environmental
advocacy organization, to be appointed by the Senator Majority Leader; one (1)
of whom shall be the Director of the Coastal Institute, or designee; and one
(1) of whom shall be a member of a marine trades organization to be appointed
by the Speaker of the House.
The purpose
of said commission shall be to research and identify existing state statutes
pertaining to planning for Narragansett Bay; research past and current planning
programs pertaining to Narragansett Bay; research, summarize and produce data
on the economic value of Narragansett Bay; summarize existing data on the
health of Narragansett Bay; develop a report recommending specific measures the
state should take to ensure the timely creation of a Strategic Plan for Narragansett
upon passage of this resolution, the members of the commission shall meet at
the call of the Speaker of the House and organize and shall select from among
the legislators co-chairpersons, one from the House of Representatives and one
from the Senate.
in said commission shall be filled in like manner as the original appointment.
membership of said commission shall receive no compensation for their services.
departments and agencies of the state shall furnish such advice and
information, documentary and otherwise, to said commission and its agents as is
deemed necessary or desirable by the commission to facilitate the purposes of
this resolution.
The Speaker
of the House is hereby authorized and directed to provide suitable quarters for
said commission; and be it further
That the commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the
General Assembly on or before April 15, 2003 and said commission shall expire
on June 30, 2003.