By: Senators Izzo, Celona, Blais, P Fogarty, and Walaska |
Introduced: May 31, 2002 |
our population ages and new medical technologies emerge, the need to ensure
access to affordable pharmaceuticals for all Rhode Islanders is a high priority
for the General Assembly; and
revolution in pharmacological technology has had the positive effect of
improving the ability to treat and prevent disease and disability; and
the demand and cost for new medications rise, it has become increasingly
difficult for consumers to afford drugs that they need; and
Assuring access to affordable prescriptions for all Rhode Islanders is a
complex and multi-dimensional goal, requiring cooperation among all parties
involved; now, therefore be it
That a special senate partnership on access to pharmaceuticals for all Rhode
Islanders will work toward the goal that seriously ill Rhode Islanders are not denied
critical disease-treatment or life-sustaining medications due to cost
prohibitions; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a special senate partnership be and the same is hereby created consisting of legislators, representatives of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers' Association, and representatives of the University of Rhode Island School of Pharmacy, all members to be appointed by the senate majority leader.
In lieu of any appointment of a member of the legislature to a permanent advisory commission or partnership, a legislative study commission or partnership, of any commission or partnership created by a general assembly resolution, the appointing authority may appoint a member of the general public to serve in lieu of a legislator, provided that the majority leader or the minority leader of the political party which is entitled to the appointment consents to the appointment of the member of the general public.
The purpose of said partnership shall be to:
1. identify obstacles to pharmaceutical access in Rhode Island and potential mechanisms to overcome them;
2. to identify mechanisms to assist Rhode Islanders facing the most serious need for and barriers to medications;
3. to provide input into the design of public policy to facilitate pharmaceutical access among target populations;
4. to prepare a list of issues to be addressed, beginning with the identification of sub-populations facing difficulty accessing needed medications;
5. to prioritize the list of issues and develop a timeline to address those of the highest priority; and
6. to identify additional participants that may be helpful in addressing each of the highest priority topics and invite these participants to serve on time-limited, goal-specific work groups designated by the partnership.
Forthwith upon passage of this resolution, the members of the partnership shall meet at the call of the senate majority leader and organize and shall select from among the legislators a chairperson. Vacancies in said partnership shall be filled in like manner as the original appointment.
The membership of said partnership shall receive no compensation for their services.
All departments and agencies of the state shall furnish such advice and information, documentary and otherwise, to said partnership and its agents as is deemed necessary or desirable by the partnership to facilitate the purposes of this resolution.
The senate majority leader is hereby authorized and directed to provide suitable quarters for said partnership; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the partnership shall meet monthly, or as necessary to monitor the progress of the designated work groups.