By: Senators Polisena, Graziano, Irons, DaPonte, and Algiere |
Introduced: March 06, 2002 |
Youth sports are a common form of recreation for boys and girls of all ages in
virtually all of Rhode Island's 39 cities and towns; and
Youth sports include such common and well-known sports as baseball, football,
basketball, and ice hockey, but also include many other sports too numerous to
cite on one line; and
Youth sports have many well-known sponsor organizations such as "Little
League Baseball," "Pop Warner Football," "CYO
Basketball," "AAU" teams, and numerous municipal, regional, and
private organizations involved in sponsoring baseball, football, basketball,
ice hockey, and all the other numerous sports made up of our state's youth
athletes; and
Experience has shown that participation in youth sports leaves a lasting
impression on all of those youngsters who participate and make up the various
teams; and
Youth sporting events and contests usually draw spectators and sometimes even
large crowds many of whom come from the participants' families; and
several years and especially in this new millennium, there exists an ever
increasing pressure to win and succeed; and
Many of our state's young participants in
youth sports are subjected to such pressure to win and succeed by those
spectators and some coaches at the different games, contests, and events and
such pressure includes badgering, humiliating, embarrassing, cursing, or
otherwise communicating in some negative fashion with the youth participants,
coaches, referees, umpires, officials, or even spectators for the opposing
sides; and
Such situations certainly have a negative effect on the youth who participate
in such sports, serve as a bad example, and further, can escalate into
unfortunate and even fatal situations as recent experience in neighboring areas
has shown. Such behavior is clearly not in the best interest of the youth
sports organizations, its members, players, participants, coaches, referees and
spectators; now, therefore be it
That this Senate of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations hereby
denounces, discourages and frowns upon such negative behavior, and encourages
all youth sports organizations existing within the State of Rhode Island to
voluntarily develop and adopt a "NO TOLERANCE" policy calculated to
discourage disorderly, demeaning, belligerent, obnoxious, or otherwise
distasteful behavior which tends to berate or humiliate the players, coaches,
referees, and others involved in observing a youth sports game, contest or
event. A "NO TOLERANCE" policy should make it clear to all involved
the limits of acceptable behavior and the consequences of unacceptable
behavior. Such a policy should include a commitment to insist upon removal of
those engaging in the offensive behavior heretofore described and contemplate
further sanctions for those refusing to voluntarily leave upon request; and
the tragic events of September 11, 2001 truly demonstrate that the most
important things in life do not occur on stadium turf, hardwood floors, or
arena ice. The games, contests, and events are pastimes, recreation that should
be enjoyed, and not ruined by unacceptable behavior; and be it further
That the Secretary of State be and he is hereby authorized and directed to
transmit a certified copy of this resolution to all youth sports organizations
existing within the State of Rhode Island insofar as indicated by the articles
of incorporation or articles of association currently on file for the specific
organizations at the office of the Secretary of State.