2025 -- H 6064 | |
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LC002399 | |
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Introduced By: Representative Brian C. Newberry | |
Date Introduced: March 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 31 of the General Laws entitled "MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES" |
2 | is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 10.5 |
5 | 31-10.5-1. Short title. |
6 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "State Identification Cards For Minors |
7 | Without Residence Act". |
8 | 31-10.5-2. Minors without permanent residence. |
9 | (a) Minors between fourteen (14) and seventeen (17) years of age, that are Rhode Island |
10 | residents without a permanent residence shall be eligible to receive a state identification card issued |
11 | by the department of motor vehicles (DMV) pursuant to § 3-8-6.1. |
12 | (b) For issuance of state identification cards, the DMV shall accept the following as proof |
13 | of identification: |
14 | (1) Minors in the care of the department of children, youth, and families (DCYF) shall be |
15 | eligible for a state identification card with a signed letter from the administrator of DCYF. |
16 | (2) Minors in the care of a shelter shall be eligible for a state identification card with a |
17 | signed letter from the administrator of the shelter. |
18 | (3) Minors residing in a shelter with a parental guardian for at least thirty (30) days shall |
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1 | be eligible with a letter from the shelter administrator attesting to their occupancy in the shelter, |
2 | the minor's birth certificate, social security card, passport or driver’s license. In the event a minor |
3 | is residing in a shelter without a parental guardian due to unforeseen circumstances, the shelter |
4 | administrator may represent the child as the legal guardian for the purposes of this section. |
5 | (c) Minors seeking state identification cards in accordance with this chapter shall be exempt |
6 | from the licensing fees contained in § 3-8-6.1. |
7 | SECTION 2. Sections 23-3-24 and 23-3-25 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-3 entitled |
8 | "Vital Records" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
9 | 23-3-24. Copies of data from vital records. |
10 | In accordance with § 23-3-23 and the regulations adopted pursuant to that section: |
11 | (1) The state registrar of vital records shall upon request issue a certified copy of any |
12 | certificate or record in the registrar’s custody or a part thereof. Each copy issued shall show the |
13 | date of registration; and copies issued from records marked “delayed,” “amended,” or “court order” |
14 | shall be similarly marked and show the effective date. Any copies issued of a “certificate of foreign |
15 | birth” shall indicate this fact and show the actual place of birth. |
16 | (2) The local registrars shall upon request issue a certified copy of any certificate or record |
17 | in the local registrar’s custody or to which the local registrar has access only in a form that shall be |
18 | prescribed by the state director of health or the state archives under the control of the secretary of |
19 | state, following transfer pursuant to § 23-3-5.1. |
20 | (3) A certified copy of a certificate or any part thereof, issued in accordance with |
21 | subdivision (1) or (2) of this section, shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original, |
22 | and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated in the certificate, provided that the evidentiary |
23 | value of a certificate or record filed more than one year after the event, or a record that has been |
24 | amended, or a “certificate of foreign birth,” shall be determined by the judicial or administrative |
25 | body or official before whom the certificate is offered as evidence. |
26 | (4) The National Office of Vital Statistics may be furnished copies or data that it may |
27 | require for national statistics; provided, that the state shall be reimbursed for the cost of furnishing |
28 | the data; and provided further, that the data shall not be used for other than statistical purposes by |
29 | the National Office of Vital Records unless so authorized by the state registrar of vital records. |
30 | (5) Federal, state, local, and other public or private agencies may, upon request, be |
31 | furnished copies or data for statistical purposes upon terms or conditions that may be prescribed by |
32 | the state director of health. |
33 | (6) No person shall prepare or issue any certificate which purports to be an original certified |
34 | copy, or copy of a certificate of birth, death, or fetal death, except as authorized in this chapter or |
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1 | regulations adopted under this chapter. |
2 | (7) A child who is at least sixteen (16) years of age and who either does not have a residence |
3 | address or is in the department of children, youth and family's custody may receive a certified copy |
4 | of the child's certificate of birth registration without the signature of the child’s parent, guardian, |
5 | or foster parent. |
6 | 23-3-25. Fees for copies and searches |
7 | (a) The state registrar shall charge fees for searches and copies as follows: |
8 | (1) For a search of two (2) consecutive calendar years under one name and for issuance of |
9 | a certified copy of a certificate of birth, fetal death, death, or marriage, or a certification of birth, or |
10 | a certification that the record cannot be found, and each duplicate copy of a certificate or |
11 | certification issued at the same time, the fee is as set forth in § 23-1-54. |
12 | (2) For each additional calendar year search, if applied for at the same time or within three |
13 | (3) months of the original request and if proof of payment for the basic search is submitted, the fee |
14 | is as set forth in § 23-1-54. |
15 | (3) For providing expedited service, the additional handling fee is as set forth in § 23-1-54. |
16 | (4) For processing of adoptions, legitimations, or paternity determinations as specified in |
17 | §§ 23-3-14 and 23-3-15, there shall be a fee as set forth in § 23-1-54. |
18 | (5) For making authorized corrections, alterations, and additions, the fee is as set forth in |
19 | § 23-1-54; provided, no fee shall be collected for making authorized corrections or alterations and |
20 | additions on records filed before one year of the date on which the event recorded has occurred. |
21 | (6) For examination of documentary proof and the filing of a delayed record, there is a fee |
22 | as set forth in § 23-1-54; and there is an additional fee as set forth in § 23-1-54 for the issuance of |
23 | a certified copy of a delayed record. |
24 | (b) Fees collected under this section by the state registrar shall be deposited in the general |
25 | fund of this state, according to the procedures established by the state treasurer. |
26 | (c) The local registrar shall charge fees for searches and copies of records as follows: |
27 | (1) For a search of two (2) consecutive calendar years under one name and for issuance of |
28 | a certified copy of a certificate of birth, fetal death, death, delayed birth, or marriage, or a |
29 | certification of birth or a certification that the record cannot be found, the fee is twenty dollars |
30 | ($20.00). For each duplicate copy of a certificate or certification issued at the same time, the fee is |
31 | fifteen dollars ($15.00). |
32 | (2) For each additional calendar year search, if applied for at the same time or within three |
33 | (3) months of the original request and if proof of payment for the basic search is submitted, the fee |
34 | is two dollars ($2.00). |
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1 | (d) Fees collected under this section by the local registrar shall be deposited in the city or |
2 | town treasury according to the procedures established by the city or town treasurer except that six |
3 | dollars ($6.00) of the certified copy fees shall be submitted to the state registrar for deposit in the |
4 | general fund of this state. |
5 | (e) To acquire, maintain, and operate an electronic statewide registration system (ESRS), |
6 | the state registrar shall assess a surcharge of no more than five dollars ($5.00) for a mail-in certified |
7 | records request, no more than three dollars ($3.00) for each duplicate certified record, and no more |
8 | than two dollars ($2.00) for a walk-in certified records request or a certified copy of a vital record |
9 | requested for a local registrar. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d), any such |
10 | surcharges collected by the local registrar shall be submitted to the state registrar. Any funds |
11 | collected from the surcharges listed above shall be deposited as general revenues. |
12 | (f) An individual in accordance with § 23-3-24(7) shall not be charged a fee by the state |
13 | registrar. |
14 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would allow a minor between fourteen (14) and seventeen (17) years of age who |
2 | does not have a permanent residence or is in the custody of the department of children, youth and |
3 | families to receive a state identification card without a signature from a parent, guardian or foster |
4 | parent at no cost as well as a certified copy of the minor's birth certificate. |
5 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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