2025 -- H 6057 | |
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LC002395 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cotter, and Casimiro | |
Date Introduced: March 12, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Education | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section I of Chapter 80 of the Public Laws of 1965, entitled "An Act |
2 | Approving and Ratifying the Agreement between the Towns of Exeter and West Greenwich, Rhode |
3 | Island, with Respect to the formation of a Regional School District," and the several amendments |
4 | to the same subsequent thereto, is hereby amended to read as follows: |
5 | (H) Compensation. |
6 | Compensation for members of the committee and the clerk and treasurer thereof, shall be |
7 | determined by the voters at the regional school district financial meeting all day referendum. |
8 | SECTION 2. Section II of Chapter 80 of the Public Laws of 1965, entitled "An Act |
9 | Approving and Ratifying the Agreement between the Towns of Exeter and West Greenwich, Rhode |
10 | Island, with Respect to the formation of a Regional School District," and the several amendments |
11 | to the same subsequent thereto, are hereby amended to read as follows: |
12 | (A) Composition. |
13 | The regional district school building committee shall consist of twelve (12) eight (8) |
14 | members, six (6) four (4) from the town of Exeter and six (6) four (4) from the town of West |
15 | Greenwich. |
16 | (B) Method of selection. |
17 | Six (6) Two (2) of the members of the regional district school committee (one member |
18 | from Exeter and one member from West Greenwich) shall be members ex officii of the school |
19 | building committee to be selected by the school committee. In addition, the town council of each |
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1 | member town shall appoint three (3) one town council member and two (2) residents of the town |
2 | to serve as members of the regional district school building committee. |
3 | (C) Method of organization. |
4 | At such time as the regional district school building committee shall be deemed necessary, |
5 | the chairman chairperson of the regional district school committee (or chairperson's designee) shall |
6 | call upon the respective town councils of the member towns for the appointment of the necessary |
7 | representatives. The chairman chairperson (or chairperson's designee) of the regional district school |
8 | committee shall then notify those persons appointed or elected of the time and place of the first |
9 | meeting, and shall act as the temporary chairman, without voting rights, until at which time the |
10 | regional district school building committee shall have completed complete its own organization, |
11 | including the selection of a chairperson. |
12 | (D) Powers and duties. |
13 | The regional district school building committee shall have the following duties: |
14 | (1) To secure competent architectural and engineering services for the making of surveys, |
15 | the preparation of plans and specifications for the construction, and equipment and improvement |
16 | of a school or schools, athletic facilities, and/or the grounds upon which the schools are located in |
17 | said district, and to employ such clerical assistance as may be necessary. |
18 | (2) To construct, furnish and equip schools and athletic facilities and improve the grounds |
19 | upon which the schools are located and to make additions to said schools as may be needed. |
20 | To make all contracts and agreements that may be necessary for the exercise of the powers |
21 | vested in said district school building committee by subparagraphs subparagraph (1) and (2) hereof, |
22 | provided, however, that said regional district school building committee shall not make any |
23 | expenditure or incur any liability unless the necessary appropriations have been authorized by the |
24 | regional school district financial meeting as hereinafter provided in one or more of the following |
25 | ways: |
26 | (i) Authorization of a capital improvements bond after approval of the regional district |
27 | school committee, the town council of each member town, the Rhode Island department of |
28 | education, and the affirmative vote of the community through the approved election process; |
29 | (ii) Authorization of capital improvements through a capital improvements line separate |
30 | from the annual school district operating budget after approval of the regional district school |
31 | committee and the affirmative vote of the community through the approved election process; and |
32 | (iii) Authorization of capital improvements through a vote of the regional district school |
33 | committee to commit funds from the unassigned fund balance for the purpose of an identified |
34 | capital project(s). |
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1 | (3) All actions of the district school building committee shall be reported back to the |
2 | regional district school committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting. |
3 | (E) Term. |
4 | The term of the building committee shall be until such time as the authorized building or |
5 | buildings have been constructed projects have been completed and have been accepted by the |
6 | regional district school building committee upon recommendation of the architects, commissioning |
7 | agents, and/or owner's project manager (OPM) engaged by the regional district school building |
8 | committee and for up to one year thereafter, whereupon the term of office of the committee shall |
9 | terminate. |
10 | (F) Vacancies. |
11 | In the event of a vacancy on the school building committee, the town council from the |
12 | member town involved shall appoint a member to serve the balance of the term, provided, however, |
13 | that any vacancy among members of the regional school district committee serving ex officii shall |
14 | be filled in accordance with subsection I (D)(B). |
15 | (G) Limitation of liability. |
16 | No member of the regional district school building committee shall be held personally |
17 | liable for damages in the performance of his/her duties as a member of the committee. |
18 | SECTION 3. Section VI of Chapter 80 of the Public Laws of 1965, entitled "An Act |
19 | Approving and Ratifying the Agreement between the Towns of Exeter and West Greenwich, Rhode |
20 | Island, with Respect to the formation of a Regional School District," and the several amendments |
21 | to the same subsequent thereto, are hereby amended to read as follows: |
22 | (D) Apportionment of construction and operating costs. |
23 | Construction and operating costs for the first fiscal year next following the establishment |
24 | of the regional school district and for every fiscal year thereafter shall be apportioned to the member |
25 | towns on the basis of their respective pupil enrollments in the regional school system. Beginning |
26 | with the 2023 fiscal year, apportionment shall be calculated using a phased-in five (5) year rolling |
27 | enrollment average. Each member town's share of construction and operating costs for each the |
28 | 2023 fiscal year shall be determined by computing the ratio which the town's pupil enrollment in |
29 | the regional district schools on October 1 of the year next preceding the year for which the |
30 | apportionment is determined bears to the total pupil enrollment from all the member towns in the |
31 | regional district schools on the same date. In each successive year, the annual ratio shall be |
32 | computed in a similar manner, but the apportionment shall be calculated as the average enrollment |
33 | of fiscal years 2023 and 2024 for fiscal year 2024; as the average enrollment of fiscal years 2023, |
34 | 2024 and 2025 for fiscal year 2025; as the average enrollment of fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025 and |
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1 | 2026 for fiscal year 2026; and as the average enrollment of fiscal years 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 and |
2 | 2027 for fiscal year 2027. In each successive year thereafter, the apportionment shall be calculated |
3 | as the average enrollment of the previous five (5) consecutive fiscal years, effectively adding the |
4 | newest annual enrollment data and dropping the earliest annual enrollment data from the calculation |
5 | of the average. Calculation of the average to determine the apportionment ratio for each member |
6 | town in any given fiscal year shall be by adding the total enrollment numbers of said town for each |
7 | of the fiscal years included in the calculation of the average, and dividing that sum by the sum of |
8 | the total district enrollment for each of the fiscal years included in the calculation of the average. |
9 | In the event that enrollment in the regional district schools has not been accomplished by October |
10 | 1 of any such year, construction and operating costs shall be apportioned on the basis of the |
11 | enrollment of pupils residing in each member town and receiving education at such town's expense |
12 | on October 1 of such year shall be used in the formula to calculate the apportionment. |
13 | SECTION 4. Section XI of Chapter 80 of the Public Laws of 1965, entitled "An Act |
14 | Approving and Ratifying the Agreement between the Towns of Exeter and West Greenwich, Rhode |
15 | Island, with Respect to the formation of a Regional School District," and the several amendments |
16 | to the same subsequent thereto, are hereby amended to read as follows: |
17 | Section XI. Amendments. |
18 | This agreement may be amended from time to time in the manner hereinafter provided, but |
19 | no amendment shall be made which shall impair the right of the holders of any bonds or notes or |
20 | other evidences of indebtedness of the regional school district then outstanding, or the rights of the |
21 | regional school district to procure the means for payment thereof, provided that nothing in this |
22 | section shall prevent the admission of a new town or towns to the regional school district and the |
23 | reapportionment accordingly of construction costs of the regional school district represented by |
24 | bonds or notes of the regional school district then outstanding and of the interest thereon. |
25 | A proposal for amendment may be initiated by a majority vote of all the members of the |
26 | regional district school committee or by a petition signed by 10% 5% of the registered voters of |
27 | any one of the member towns. In the latter case, the petition shall contain at the end thereof, a |
28 | certification by the clerk of the canvassing authority of such member town as to the number of |
29 | registered voters in said town, according to the most recent voting list, and the number of signatures |
30 | on the petition which appear to be the names of registered voters of said town. |
31 | In the event that an amendment is initiated by the school district, the regional district school |
32 | committee shall appoint a charter review subcommittee to review the charter and recommend |
33 | proposal(s) for amendment. The charter review subcommittee shall be comprised of at least two |
34 | (2) members of the regional district school committee (one member from Exeter and one member |
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1 | from West Greenwich), a member of each town council (one member from Exeter and one member |
2 | from West Greenwich), and two (2) citizens from each member town. In total, each member town |
3 | shall have equal representation on the charter review subcommittee. These defined members are |
4 | the only voting members of the charter review subcommittee. Only those proposals that come forth |
5 | from the charter review subcommittee, by majority vote of the subcommittee, are to be considered |
6 | by the regional district school committee for further action. Any regional district school committee |
7 | approved proposal(s) for amendment shall be presented to the clerk of the regional district school |
8 | committee, and the clerk or the clerk's designee shall mail or deliver a notice in writing to the town |
9 | council of each of the member towns that a proposal(s) to amend this agreement has/have been |
10 | received and shall enclose a copy of such proposal(s). |
11 | In the event of a proposed amendment by certified petition within a member town, the |
12 | proposed amendment must be presented first to both member town councils for review. Before any |
13 | further action may take place, both member town councils must approve the proposed amendment |
14 | contained within the certified petition. Should either member town council reject the proposed |
15 | amendment contained within the certified petition, the proposal is rejected and no further action is |
16 | to be taken. Should both member town councils approve the proposed amendment, or a revised |
17 | version thereof, a notice in writing must be mailed or delivered from both town councils, including |
18 | the proposed amendment, to the clerk of the regional district school committee (without the |
19 | signatures in the case of a proposal by petition). |
20 | The school committee shall schedule an all-day referendum to vote on the adoption of the |
21 | proposed amendment amendment(s). The town councils of the member towns shall thereupon meet |
22 | to provide for the all-day referendum in the member towns, with the approval of the proposed |
23 | amendment amendment(s) to be by majority vote of the combined total vote of the member towns. |
24 | SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would amend chapter 80 of the public laws of 1965 with respect to the composition |
2 | of the regional district school building committee, apportionment of construction and operating |
3 | costs and amendments to the agreement. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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