2025 -- H 6043 | |
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LC002311 | |
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A N A C T | |
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Introduced By: Representative Alex S. Finkelman | |
Date Introduced: March 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Sections 44-5-12, 44-5-15, 44-5-16, 44-5-17, 44-5-26 and 44-5-30 of the |
2 | General Laws in Chapter 44-5 entitled "Levy and Assessment of Local Taxes" are hereby amended |
3 | to read as follows: |
4 | 44-5-12. Assessment at full and fair cash value. |
5 | (a) All real property subject to taxation shall be assessed at its full and fair cash value, as |
6 | of December 31 in the year of the last update or revaluation, statistical revaluation or update thereto, |
7 | or at a uniform percentage thereof, not to exceed one hundred percent (100%), with such value to |
8 | be determined by the assessors in each town or city; provided, that. There shall be no adjustment |
9 | to an assessment because of an increase or decrease in such value as a result of market forces in |
10 | years when there is no revaluation, statistical revaluation or update thereto. It is further provided |
11 | that: |
12 | (1) Any residential property encumbered by a covenant recorded in the land records in |
13 | favor of a governmental unit or the Rhode Island housing and mortgage finance corporation |
14 | restricting either or both the rents that may be charged or the incomes of the occupants shall be |
15 | assessed and taxed in accordance with § 44-5-13.11; |
16 | (2) In assessing real estate that is classified as farmland, forest, or open space land in |
17 | accordance with chapter 27 of this title, the assessors shall consider no factors in determining the |
18 | full and fair cash value of the real estate other than those that relate to that use without regard to |
19 | neighborhood land use of a more intensive nature; |
| |
1 | (3) Warwick. The city council of the city of Warwick is authorized to provide, by |
2 | ordinance, that the owner of any dwelling of one to three (3) family units in the city of Warwick |
3 | who makes any improvements or additions on his or her principal place of residence in the amount |
4 | up to fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), as may be determined by the tax assessor of the city of |
5 | Warwick, is exempt from reassessment of property taxes on the improvement or addition until the |
6 | next general citywide reevaluation of property values by the tax assessor. For the purposes of this |
7 | section, “residence” is defined as voting address. This exemption does not apply to any commercial |
8 | structure. The property owner shall supply all necessary plans to the building official for the |
9 | improvements or addition and shall pay all requisite building and other permitting fees as now are |
10 | required by law; and |
11 | (4) Central Falls. The city council of the city of Central Falls is authorized to provide, by |
12 | ordinance, that the owner of any dwelling of one to eight (8) units who makes any improvements |
13 | or additions to his or her residential or rental property in an amount not to exceed twenty-five |
14 | thousand dollars ($25,000), as determined by the tax assessor of the city of Central Falls, is exempt |
15 | from reassessment of property taxes on the improvement or addition until the next general citywide |
16 | reevaluation of property values by the tax assessor. The property owner shall supply all necessary |
17 | plans to the building official for the improvements or additions and shall pay all requisite building |
18 | and other permitting fees as are now required by law. |
19 | (5) Tangible property shall be assessed according to the asset classification table as defined |
20 | in § 44-5-12.1. Renewable energy resources shall only be taxed as tangible property under § 44-5- |
21 | 3(c) and the real property on which they are located shall not be reclassified, revalued, or reassessed |
22 | due to the presence of renewable energy resources, excepting only reclassification of farmland as |
23 | addressed in § 44-27-10.1. Subject to the aforementioned exception for farmland, all assessments |
24 | of real property with renewable energy resources thereon shall revert to the last assessed value |
25 | immediately prior to the renewable developer’s purchasing, leasing, securing an option to purchase |
26 | or lease, or otherwise acquiring any interest in the real property. However, notwithstanding the |
27 | above, but without any limitation on taxpayer rights under § 44-5-26, no municipality shall be liable |
28 | or otherwise responsible for any rebates, refunds, or any other reimbursements for taxes previously |
29 | collected for real property with renewable energy resources thereupon. |
30 | (6) Provided, however, that, for taxes levied after December 31, 2015, new construction on |
31 | development property is exempt from the assessment of taxes under this chapter at the full and fair |
32 | cash value of the improvements, as long as: |
33 | (i) An owner of development property files an affidavit claiming the exemption with the |
34 | local tax assessor by December 31 each year; and |
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1 | (ii) The assessor shall then determine if the real property on which new construction is |
2 | located is development property. If the real property is development property, the assessor shall |
3 | exempt the new construction located on that development property from the collection of taxes on |
4 | improvements, until such time as the real property no longer qualifies as development property, as |
5 | defined herein. |
6 | For the purposes of this section, “development property” means: (A) Real property on |
7 | which a single-family residential dwelling or residential condominium is situated and said single- |
8 | family residential dwelling or residential condominium unit is not occupied, has never been |
9 | occupied, is not under contract, and is on the market for sale; or (B) Improvements and/or |
10 | rehabilitation of single-family residential dwellings or residential condominiums that the owner of |
11 | such development property purchased out of a foreclosure sale, auction, or from a bank, and which |
12 | property is not occupied. Such property described in subsection (a)(6)(ii) of this section shall |
13 | continue to be taxed at the assessed value at the time of purchase until such time as such property |
14 | is sold or occupied and no longer qualifies as development property. As to residential |
15 | condominiums, this exemption shall not affect taxes on the common areas and facilities as set forth |
16 | in § 34-36-27. In no circumstance shall such designation as development property extend beyond |
17 | two (2) tax years and a qualification as a development property shall only apply to property that |
18 | applies for, or receives, construction permits after July 1, 2015. Further, the exemptions set forth |
19 | in this section shall not apply to land. |
20 | (b) Municipalities shall make available to every land owner whose property is taxed under |
21 | the provisions of this section a document that may be signed before a notary public containing |
22 | language to the effect that they are aware of the additional taxes imposed by the provisions of § 44- |
23 | 5-39 in the event that they use land classified as farm, forest, or open space land for another purpose. |
24 | (c) Pursuant to the provisions of § 44-3-29.1, all wholesale and retail inventory subject to |
25 | taxation is assessed at its full and fair cash value, or at a uniform percentage of its value, not to |
26 | exceed one hundred percent (100%), for fiscal year 1999, by the assessors in each town and city. |
27 | Once the fiscal year 1999 value of the inventory has been assessed, this value shall not increase. |
28 | The phase-out rate schedule established in § 44-3-29.1(d) applies to this fixed value in each year |
29 | of the phase out. |
30 | 44-5-15. Notice of assessors’ meetings — Notice by taxpayer of intent to bring in |
31 | account. Notice by taxpayer of intent to bring in account for tangible personal property. |
32 | (a) Before assessing any valuations of tangible personal property, the assessors of all the |
33 | cities and towns shall cause printed notices of the time and place of their respective meetings of the |
34 | requirement to file an account required by subsection (b) to be posted in four (4) public places in |
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1 | their respective city or town, for three (3) weeks next preceding the time of their meeting in the |
2 | month of December immediately preceding the tax year, and shall advertise in a newspaper with a |
3 | statewide circulation jointly, at least once a week for the same space of time. The cost of said |
4 | advertisement shall be shared equally among all of the cities and towns. |
5 | (b) The notices shall require that every person and body corporate liable to taxation of |
6 | tangible personal property shall be required to bring in to the assessors at the time they may |
7 | prescribe a true and exact account of all the ratable estate tangible personal property owned or |
8 | possessed by that person or body, describing and specifying the value of every parcel of the real |
9 | estate as of December 31 in the year of the last update or revaluation and personal estate tangible |
10 | personal property as of December 31 of immediately preceding the tax year, together with the |
11 | additional information that may be prescribed by the assessors relative to the ratable estate tangible |
12 | personal property as may be contained in any corporation or inheritance tax return filed with the |
13 | state by the person within the year preceding the date of assessment next prior to the bringing in of |
14 | the account. |
15 | (c) Said accounts must be filed with the assessor’s office in the city or town where the |
16 | property is located between January 2 and January 31 of each year, during regular business hours |
17 | (excluding weekends and holidays). |
18 | (d) If any person or body corporate liable to taxation files with the assessors, on or before |
19 | January 31 next following the date of assessment, a written notice of that person’s or that body’s |
20 | intention to bring in an account, the person or body corporate may bring in to the assessors the |
21 | account at any time between March 1 and before March 15 next following the date of assessment. |
22 | (e) The notice of intention to bring in an account is deemed to have been filed with the |
23 | assessors if the notice is sent to them by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, postmarked |
24 | before 12:00 A.M. midnight of the last day on which the notice may be filed. The account is deemed |
25 | to be brought in to the assessors if the account is sent to them by registered or certified mail, postage |
26 | prepaid, postmarked before 12:00 A.M. midnight of the last day on which accounts may be brought |
27 | in pursuant to the provisions of this section. |
28 | (f) In case any person or body corporate fails to file any intention, that person or that body |
29 | is deemed to have waived that person’s or that body’s right to file the account. |
30 | (g) All matters contained within the account filing are available for review only by |
31 | assessment related personnel. |
32 | 44-5-16. Oath to account brought in — Remedies after failure to bring in account — |
33 | Effect on proration. |
34 | (a) Every person bringing in any account shall make oath before some notary public or |
| LC002311 - Page 4 of 15 |
1 | other person authorized to administer oaths in the place where the oath is administered that the |
2 | account by that person exhibited contains, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, a true and |
3 | full account and valuation of all the ratable estate tangible personal property owned or possessed |
4 | by him or her; and whoever neglects or refuses to bring in the account, if overtaxed, shall have no |
5 | remedy therefor, except as provided in §§ 44-4-14, 44-4-15, 44-5-26 — 44-5-31, and 44-9-19 — |
6 | 44-9-24. In case a taxpayer is, because of illness or absence from the state, unable to make the |
7 | required oath to his or her account within the time prescribed by law, the taxpayer may, in writing, |
8 | appoint an agent to make oath to his or her account within the time prescribed by the assessors, and |
9 | the agent shall at the time of making the oath append his or her written appointment to the account, |
10 | and for all purposes in connection with the account the taxpayer is deemed to have personally made |
11 | the oath. |
12 | (b) No taxpayer shall be denied a right of review by means of the procedure described in |
13 | this chapter: (1) of any assessment on his or her real tangible personal property by reason of any |
14 | claimed inadequacies, inaccuracies, or omissions in his or her listing of tangible personal property; |
15 | (2) nor in the case of his or her personal property by reason of any claimed inadequacies, |
16 | inaccuracies, or omissions in his or her listing of real property; (3) nor in the case of real or personal |
17 | property by reason of any claimed inadequacies, inaccuracies, or omissions, which are not |
18 | substantial, in his or her listing of real or personal property, respectively. |
19 | (c) Notwithstanding § 44-4-24, tangible personal property introduced into or removed from |
20 | any town or city during a calendar year shall be assessed as though the property was situated in the |
21 | city or town for the entire calendar year unless the taxpayer has filed an account as provided in this |
22 | section specifying the date on which the property was introduced or removed. |
23 | (d) Each city or town having a year of taxable ownership that measures length of ownership |
24 | over the calendar year beginning immediately after the date of assessment shall adjust its year of |
25 | taxable ownership so that it has a year of taxable ownership that measures length of ownership over |
26 | the calendar year ending on the date of assessment. |
27 | 44-5-17. Assessment of property covered by account. |
28 | If any person brings in an account as provided in § 44-5-15 § 44-5-15(b), the assessors |
29 | shall nevertheless assess the person’s ratable estate tangible personal property at what they deem |
30 | its full and fair cash value, or a uniform percentage of its value as defined in § 44-5-12. |
31 | 44-5-26. Petition in superior court for relief from assessment. |
32 | (a) Any person aggrieved on any ground whatsoever by any assessment of taxes against |
33 | him or her in any city or town, or any tenant or group of tenants, of real estate paying rent therefrom, |
34 | and under obligation to pay more than one-half (½) of the taxes thereon, may within ninety (90) |
| LC002311 - Page 5 of 15 |
1 | days from the date the first tax payment is due, on or before November 15 of each year, file an |
2 | appeal in the local office of tax assessment; provided, if the person to whom a tax on real estate is |
3 | assessed chooses to file an appeal, the appeal filed by a tenant or group of tenants will be void. For |
4 | the purposes of this section, the tenant(s) has the burden of proving financial responsibility to pay |
5 | more than one-half (½) of the taxes. The assessor has forty-five (45) days until December 31 of |
6 | that year to review the appeal appeals, render a decision decisions and notify the taxpayer taxpayers |
7 | of the decision decisions. The taxpayer, if still aggrieved, may appeal the decision of the tax |
8 | assessor to the local tax board of review, after the decision by the tax assessor, or in the event that |
9 | the assessor does not render a decision by December 31, or in the event that the assessor does not |
10 | render a decision, the taxpayer may appeal to the local tax board of review; at the expiration of the |
11 | forty-five (45) day period. Appeals provided; however, appeals to the local tax board of review are |
12 | to be filed not more than thirty (30) days after the assessor renders a decision and notifies the |
13 | taxpayer thereof, or if the assessor does not render a decision within forty-five (45) days of the |
14 | filing of the appeal, not more than ninety (90) days after the expiration of the forty-five (45) day |
15 | period by December 31, not later than January 31 of the next year. The local tax board of review |
16 | shall, within ninety (90) days of the filing of the appeal, hear the appeal and render a decision within |
17 | thirty (30) forty-five (45) days of the date that of the close of the hearing was held. Provided, that |
18 | a city or town may request and receive an extension from the director of the Rhode Island |
19 | department of revenue. |
20 | (b) Appeals to the local office of tax assessment are to be on an application form which has |
21 | been approved by the department of revenue. In the event of an appeal to the local tax board of |
22 | review, the taxpayer or the local office of tax assessment, upon at the request by the taxpayer, shall |
23 | forward the application form to the local tax board of review within the time period set forth in this |
24 | section. |
25 | (c) Said application must include: |
26 | (1) The applicant’s opinion of value, fair market value, class and assessed value of said |
27 | property as of December 31 of the year of the last update or revaluation for real estate and as of |
28 | December 31 of the tax year for tangible personal property; and |
29 | (2) For income producing residential real estate of six (6) units or more, and commercial, |
30 | industrial or mixed-use real estate, fifty percent (50%) or more of which real estate was leased, or |
31 | was available to be leased, in an arm's length transaction during the prior year, a statement of rental |
32 | income and related expenses, if any, for said real estate. Said statement of income and expenses |
33 | shall cover the most recent twelve (12) month period preceding said December 31 date; provided, |
34 | however, if such a statement of income and expenses is not yet available for said most recent twelve |
| LC002311 - Page 6 of 15 |
1 | (12) month period, the statement of income and expenses covering the next most recent twelve (12) |
2 | month period preceding said December 1 date shall be provided. |
3 | (d) Said application form shall provide that the applicant may file a single appeal for |
4 | multiple parcels of real estate if such parcels are contiguous and used as an aggregate site. |
5 | (e) Said application form shall also notify applicants that any global extension granted |
6 | pursuant to § 44-5-26(d) will be posted on the department of revenue, division of municipal finance |
7 | website. |
8 | (f) Failure to provide such statement of income and expenses shall be grounds for denial |
9 | of the appeal and such taxpayer shall not have the right to petition for relief in the superior court. |
10 | The application shall be in the following form: |
12 | FISCAL YEAR _______ ____________________________ |
13 | Name of City or Town |
15 | For appeals to the tax assessor, this form must be filed with the local office of tax assessment |
16 | within ninety (90) days from the date the first tax payment is due. For appeals to the local tax |
17 | board of review, this form must be filed with the local tax board of review not more than thirty |
18 | (30) days after the assessor renders a decision, or if the assessor does not render a decision within |
19 | forty-five (45) days of the filing of the appeal, not more than ninety (90) days after the expiration |
20 | of the forty-five (45) day period. |
22 | A. Name(s) of Assessed Owner:______________________________________ |
23 | B. Name(s) and Status of Applicant (if other than Assessed Owner):_________ |
24 | ____ Subsequent Owner (Acquired Title After December 31 on __________ |
25 | 20___________ ) |
26 | ____ Administrator/Executor ____ Lessee ____ Mortgagee ____ Other |
27 | Specify ____ |
28 | C. Mailing Address and Telephone No.: __________ ( ) ____________ |
29 | Address Tel. No. |
30 | D. Previous Assessed Value ___________ E. New Assessed Value _________ |
31 | 2. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Complete using information as it appears on |
32 | tax bill. |
33 | A. Tax Bill Account No.: ___ Assessed Valuation ___ Annual Tax _________ |
34 | B. Location: _________________________ Description: ________________ |
| LC002311 - Page 7 of 15 |
1 | No. Street Zip |
2 | Real Estate Parcel Identification: Map __ Block __ Parcel __ Type___ |
3 | Tangible Personal |
4 | C. Date Property Acquired: Purchase Price: Total cost of any improvements__ |
5 | What is the amount of fire insurance on building: |
6 | 3. REASON(S) REDUCTION SOUGHT: Check reason(s) reduction is warranted |
7 | and briefly explain why it applies. Continue explanation on attachment if necessary. |
8 | Overvaluation. Incorrect Usage Classification. |
9 | Disproportionate Assessment. Other Specify: |
10 | Applicant’s Opinion of Fair Market Value Class Assessed Value |
11 | Value $ (as of December |
12 | 31 in the year of |
13 | the last update or |
14 | revaluation for |
15 | real estate and |
16 | as of December 31 |
17 | of the tax year |
18 | for personal estate;) |
19 | Explanation ______________________________________________________ |
20 | ________________________________________________________________ |
21 | ________________________________________________________________ |
22 | Have you filed a true and exact account this year with the City Assessor as required by |
23 | law? |
24 | Comparable Properties that support your claim: |
25 | Address Sale Price Sales Date Property Type Assessed value |
26 | _________________________________________________________________ |
27 | _________________________________________________________________ |
28 | _________________________________________________________________ |
29 | _________________________________________________________________ |
30 | 4. SIGNATURES; |
33 | ( ) |
34 | _________________________________________________________________ |
| LC002311 - Page 8 of 15 |
1 | Name of Preparer Address Tel. No. |
3 | REASONS FOR AN APPEAL. It is the intent of the general assembly to ensure that all taxpayers |
4 | in Rhode Island are treated equitably. Ensuring that taxpayers are treated fairly begins where |
5 | cities and towns meet defined standards related to performing property values. All properties |
6 | should be assessed in a uniform manner, and properties of equal value should be assessed the |
7 | same. |
12 | You may appeal your assessment if your property is: (1) OVERVALUED (assessed value |
13 | is more than the fair market value as of December 31 in the year of the last update or revaluation |
14 | for real estate and as of December 31 of the tax year for personal estate for any reason, including |
15 | clerical and data processing errors; (2) disproportionately assessed in comparison with other |
16 | properties; (3) classified incorrectly as residential, commercial, industrial or open space, farm or |
17 | forest; (4) illegal tax partially or fully exempt; (5) modified from its condition from the time of the |
18 | last update or revaluation. |
19 | WHO MAY FILE AN APPLICATION: You may file an application if you are (1) the |
20 | assessed or subsequent (acquiring title after December 31) owner of the property; (2) the owner’s |
21 | administrator or executor; (3) a tenant or group of tenants of real estate paying rent therefrom, and |
22 | under obligations to pay more than one-half (½) of the taxes thereon; (4) a person owning or having |
23 | an interest in or possession of the property; or (5) a mortgagee if the assessed owner has not applied. |
24 | In some cases, you must pay all or a portion of the tax before you can file. |
25 | WHEN AND WHERE APPLICATION MUST BE FILED. Your application must be filed |
26 | with the local office of tax assessment within NINETY (90) days from the date the first tax payment |
31 | PAYMENT OF TAX. Filing an application does not stay the collection of your taxes. In |
32 | some cases, you must pay the tax when due to appeal the assessors disposition of your application. |
33 | Failure to pay the tax assessed when due may also subject you to interest charges and collection |
34 | action. To avoid any loss of rights or additional charges, you should pay the tax as assessed. If an |
| LC002311 - Page 9 of 15 |
1 | abatement is granted and you have already paid the entire year’s tax as abated, you will receive a |
2 | refund of any overpayment. |
3 | FILING AN ACCOUNT. Rhode Island General Laws Section 44-5-15 requires the annual |
4 | filing of a true and exact account of all ratable estate owned or possessed by every person and |
5 | corporate body. The time to file is between December 31, and January 31, of intention to submit |
6 | declaration by March 15. Failure to file a true and full account, within the prescribed time, |
7 | eliminates the right to appeal to the superior court, subject to the exceptions provided in Rhode |
8 | Island General Laws Section 44-5-26(b). No amended returns will be accepted after March 15th. |
9 | Such notice of your intention must be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, postmark no later |
10 | than 12 o’clock midnight of the last day, January 31. No extensions beyond March 15th can be |
11 | granted. The form for filing such account may be obtained from the city or town assessor. |
12 | ASSESSOR’S DISPOSITION. Upon applying for a reduction in assessment, you may be |
13 | asked to provide the assessor with further written information about the property and to permit |
14 | them to inspect it. Failure to provide the information or permit an inspection within thirty (30) days |
15 | of the request may result in the loss of your appeal rights. |
16 | APPEAL. The assessor shall have forty-five (45) days to review the appeal, render a |
17 | decision and notify the taxpayer of the decision. The taxpayer, if still aggrieved, may appeal the |
18 | decision of the tax assessor to the local tax board of review, or in the event that the assessor does |
19 | not render a decision, the taxpayer may appeal to the local tax board of review at the expiration of |
20 | the forty-five (45) day period. Appeals to the local tax board of review shall be filed not more than |
21 | thirty (30) days after the assessor renders a decision and notifies the taxpayer, or if the assessor |
22 | does not render a decision within forty-five (45) days of the filing of the appeal, not more than |
23 | ninety (90) days after the expiration of the forty-five (45) day period. |
24 | ____________________________________________________________________ |
26 | GRANTED Assessed Value______________ |
27 | Date Sent______ Abated Value________________ |
28 | Date Returned______ DENIED Adjusted Value______________ |
29 | Assessed Tax________________ |
30 | On-Site Inspection DEEMED DENIED Abated Tax_____________ |
31 | Date Adjusted Tax________________ |
32 | By_________________________________________ |
33 | Date Voted/Deemed Denied Tax Board of Review |
34 | Date Change Certificate No. |
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1 | Any person still aggrieved on any ground whatsoever by an assessment of taxes against |
2 | him or her in any city or town may, within thirty (30) days of the tax board of review decision |
3 | notice, file a petition in the superior court for the county in which the city or town lies for relief |
4 | from the assessment, to which petition the assessors of taxes of the city or town in office at the time |
5 | the petition is filed shall be made parties respondent, and the clerk shall thereupon issue a citation |
6 | substantially in the following form: |
8 | |
9 | To the sheriffs of several counties, or to their deputies, Greetings: We command you to |
10 | summon the assessors of taxes of the town of ________ : to wit, ________ of ________ (if to be |
11 | found in your precinct) to answer the complaint of ________ of ________ on the return day hereof |
12 | (said return day being the ___________ day of _____________________ A.D. 20___________) |
13 | in the superior court to be holden at the county courthouse in ________ as by petition filed in court |
14 | is fully set forth; and to show cause why said petition should not be granted. Hereof fail not, and |
15 | make true return of this writ with your doings thereon. Witness, the seal of our superior court, at |
16 | ________ this ___________ day of _____________________ in the year ___________ |
17 | __________, Clerk. |
18 | (c)(g) Provided, that in case the If a person has not filed an a required account for tangible |
19 | personal property, or filed an appeal first within with the local office of tax assessment and then |
20 | the local tax board of review, that person shall not have the benefit of the remedy provided in this |
21 | section and and/or in §§ 44-5-27 — 44-5-31, unless: (1) that person’s real estate has been assessed |
22 | at a value in excess of the value at which it was assessed on the last preceding assessment day, |
23 | whether then owned by that person or not, and has been assessed, if assessment has been made at |
24 | full and fair cash value, at a value in excess of its full and fair cash value, or, if assessment has |
25 | purportedly been made at a uniform percentage of full and fair cash value, at a percentage in excess |
26 | of the uniform percentage; or (2) the tax assessed is illegal in whole or in part; and that person’s |
27 | remedy is limited to a review of the assessment on the real estate or to relief with respect to the |
28 | illegal tax, as the case may be. |
29 | (h) The assessor for any city or town may request and receive from the director of the |
30 | department of revenue one or more ninety (90) day global extensions of time (i.e. extensions which |
31 | include all such appeals pending before the local tax board of review) to the December 31 date |
32 | referenced in subsection (a) of this section. All such extensions shall be in writing and posted on |
33 | the department of revenue, division of municipal finance website. |
34 | (i) In the event that the local tax board of review does not hear a matter within ninety (90) |
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1 | days of the filing of the appeal or, after the close of the hearing does not render a written decision |
2 | within forty-five (45) days of the date of the close of the hearing and there is no global extension |
3 | in effect, the city or town may request and receive from the director of the department of revenue |
4 | one or more extensions of time to either hear the matter and/or render a decision. The local board |
5 | of review shall notify the taxpayer in the event the director of the department of revenue grants a |
6 | city or town’s request for an extension to hear the taxpayer’s appeal and/or render a decision |
7 | thereon. Nothing herein shall prevent the local tax board of review and the taxpayer from mutually |
8 | agreeing to an extension of time for the matter to be heard and/or decision rendered. |
9 | (j) Any person still aggrieved on any ground whatsoever by an assessment of taxes against |
10 | him or her in any city or town may file, within thirty (30) days of the tax board of review’s written |
11 | decision and notice thereof, or in the event that the board has neither held a hearing nor issued a |
12 | decision within the above referenced time frames and has not sought and received an extension of |
13 | time from the director of the department of revenue to do so, a petition in a superior court for the |
14 | county in which the city or town lies for relief from the assessment. The assessor of taxes of the |
15 | city or town in office at the time the petition is filed shall be named as a respondent in said action. |
16 | (k) The petition and accompanying summons/citation shall be served upon the assessors in |
17 | the manner set forth in rule 4 of the Rhode Island superior court rules of civil procedure governing |
18 | service of process. |
19 | (l) A plaintiff may amend a petition filed in the superior court seeking relief from a tax |
20 | assessment so as to include an appeal of the assessment of the same real estate for tax years |
21 | subsequent to the tax year which is the subject of said petition but prior to the tax year covered by |
22 | the next revaluation, statistical revaluation or update. Such amendment must be filed on or before |
23 | November 15 of the tax year for which the relief is being sought. Said taxpayer shall not be required |
24 | to first file an appeal with either the local tax assessor or local tax board for such tax years prior to |
25 | amending said petition. |
26 | (m) A petitioner may file a single petition for multiple parcels of real estate if those parcels |
27 | are contiguous and used as an aggregate site. |
28 | 44-5-30. Judgment on petition where taxpayer has filed account. Judgment on |
29 | petition. |
30 | (a) If the taxpayer has given in an account, and if on On the trial of the petition, either with |
31 | or without a jury, it appears that the taxpayer’s real estate, tangible personal property, or intangible |
32 | personal property has been assessed in excess of the provisions of § 44-5-12 or if it appears that the |
33 | tax assessed is illegal in whole or in part, the court shall give judgment that the sum by which the |
34 | taxpayer has been so overtaxed, or illegally taxed, with his or her costs, be deducted from his or |
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1 | her tax; but if the taxpayer’s tax be paid, whether before or after the filing of the petition, then the |
2 | court shall give judgment for the petitioner for the sum by which he or she has been so overtaxed, |
3 | or illegally taxed, plus the amount of any penalty paid on the tax, with interest from the date on |
4 | which the tax and penalty were paid and costs, which judgment shall be paid to the petitioner by |
5 | the city or town treasurer out of the treasury. |
6 | (b) If, however , on the trial of the petition related to tangible personal property and/or real |
7 | estate, either with or without a jury, it appears that as it relates to tangible personal property the |
8 | taxpayer has failed to file a required account or has fraudulently concealed or omitted any property |
9 | information from his or her account, or if it appears that the assessors have not assessed either the |
10 | taxpayer's tangible personal property or real estate either the taxpayer’s real estate or his or her |
11 | tangible personal property or his or her intangible personal property at a value in excess of the |
12 | provisions of § 44-5-12, and that the taxpayer has not been illegally taxed, the assessors shall have |
13 | judgment and execution for their costs. |
14 | SECTION 2. Section 44-5-31 of the General Laws in Chapter 44-5 entitled "Levy and |
15 | Assessment of Local Taxes" is hereby repealed. |
16 | 44-5-31. Judgment where taxpayer has not filed account. |
17 | If the taxpayer has not filed an account, and if on the trial of the petition, either with or |
18 | without a jury, it appears: |
19 | (1) That his or her real estate has been assessed at a value in excess of the value at which |
20 | it was assessed on the last preceding assessment day, whether then owned by him or her or not, and |
21 | that the real estate has been assessed, if assessment has been made a full and fair cash value, at a |
22 | value in excess of its full and fair cash value, or, if assessment has purportedly been made at a |
23 | uniform percentage of full and fair cash value, at a percentage in excess of the uniform percentage; |
24 | or |
25 | (2) That the tax assessed is illegal in whole or in part, the court shall give judgment that |
26 | the sum by which the taxpayer has been so overtaxed or illegally taxed, with his or her costs, be |
27 | deducted from his or her tax; but if the taxpayer’s tax is paid, whether before or after the filing of |
28 | the petition, then the court shall give judgment for the petitioner for the sum by which he or she |
29 | has been so overtaxed, or illegally taxed, plus the amount of any penalty paid on the tax, with |
30 | interest from the date on which the tax and penalty were paid, and costs, which judgment shall be |
31 | paid to the petitioner by the city or town treasurer out of the treasury. Otherwise, the assessors shall |
32 | have judgment and execution for their costs. |
33 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage; provided, however, the provisions |
34 | thereof shall apply to tax year 2026 (i.e. valuations as of December 31, 2025) and thereafter. This |
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1 | act shall not apply retroactively to appeals of prior assessments whether pending or filed after |
2 | enactment. |
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OF | |
A N A C T | |
*** | |
1 | This act would make certain technical amendments/clarifications to the statutes relating to |
2 | the assessment of real property and the timing and process to appeals thereof. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage; provided, however, the provisions thereof would |
4 | apply to tax year 2026 (i.e. valuations as of December 31, 2025) and thereafter. This act would not |
5 | apply retroactively to appeals of prior assessments whether pending or filed after enactment. |
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