2025 -- H 6035 | |
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LC002285 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Donovan, McGaw, Boylan, Carson, and Cotter | |
Date Introduced: March 07, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Health & Human Services | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Legislative findings. |
2 | The general assembly hereby finds and declares the following: |
3 | (1) Thirty-five percent (35%) of Rhode Island children are overweight or obese. |
4 | (2) In 2022, childhood obesity rates are on the rise from pre-pandemic levels in 2019 (35% |
5 | vs 31%). |
6 | (3) Forty percent (40%) of children in Rhode Island’s core cities are overweight or obese |
7 | compared to thirty-five percent (35%) of children in the remainder of the state. |
8 | (4) Forty-one percent (41%) of latinx and forty-one percent (41%) of black children in |
9 | Rhode Island are overweight or obese compared to thirty-two percent (32%) of white children |
10 | (5) Food environments are associated with food choices and diet quality. |
11 | (6) Childhood obesity is associated with costly chronic conditions like diabetes and heart |
12 | disease. |
13 | SECTION 2. Title 21 of the General Laws entitled "FOOD AND DRUGS" is hereby |
14 | amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
15 | CHAPTER 38 |
17 | 21-38-1. Short title. |
18 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Healthy Kids Act." |
19 | 21-38-2. Definitions. |
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1 | As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise: |
2 | (1) "Children's meal" means a combination of food and a beverage, offered for sale together |
3 | at a single price, primarily intended for consumption by children. |
4 | (2) "Default beverage" means any beverage offered as part of a children's meal. |
5 | (3) "Restaurant" means any food service establishment that serves food to customers for |
6 | consumption on or off the premises, as defined in § 21-27-1, including, but not limited to, drive- |
7 | through or walk-up counters, coffee shops, cafes, pizza parlors, and dine-in establishments. |
8 | "Restaurant" does not include school cafeterias. |
9 | 21-38-3. Nutrition standards in children's meals. |
10 | (a) A restaurant shall not sell any children’s meal unless the restaurant offers at least two |
11 | (2) children's meals, or twenty-five percent (25%) of the children's meals on the children's menu, |
12 | whichever is greater, containing no more than: |
13 | (1) Five hundred fifty (550) calories; |
14 | (2) Seven hundred milligrams (700 mg) sodium; |
15 | (3) Fifteen grams (15 g) added sugars; |
16 | (4) Ten percent (10%) of calories from saturated fat; and |
17 | (5) Zero grams trans-fat. |
18 | (b)(1) A restaurant shall not sell a children's meal unless the restaurant offers at least two |
19 | (2) children's meals, or twenty-five percent (25%) of the children's meals on the children's menu, |
20 | whichever is greater, including servings in the specified amounts from at least two (2) of the |
21 | following five (5) food groups: |
22 | (i) Fruit: one-half (1/2) cup or more; |
23 | (ii) Vegetable: one-half (1/2) cup or more; |
24 | (iii) Nonfat or low-fat dairy: one-half (1/2) cup or more; |
25 | (iv) Meat or meat alternative equaling at least: |
26 | (A) One ounce (1 oz) meat, poultry, or seafood; |
27 | (B) One egg; |
28 | (C) One-fourth (1/4) cup pulses (beans, peas, lentils) or soy products; |
29 | (D) Two (2) tablespoons nut butter; or |
30 | (E) One ounce (1 oz) nuts and seeds; or |
31 | (v) Whole grains: provides at least eight (8) grams of whole grains and meets at least one |
32 | of the following criteria: |
33 | (A) Contains fifty percent (50%) whole grain ingredients; or |
34 | (B) Lists whole grains as the first ingredient. |
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1 | (2) At least one of the two (2) food groups shall be a fruit or non-fried vegetable. |
2 | 21-38-4. Default beverages in children's meals. |
3 | (a) A restaurant shall not sell a children's meal with a beverage unless the default beverage |
4 | is one of the following: |
5 | (1) Water with no added natural or artificial sweeteners; |
6 | (2) Unflavored nonfat or low-fat milk with no added natural or artificial sweeteners; or |
7 | (3) Non-dairy milk alternative that is nutritionally similar to cow's milk with no added |
8 | natural or artificial sweeteners. |
9 | (b) When taking food and beverage orders for a children's meal, restaurant employees shall |
10 | offer one of the default beverages set forth in subsection (a) of this section. |
11 | (c) Nothing in this section prohibits a restaurant from selling, or a customer from |
12 | purchasing, a beverage other than the default beverage included with a children's meal, if the |
13 | customer requests the substitute or alternative beverage. |
14 | 21-38-5. Menus and menu boards. |
15 | The children's meals and default beverages that meet the nutrition standards listed in §§ |
16 | 21-38-3 and 21-38-4 shall be listed or displayed on a restaurant's menu and menu boards, including, |
17 | without limitation, online menus and menus used by delivery-based entities. |
18 | 21-38-6. Enforcement. |
19 | (a) The department of health shall implement, administer, and enforce this chapter, and is |
20 | hereby authorized to issue rules and regulations consistent with this chapter and shall have all |
21 | necessary powers to carry out the purpose of this chapter. |
22 | (b) Within ninety (90) days of the passage date of this chapter, or any amendments thereto, |
23 | the department of health shall send a copy of this chapter or any such amendment, and other written |
24 | informational resources created in accordance with subsection (a) of this section, to all restaurants |
25 | subject to this chapter. |
26 | (c) The department of health shall create written informational resources and signage in |
27 | English and Spanish summarizing the requirements of this chapter to help support restaurants and |
28 | employees in implementation of this chapter. |
29 | 21-38-7. Restaurants. |
30 | All restaurants shall provide a copy of this chapter and other written informational |
31 | resources created in accordance with § 21-38-6 to all employees upon commencement of |
32 | employment. Within thirty (30) days of receiving a copy of this chapter and other written |
33 | informational resources, and on a regular basis for all new employees, while this chapter is in effect, |
34 | all restaurants shall train employees on how to comply with the provisions of this chapter. All |
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1 | restaurants shall maintain records documenting the nutritional content of children’s meal food and |
2 | beverages and make such records available to the department of health on request. |
3 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would establish the Healthy Kids Act whereby restaurants would be required to |
2 | offer at least two (2) healthy versions of children’s meals, or twenty-five percent (25%) of the |
3 | children’s meals on its menu, whichever is greater. The restaurant would further be required to |
4 | offer either water, unflavored nonfat or low-fat milk, or non-dairy milk alternative with no added |
5 | natural or artificial sweeteners with each child’s meal. The department of health would be required |
6 | to implement rules and regulations to enforce this chapter. |
7 | This act would take effect on January 1, 2026. |
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