2025 -- H 5998 | |
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LC002066 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Lima, J. Brien, and Costantino | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 42 of the General Laws entitled "STATE AFFAIRS AND |
2 | GOVERNMENT" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 9.4 |
5 | 42-9.4-1. Purpose. |
6 | There is created the office of the inspector general that shall be an independent |
7 | administrative agency, for which purpose shall be to investigate the management and operation of |
8 | agencies. The office shall be assigned to the office of the governor for administrative purposes only |
9 | and not under the governor's authority and be an independent agency. The jurisdiction, |
10 | authorization, powers, and duties granted to the office in this chapter shall be in addition to, and |
11 | not in contravention of, any and all jurisdiction, authorization, powers, and duties of the attorney |
12 | general or any other state or local law enforcement agency. |
13 | 42-9.4-2. Definitions. |
14 | As used in this chapter, the term: |
15 | (1) "Abuse" means the intentional, wrongful, or improper use or destruction of state |
16 | resources. |
17 | (2) "Agency" shall have the same meaning as provided in ยง 42-35-1 ("administrative |
18 | procedures"). |
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1 | (3) "Corruption" means an intentional act of fraud, waste, or abuse or the use of public |
2 | office for personal or pecuniary gain for oneself or another. |
3 | (4) "Employee" means any person in the executive branch of state government who is |
4 | employed by an agency, including agency heads, directors, and commissioners. |
5 | (5) "Fraud" means an act of intentional or reckless deceit to mislead or otherwise deceive. |
6 | (6) "Inspector general" means the inspector general created by this chapter or their |
7 | designee. |
8 | (7) "Office" means the office of the inspector general created by this chapter. |
9 | (8) "Officer" means any person appointed to any agency, board, authority, bureau, |
10 | commission, or council in the executive branch of state government. |
11 | (9) "Official" means any person elected to office within the executive branch of |
12 | government. |
13 | (10) "Peace officer" means, for purpose of this chapter: |
14 | (i) An agent, operative, or officer of this state, a subdivision or municipality thereof, or a |
15 | railroad who, as an employee for hire or as a volunteer, is vested either expressly by law or by |
16 | virtue of public employment or service with authority to enforce the criminal or traffic laws through |
17 | the power of arrest and whose duties include the preservation of public order, the protection of life |
18 | and property, and the prevention, detection, or investigation of crime; |
19 | (ii) An enforcement officer who is employed by the department of transportation in its |
20 | office of permits and enforcement and any person employed by the department of attorney general |
21 | or the department of children, youth and families (DCYF) who is designated to investigate and |
22 | apprehend delinquent children and any child with a pending juvenile court case alleging the child |
23 | to be a child in need of services; |
24 | (iii) Personnel who are authorized to exercise the power of arrest, who are employed or |
25 | appointed by the department of attorney general or DCYF, and whose full-time duties include the |
26 | preservation of public order, the protection of life and property, the detection of crime, the |
27 | supervision of delinquent children in the department's institutions, facilities, or programs, or the |
28 | supervision of delinquent children under intensive supervision in the community; |
29 | (iv) Personnel who are authorized to exercise the power of arrest and who are employed or |
30 | appointed by the department of corrections; and |
31 | (v) An administrative investigator who is an agent, operative, investigator, or officer of this |
32 | state whose duties include the prevention, detection, and investigation of violations of law and the |
33 | enforcement of administrative, regulatory, licensing, or certification requirements of their |
34 | respective employing agency. |
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1 | (vi) Law enforcement support personnel are not peace officers within the meaning of this |
2 | chapter, but they may be certified upon voluntarily complying with the certification provisions of |
3 | this chapter. |
4 | (11) "Waste" means a reckless or grossly negligent act that causes state funds to be spent |
5 | in a manner that was not authorized or represents significant inefficiency and needless expense. |
6 | 42-9.4-3. Inspector general independent commission. |
7 | There shall be a fourteen (14) member independent commission comprised of: |
8 | (1) The superintendent of the Rhode Island state police; |
9 | (2) Two (2) members appointed by the superintendent of the state police, one from the |
10 | forensic financial crimes unit and one from the cybersecurity unit; |
11 | (3) The auditor general or designee; |
12 | (4) The head of Common Cause or designee; |
13 | (5) Two (2) members of the Rhode Island Police Chiefs' Association to be appointed by |
14 | the head of the police chiefs' association; |
15 | (6) One member to be appointed by the governor; |
16 | (7) One member to be appointed by the attorney general; |
17 | (8) One member to be appointed by the general treasurer; |
18 | (9) The chair of the institute of cybersecurity; |
19 | (10) Two (2) members from the institute for cybersecurity and emerging technologies at |
20 | Rhode Island college to be appointed by chair of the institute; and |
21 | (11) Congressman James Langevin. |
22 | 42-9.4-4. Terms -- Powers -- Duties. |
23 | (a) The inspector general's appointment shall be for a term of eight (8) years. |
24 | (b) The commission shall be charged with creating a selection process for the appointment |
25 | of the inspector general by interviewing potential candidates, selecting three (3) candidates for the |
26 | position of inspector general and sending them to the governor who will appoint one as the inspector |
27 | general and send that selection to the senate for confirmation. |
28 | 42-9.4-5. Powers of inspector general. |
29 | (a) The inspector general shall have jurisdiction over any official, officer, employee, |
30 | department, division, bureau, board, commission, or agency in the executive branch of state |
31 | government. The inspector general shall establish the organization structure appropriate to carrying |
32 | out the responsibilities and functions of the office and shall have the power to employ, promote, |
33 | and remove such assistants, employees, and personnel as deemed necessary for the efficient and |
34 | effective administration of the office. |
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1 | (b) The inspector general shall have the following duties: |
2 | (1) Receive and investigate complaints from any source alleging fraud, waste, abuse, or |
3 | corruption that has been committed or is being committed against an agency of the state; |
4 | (2) Investigate acts that may constitute violations committed by officers, officials, or |
5 | employees of agencies; |
6 | (3) Investigate retaliation claims regarding officers, officials, or employees of agencies |
7 | submitted; |
8 | (4) Report suspected acts of fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption against or within an agency |
9 | to the governor and, as appropriate, other state or federal entities with jurisdiction over the matter; |
10 | (5) Upon conclusion of an investigation that results in a finding of fraud, waste, abuse, or |
11 | corruption, issue a report or letter to the office of the governor as requested and release to the public |
12 | any such report unless the public release of such report would compromise a pending criminal |
13 | investigation known to the inspector general or otherwise be exempt from disclosure; |
14 | (6) Instruct and educate agencies on the detection and prevention of fraud, waste, abuse, |
15 | and corruption; conduct evaluations and audits of relevant agency policies and procedures |
16 | implicated by any investigation; and create a remedial action plan to prevent recurrences of fraud, |
17 | waste, abuse, and corruption; |
18 | (7) Close an investigation when the inspector general concludes there is insufficient |
19 | evidence that a violation has occurred. Closure by the inspector general shall not bar the reopening |
20 | the investigation if circumstances warrant; |
21 | (8) Act as a liaison with outside agencies and agencies of the government of the United |
22 | States to promote accountability, integrity, and efficiency in state government; |
23 | (9) Act as a liaison and monitor the activities of internal affairs units, inspectors general, |
24 | and offices of professional standards within agencies; |
25 | (10) Conduct special investigations and management reviews of agencies at the request of |
26 | the governor or state police or attorney general; and |
27 | (11) Other duties assigned by the governor that are consistent with this chapter and that |
28 | involve or concern the management, operation, or personnel of agencies. |
29 | (c)(1) Agencies shall cooperate with any investigation conducted pursuant to this chapter. |
30 | In any agency where fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption is detected, the agency shall take remedial |
31 | steps to prevent recurrences of similar conduct and, the inspector general shall have access to all |
32 | records available to the governor. The inspector general shall be authorized to enter upon the |
33 | premises of any agency at any time, without prior announcement, if necessary, for the successful |
34 | completion of an investigation. In the course of an investigation, the inspector general shall be |
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1 | authorized to question any official, officer, or employee serving in the agency and may inspect and |
2 | copy any books, records, or papers in the possession of the agency, taking care to preserve the |
3 | confidentiality of information contained in responses to questions or the books, records, or papers |
4 | that are made confidential by law. |
5 | (2) The knowing failure of any official, officer, or employee to comply with an |
6 | investigation made pursuant to this chapter or the knowing provision of false information during |
7 | an investigation may be cause for discipline, up to and including termination as long as such |
8 | official, officer, or employee is subject to termination or other discipline by such agency. |
9 | (3) No agency, officer, or official shall take action against an official, officer, or employee |
10 | for disclosing or threatening to disclose the existence of any activity constituting waste, fraud, |
11 | abuse, or corruption to the inspector general, unless the disclosure or threatened disclosure was |
12 | made with knowledge that the disclosure was false or was made with willful disregard for its truth |
13 | or falsity. Any report disclosed by the office may differ from the complete written report in that the |
14 | inspector general shall have the discretion to redact or otherwise protect the names of complainants |
15 | and witnesses, or other facts that, if not redacted, might compromise the identity of a complainant |
16 | or witness. |
17 | (4)(i) In performing any investigation authorized by this chapter, the inspector general shall |
18 | be authorized to administer oaths, examine witnesses under oath, and issue any subpoenas |
19 | necessary to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of all books, records, papers, |
20 | and tangible items that constitute or contain evidence which the inspector general finds reasonably |
21 | relevant or material to the investigation. |
22 | (ii) Service of any subpoena issued under this chapter shall be made by any designated |
23 | person. Service upon a natural person may be made by personal delivery of the subpoena to that |
24 | person. Subpoenas may also be served upon a natural person by registered or certified mail or |
25 | statutory overnight delivery, and the return receipt shall constitute prima facie proof of service. |
26 | Service upon a natural person may also be made by serving as the person's counsel of record. |
27 | Service may be made upon a domestic or foreign corporation by delivering the subpoena to an |
28 | officer, to a managing or general agent, or to any other agent authorized by appointment or by law |
29 | to receive service of process. A subpoena requiring the attendance of a witness may be served at |
30 | any place within this state. |
31 | (iii) In the case of a refusal to obey any issued subpoena, the inspector general or designee |
32 | may request that the attorney general petition the superior court within any jurisdiction where the |
33 | investigation is carried on, where the subpoenaed person resides, or where the subpoenaed person |
34 | carries on business or may be found to compel compliance with the subpoena. The attorney general |
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1 | shall petition the court upon such request by the inspector general or designee. |
2 | (iv) Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall enter an order directing the person to |
3 | appear before the court at a specified time and place and then and there show cause why they had |
4 | not attended, answered questions under penalty of perjury, or produced the requested items as |
5 | required. If it appears to the court that the subpoena was regularly issued by the inspector general, |
6 | the court shall enter an order that the person named in the subpoena appear at the time and place |
7 | fixed in the order and answer questions under penalty of perjury or produce the requested items as |
8 | required. Upon failure to obey the order, the person shall be subject to contempt of court. All |
9 | process in any such case may be served at any place within this state. |
10 | (v) Nothing in this section limits or alters a person's existing rights or protections under |
11 | state or federal law. |
12 | (d) For the purposes of this chapter, the inspector general shall have the authority to employ |
13 | police officers. Persons employed full time or part time for the purpose of conducting potential |
14 | criminal investigations under this chapter shall be certified police officers and shall have all the |
15 | powers of a certified police officer of this state including, but not limited to, the power to obtain, |
16 | serve, and execute search warrants. Such certified police officers shall be subject to the |
17 | requirements of all police standards and training laws and are specifically required to complete the |
18 | training required for police officers by that chapter. Such certified police officers shall be |
19 | authorized, with the written approval of the inspector general to carry firearms of a standard police |
20 | issue when engaged in detecting, investigating, or preventing crimes under this chapter. |
21 | 42-9.4-6. Conflict of laws. |
22 | All general or public laws in conflict with this chapter are secondary to this chapter and if |
23 | any conflict should occur the provisions of this chapter shall control. |
24 | 42-9.4-7. Rules and regulations. |
25 | The office of the inspector general shall, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 35 of title |
26 | 42, ("administrative procedures"), promulgate rules and regulations, which shall govern its |
27 | proceedings. |
28 | 42-9.4-8. Confidentiality of records. |
29 | (a) All records of the office of inspector general shall be confidential and shall not be public |
30 | records, unless it is necessary for the inspector general to make such records public in the |
31 | performance of their duties or in response to a court order. |
32 | (b) Violation of the provisions of the confidentiality of proceedings by the inspector general |
33 | or any member of the staff, or by any member of the inspector general's office, shall be punished |
34 | by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars |
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1 | ($1,000). |
2 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would establish an office of inspector general as an independent administrative |
2 | agency, charged with preventing and detecting fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in the |
3 | expenditure of public funds. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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