2025 -- H 5995 | |
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LC001982 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Morales, Stewart, Felix, Tanzi, Handy, Cruz, Potter, and | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 42-12-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-12 entitled "Department |
2 | of Human Services" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 42-12-1. Department of human services. |
4 | (1) There is hereby established within the executive branch of state government a |
5 | department which shall be known as the department of human services. The department shall be |
6 | headed by a director of human services who shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and |
7 | consent of the senate and who shall serve at the pleasure of the governor. |
8 | (2) The director shall carry out all of the provisions of all of the general and public laws |
9 | heretofore carried out by the department of education and the director of social welfare with relation |
10 | to: |
11 | (a) Vocational rehabilitation; |
12 | (b) Division of correctional services; and |
13 | (c) Division of community services, whose several functions are by this chapter transferred |
14 | to the department of human services. |
15 | (3) The director shall carry out all department recruitment efforts and job training to attract |
16 | qualified candidates eligible for the following positions: |
17 | (a) Eligibility technician; |
18 | (b) Child service enforcement agent; |
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1 | (c) Social case worker I & II; |
2 | (d) Employment career advisor; |
3 | (e) The director shall promulgate rules concerning the eligibility of persons for the job |
4 | training program; the granting of a three thousand dollar ($3,000) stipend from available funds, for |
5 | eligible applicants who have successfully completed the job training program and the department’s |
6 | probationary period. |
7 | SECTION 2. Section 42-72-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-72 entitled "Department |
8 | of Children, Youth and Families" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
9 | 42-72-4. Qualifications and duties of director. |
10 | (a) The director shall meet the following minimum qualifications: |
11 | (1) Hold a master’s degree in social work or a closely related field, and have demonstrated |
12 | experience in child welfare and/or children’s mental health, and/or juvenile justice; and |
13 | (2) Have at least five (5) years of increasing responsibility in administering programs for |
14 | children. |
15 | (b) The director’s duties include, but are not limited to: |
16 | (1) Administration and direction of the operation of the department; |
17 | (2) Examination of programs, services, and plans for children for the purpose of identifying |
18 | duplications, inefficiencies, effectiveness of programs, resources and unmet needs; |
19 | (3) Securing and analysis of departmental plans and budget requests affecting children’s |
20 | programs and services; |
21 | (4) Review of federal funds utilized and available to the state for children’s programs and |
22 | services; |
23 | (5) Collation of items in the governor’s budget related to programs and services for children |
24 | and issuance of impact statements; |
25 | (6) Formulation of recommendations to the governor and other appropriate department |
26 | heads on planning and expenditures for children’s programs and services; |
27 | (7) Liaison with community child advocacy groups, including parents, to receive advice on |
28 | resources, needs, and priorities in the different localities; |
29 | (8) Provide effective public information on children’s services in Rhode Island; |
30 | (9) Advise the legislature on the needs of children and their families; |
31 | (10) Establish a central registry for the purpose of reporting, collating, receiving, and |
32 | administering reports involving children; |
33 | (11) Liaison with other state departments, agencies, local governments, and private |
34 | providers of services to coordinate services and maximize resources in developing programs; |
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1 | (12) Formulation of rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this |
2 | chapter; |
3 | (13) Preparation of an annual report and state plan to be sent to the governor and the general |
4 | assembly; |
5 | (14) Provision or arrangement for the provision of suitable treatment, rehabilitation, and |
6 | care for each child under the director’s supervision by pursuing the least restrictive placement and, |
7 | wherever feasible, by effectuating community placements in Rhode Island; |
8 | (15) The director shall provide for a case management information system that includes |
9 | data regarding, but not limited to, client entry, screening, client’s needs assessment, development |
10 | of a client service plan, services provision, evaluation, review and monitoring of client progress, |
11 | and client exit from the system. In addition, the director shall establish a centralized case |
12 | management unit to receive all service plans and using any additional expertise as may be required, |
13 | will review, monitor, evaluate, endorse, and/or modify as may be appropriate, each client service |
14 | plan; |
15 | (16) Administer in a coordinated and integrated manner all institutions and facilities that |
16 | are or may come under the jurisdiction of the department; and |
17 | (17) Develop a comprehensive program for the prevention of problems of children and |
18 | provide a flexible, innovative, and effective program for the placement, care, and treatment of |
19 | children committed by any court to the department, transferred to the department by other |
20 | departments, or voluntarily admitted to the department. |
21 | (18) The director shall carry out all department recruitment efforts and job training to attract |
22 | qualified candidates eligible for the following positions: |
23 | (i) Social case worker I; |
24 | (ii) Child protective investigator; |
25 | (iii) The director shall promulgate rules concerning the eligibility of persons for the job |
26 | training program; the granting of a three thousand dollar ($3,000) stipend from available funds, for |
27 | eligible applicants who have successfully completed the job training program and the department’s |
28 | probationary period. |
29 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would provide a three thousand dollar ($3,000) stipend to a qualified applicant |
2 | who successfully completes the job training program of the department of human services or |
3 | department of children, youth and families. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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