2025 -- H 5987 | |
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LC001094 | |
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A N A C T | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Shallcross Smith, Fogarty, Hull, Serpa, Diaz, Tanzi, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Legislative findings and purpose. |
2 | The general assembly finds as follows: |
3 | (1) It is in the public interest to improve the quality and access to behavioral health crisis |
4 | services; reducing stigma surrounding suicide, mental health and substance use conditions; |
5 | providing a behavioral health crisis response that is substantially equivalent to the response already |
6 | provided to individuals who require emergency physical health care in the state; furthering equity |
7 | in addressing mental health and substance use conditions; requiring parity in insurers’ and health |
8 | plans’ coverage of mental health and substance use disorder benefits; strengthening the crisis |
9 | response for children, youth, young people, and families; requiring protocols for 988 crisis |
10 | counselors, 911 responders, and law enforcement involvement; updating the name of the 988 |
11 | Suicide Hotline; ensuring a culturally and linguistically competent response to behavioral health |
12 | crises and saving lives; requiring the state to pursue sustainable sources of funding; building a new |
13 | system of equitable and linguistically appropriate behavioral crisis services in which all individuals |
14 | are treated with respect, dignity, cultural competence, and humility; and for the purpose of |
15 | complying with the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act of 2020 and the Federal |
16 | Communication Commission’s rules adopted July 16, 2020 to ensure that all citizens and visitors |
17 | of the state receive a consistent level of 988 and crisis behavioral health services no matter where |
18 | they live, work, or travel in the state. |
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1 | SECTION 2. Title 40.1 of the General Laws entitled "BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, |
2 | DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND HOSPITALS" is hereby amended by adding thereto |
3 | the following chapter: |
4 | CHAPTER 30 |
6 | 40.1-30-1. Definitions. |
7 | In this chapter, the following words have the following meanings: |
8 | (1) “988” means the universal telephone number designated as the universal telephone |
9 | number within the United States for the purpose of the national suicide prevention and mental |
10 | health crisis hotline system operating through the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, or its successor |
11 | maintained by the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use under section 520E-3 |
12 | of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36(c). |
13 | (2) “988 administrator” means the administrator of the 988 national suicide prevention and |
14 | mental health crisis hotline 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline system maintained by the Assistant |
15 | Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use under section 520E-3 of the Public Health Service |
16 | Act (42 U.S.C. § 290bb-36(a). |
17 | (3) “988 contact” means a communication with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline system |
18 | within the United States operating through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or its successor |
19 | via modalities offered, including call, chat, or text. |
20 | (4) “988 crisis center” means a state-designated center participating in the 988 Suicide & |
21 | Crisis Lifeline program to respond to statewide or regional 988 contacts. |
22 | (5) “988 fee” means the surcharge assessed on commercial landline, mobile service, |
23 | prepaid wireless voice service, and interconnected voice over Internet protocol service lines created |
24 | under § 39-21.1-14 authority for communication law, regulation, and technological innovation. |
25 | (6) “988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988 Lifeline)” means the national suicide prevention |
26 | and mental health crisis hotline system maintained by the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health |
27 | and Substance Use under section 520E-3 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 290bb-36(c)). |
28 | (7) “Behavioral health crisis services” means the continuum of services needed by an |
29 | individual experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis including, but not limited to, crisis |
30 | intervention, crisis stabilization, and crisis residential needs provided by 988 contact centers, |
31 | mobile crisis teams, and crisis receiving and stabilization service providers. |
32 | (8) “Community mental health centers, and certified community behavioral health clinics” |
33 | mean facilities as defined under Sec. 1913(c) of the Public Health Services Act and/or Section |
34 | 223(d) of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA), and community behavioral |
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1 | health organizations as licensed and certified by relevant state agencies. |
2 | (9) “Crisis receiving and stabilization centers” are facilities providing short term services |
3 | of up to twenty-four (24) hours with capacity for diagnosis, initial management, observation, crisis |
4 | stabilization and follow up referral services to all persons in a home-like environment. |
5 | (10) “Director” means the director of the department of behavioral healthcare, |
6 | developmental disabilities and hospitals (BHDDH). |
7 | (11) “Federal Communications Commission” regulates interstate and international |
8 | communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all fifty (50) states, the District of |
9 | Columbia and U.S. territories. An independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the |
10 | Commission is the federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing America’s |
11 | communications law and regulations. |
12 | (12) “Insurer” means the definition in § 27-20.6-1. |
13 | (13) “Mobile crisis team” means a multidisciplinary behavioral health team as defined in |
14 | the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Section 1947(b)(2) of Public Law 117-2). |
15 | (14) “Peers”, also referred to as “individuals with lived experience,” means individuals |
16 | employed on the basis of their personal lived experience of a mental health condition and/or |
17 | substance use disorder and recovery who have successfully completed a state recognized peer |
18 | support training program. |
19 | (15) "State or related public health authority" means the department of behavioral |
20 | healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals. |
21 | (16) “Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (“SAMHSA”)” means |
22 | the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health |
23 | efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. |
24 | (17) “Veterans Crisis Line (VCL)” means Veterans Crisis Line maintained by the Secretary |
25 | of Veterans Affairs under 28 U.S.C. § 1720F(h). |
26 | 40.1-30-2. Crisis services systems established. |
27 | (a) The director is hereby authorized to designate a crisis hotline center or centers to |
28 | provide crisis intervention services and crisis care coordination to individuals accessing the 988 |
29 | suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis hotline within Rhode Island twenty-four (24) hours |
30 | a day, seven (7) days a week. |
31 | (b) The designated 988 Lifeline center(s) shall meet 988 Lifeline program requirements |
32 | and best practices guidelines for operational, performance and clinical standards. |
33 | (c) The designated hotline center(s) shall provide data, report, and participate in evaluations |
34 | and related quality improvement activities as required by the 988 administrators. |
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1 | (d) The designated 988 Lifeline center(s) shall have the authority to deploy crisis and |
2 | outgoing services, including mobile crisis teams, and coordinate access to crisis receiving and |
3 | stabilization services or other local resources as appropriate and consistent with guidelines and best |
4 | practices established by the 988 Lifeline. |
5 | (e) To facilitate the ongoing care needs of persons contacting 988, the state or related public |
6 | health authority shall ensure active collaborations and coordination of service linkages between the |
7 | designated center(s), mental health and substance use disorder treatment providers, local |
8 | community mental health centers (including certified community behavioral health clinics and |
9 | community behavioral health centers), mobile crisis teams, and community-based as well as |
10 | hospital emergency departments and inpatient psychiatric settings, establishing formal agreements |
11 | and appropriate information sharing procedures where appropriate. |
12 | (f) The state or related public health authority shall assure active collaborations and |
13 | coordination of service linkages between the designated center(s) and crisis receiving and |
14 | stabilization services for individuals accessing the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline through |
15 | appropriate information sharing regarding availability of services. |
16 | (g) The state or related, public health authority shall work in concert with the 988 Suicide |
17 | & Crisis Lifeline, for the purposes of ensuring consistency of public messaging about 988 services. |
18 | (h) The designated 988 Lifeline center(s) shall meet the requirements set forth by the 988 |
19 | Lifeline program for serving at-risk and specialized populations as identified by the Substance |
20 | Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) including, but not be limited to, |
21 | LGBTQ+ individuals, children, youth and young people, racially, ethnically, and linguistically |
22 | diverse populations, rural individuals, veterans, American Indians, Alaskan Natives, and other |
23 | high-risk populations as well as those with co-occurring substance use; provide culturally and |
24 | linguistically competent care; and include training requirements and policies for transferring a 988 |
25 | Lifeline contact to an appropriate specialized center or subnetworks within the 988 Lifeline |
26 | program. |
27 | (i) The designated hotline center(s) shall provide follow-up services to individuals |
28 | accessing the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline consistent with guidance and policies established by |
29 | the 988 Lifeline program. |
30 | (j) The state or related public health authority having primary oversight of suicide |
31 | prevention and crisis service activities and essential coordination shall provide an annual report of |
32 | the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline’s usage and the services provided to the general assembly and to |
33 | the SAMHSA. |
34 | 40.1-30-3. Response to contacts -- Mobile crisis teams. |
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1 | (a) The department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals shall |
2 | provide, onsite response services to crisis contacts utilizing state and/or locally funded mobile crisis |
3 | teams. |
4 | (b) The mobile crisis teams shall be: |
5 | (1) Jurisdiction-based behavioral health teams including licensed or credentialed |
6 | behavioral health professionals, paraprofessionals, and including individuals with lived experience; |
7 | (2) Behavioral health teams embedded in emergency medical services (EMS) and including |
8 | individuals with lived experience. |
9 | (b) Mobile crisis teams shall: |
10 | (1) Collaborate with local first responders and behavioral health agencies; and |
11 | (2) Include licensed behavioral health professionals and individuals with lived experience; |
12 | and |
13 | (3) May include police as co-responders with behavioral health teams only as needed to |
14 | respond in high-risk situations that cannot be managed without law enforcement as defined in |
15 | protocols by the 988/911 committee. |
16 | (c) Mobile crisis teams and crisis stabilization services provided shall: |
17 | (1) Be designed in partnership with community members, including people with lived |
18 | experience utilizing crisis services; |
19 | (2) Be staffed by personnel that reflect the demographics of the community served; and |
20 | (3) Collect demographic customer service data from individuals served by demographic |
21 | requirements, including race and ethnicity, set forth by SAMHSA and consistent with the state |
22 | block grant requirements for continuous evaluation and quality improvement. |
23 | 40.1-30-4. Determination of payment responsibility. |
24 | (a) For the purposes of this chapter, crisis receiving and stabilization services facilities with |
25 | greater than sixteen (16) beds shall not be considered Institutions for Mental Disease under § 1905 |
26 | (i) of the Social Security Act. |
27 | (b) Crisis receiving and stabilization services shall be funded by appropriations by the |
28 | general assembly if the individual is uninsured, the services are not otherwise covered by another |
29 | entity funding, or the crisis stabilization service is not a covered benefit by the individual’s health |
30 | coverage. |
31 | (c) For Medicaid recipients, the state Medicaid office shall work with the entities |
32 | responsible for the development of crisis receiving and stabilization center services, and mobile |
33 | crisis services, to explore options for appropriate coding of and payment for crisis management |
34 | services. |
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1 | (d) BHDDH shall determine how payment shall be made to the provider of service. |
2 | 40.1-30-5. Implementation-Advisory board. |
3 | The director shall provide general oversight of and direction on the state's implementation |
4 | and operation of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. During the course of the oversight, the director |
5 | shall create an advisory board to provide guidance to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The |
6 | advisory body, consisting of eleven (11) members shall include, but not be limited to, the following |
7 | members: One representative of the designated 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline center(s), one |
8 | representative of the 9-1-1 call centers, one representative appointed from the department of |
9 | behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals, one member from a state substance |
10 | use agency, one member of law enforcement, one nurse from a hospital emergency department, |
11 | one member of the judiciary appointed by the chief justice, one individual with lived experience |
12 | with suicide prevention or behavioral health crisis services usage and two (2) family members and |
13 | caregivers of patients of mental health facilities, and one behavioral health crisis services provider. |
14 | 40.1-30-6. Coordination with E-911 system. |
15 | The director shall act in the public interest to enhance the public emergency response |
16 | system to ensure individuals in a behavioral health crisis are connected to the appropriate |
17 | behavioral health response by coordinating 988 and E-911 services, including the development of |
18 | policies and protocols to allow for dispatch of mobile crisis services from 988 Lifeline contact |
19 | centers. |
20 | 40.1-30-7. Application for federal funds. |
21 | (a) The director shall submit as soon as practicable a state Medicaid program application |
22 | through the executive office of health and human services to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid |
23 | Services, a state Medicaid program application for the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage |
24 | (FMAP) of eighty-five percent (85%) applicable to amounts expended by the state for medical |
25 | assistance for qualifying community-based mobile crisis intervention services furnished. |
26 | (b) The director shall require the Medicaid managed care and Children’s Health Insurance |
27 | Program plans to cover mobile crisis teams, and crisis receiving and stabilization services provided |
28 | to beneficiaries pursuant to the coverage requirements of § 40.1-30-8. |
29 | 40.1-30-8. Required health insurance coverage. |
30 | (a) An insurer shall cover mobile crisis teams and crisis receiving and stabilization services |
31 | provided to an insured experiencing, or believed to be experiencing, a behavioral health crisis. |
32 | Coverage of such services shall be without the need for any prior authorization determination and |
33 | whether the healthcare provider furnishing such services is a participating provider. |
34 | (b) An insured shall only be responsible for in-network cost sharing. If behavioral health |
| LC001094 - Page 6 of 16 |
1 | crisis services are provided by a non-participating provider, the health insurer shall ensure that the |
2 | insured pays no more in cost sharing than the insured would pay if the same services were provided |
3 | by a contracted provider. |
4 | (c) The health insurance commissioner shall enforce federal emergency services coverage |
5 | requirements, including for behavioral health services provided in independent freestanding |
6 | emergency departments, pursuant to the No Surprises Act (including 26 U.S. Code § 9816, 29 U.S. |
7 | Code § 1185e, and 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-111) and its implementing regulations. |
8 | (d) The health insurance commissioner shall verify that each treatment limitation placed |
9 | on behavioral health crisis services is fully compliant with the federal Mental Health Parity and |
10 | Addiction Equity Act and its implementing regulations. For each non-quantitative treatment |
11 | limitation placed on mental health or substance use disorder services within the emergency |
12 | classification of care, the commissioner shall request each insurer’s parity compliance analysis |
13 | prepared pursuant to 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-26(a)(8) and verify that each analysis demonstrates |
14 | compliance. Behavioral health crisis response services shall be placed within the emergency |
15 | classification of care in the same manner as physical health emergency services. |
16 | (e) The coverage mandated in this section shall commence January 1, 2026. |
17 | (f) The commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations, under chapter 35 of title 42 |
18 | ("administrative procedures") as may be necessary to effectuate any provisions of this section. |
19 | 40.1-30-9. Equity required. |
20 | (a) The completion of a local assessment shall be conducted covering the entire state to |
21 | determine system needs to ensure equity in access, experience, and outcomes for historically |
22 | underserved and marginalized groups. |
23 | (b) The development of a strategic plan, based on each local assessment in subsection (a) |
24 | of this section shall establish: |
25 | (1) Appropriate trauma-informed, culturally, and linguistically competent services and |
26 | service options that are responsive to the unique needs of populations who have been historically |
27 | underserved, marginalized and/or experienced inequitable experiences or outcomes; and |
28 | (2) Short- and long-term goals to achieve equity. |
29 | (c) The State of Rhode Island shall regularly collect and analyze the data at a local level, |
30 | including experience of care data, for quality improvements to services, and to determine progress |
31 | towards meeting the goals outlined in the state’s strategic plan. |
32 | (d) To achieve the goals within this section, the state shall: |
33 | (1) Engage partners and stakeholders across the continuum of care, including |
34 | representatives of historically underserved or marginalized communities, schools, community |
| LC001094 - Page 7 of 16 |
1 | organizations, child welfare and foster care, juvenile and criminal justice, and housing specialists; |
2 | (2) Initiate specialized training; and |
3 | (3) Enhance protocols and resources to: |
4 | (i) Provide rapid access to translation services, TTY and other resources to match the |
5 | language needs of the community; |
6 | (ii) Minimize the role of law enforcement; |
7 | (iii) Develop linkages with culturally specific community-based services and supports; and |
8 | (iv) Regularly engage with communities to ensure responsiveness to local needs. |
9 | 40.1-30-10. Statewide assessment and strategic planning. |
10 | (a) The state or related public health authority shall develop and maintain behavioral health |
11 | crisis services and supports that provide a comprehensive, trauma-informed, recovery-oriented, and |
12 | customized 988 Suicide & Crisis Services system meeting the needs of children, youth, young |
13 | people, and families through the completion of a statewide assessment, to determine system needs |
14 | to provide safe, and culturally and developmentally appropriate crisis services for children, youth, |
15 | young people, and their families. The assessment may be conducted using the Implementation |
16 | Strategies from the National Guidelines for Child and Youth Behavioral Health Crisis Care |
17 | developed by SAMHSA and other relevant national guidelines on child and adolescent behavioral |
18 | health. The state shall regularly collect and analyze data for quality improvements to services and |
19 | determine progress towards meeting the goals outlined in the state’s strategic plan. |
20 | (b) Development of a strategic plan, based on the assessment in subsection (a) of this |
21 | section, to establish appropriate services statewide, based on the National Guidelines for Child and |
22 | Youth Behavioral Health Crisis Care, and emphasize: |
23 | (1) Early intervention services; |
24 | (2) Safety for children and youth; |
25 | (3) Culturally, linguistically, and developmentally-appropriate services and responses; |
26 | (4) Peer support and family inclusion in responses and services; |
27 | (5) A focus on reaching underserved and at-risk communities; |
28 | (6) No rejection policies, or medical clearance policies; and |
29 | (7) Service options for prioritizing family unification and connections to current living |
30 | environment. |
31 | (c) To achieve the goals within this section, the state shall: |
32 | (1) Engage partners and stakeholders across the continuum of care, including schools, |
33 | community organizations, child welfare and foster care, juvenile justice, pediatricians, and other |
34 | primary care providers. |
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1 | (2) Initiate specialized age-appropriate training, implement standardized screening and |
2 | assessment tools, and leverage Zero Suicide/Suicide Safer Care. |
3 | (3) Enhance protocols and resources to allow for quick access to translation services, TTY, |
4 | and other resources to match the language needs of the community by equipping crisis contact |
5 | centers, mobile crisis teams and crisis stabilization centers in the state with the resources to: |
6 | (i) Consider in-home stabilization; |
7 | (ii) Minimize the role of law enforcement in response to children in crisis; |
8 | (iii) Implement technology for caller ID, capacity for text, chat, video, and real time |
9 | regional bed registries; |
10 | (iv) Utilize tools to screen for self-harm, suicide, and violence risk; |
11 | (v) Create age-appropriate receiving and support areas; and |
12 | (vi) Provide short-term individual and family therapies as well as intensive support beds |
13 | that utilize standard evidence-based programs, community-defined evidence-based programs, |
14 | cultural adaptations of evidence-based interventions, and warm handoffs to home, community- |
15 | based, and youth-serving systems. |
16 | SECTION 3. Section 39-21.1-14 of the General Laws in Chapter 39-21.1 entitled "911 |
17 | Emergency Telephone Number Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
18 | 39-21.1-14. E-911 surcharge and first response surcharge. E-911 and 988 suicide |
19 | lifeline surcharge and first response surcharge. |
20 | (a)(1) A combined monthly E-911 and 988 surcharge of fifty cents ($.50) is hereby levied |
21 | upon each residence and business telephone line or trunk, or path and data, telephony, internet, |
22 | voice over internet protocol (VoIP) wireline, line, trunk, or path in the state including PBX trunks |
23 | and centrex equivalent trunks and each line or trunk serving, and upon each user interface number |
24 | or extension number or similarly identifiable line, trunk, or path to or from a digital network (such |
25 | as, but not exclusive of, integrated services digital network (ISDN), Flexpath, or comparable digital |
26 | private branch exchange, or connecting to or from a customer-based or dedicated telephone switch |
27 | site (such as, but not exclusive of, a private branch exchange (PBX)), or connecting to or from a |
28 | customer-based or dedicated central office (such as, but not exclusive of, a centrex system but |
29 | exclusive of trunks and lines provided to wireless communication companies) that can access to, |
30 | connect with, or interface with the Rhode Island E-911 uniform emergency telephone system (RI |
31 | E-911) and 988 suicide lifeline. In each instance where a surcharge is levied pursuant to this |
32 | subsection (a)(1) there shall also be a monthly first response surcharge of fifty cents ($.50). The |
33 | surcharges shall be billed by each telecommunication services provider at the inception of services |
34 | and shall be payable to the telecommunication services provider by the subscriber of the services. |
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1 | (2) A monthly E-911 and 988 surcharge of fifty cents ($.50) is hereby levied on each |
2 | wireless instrument, device, or means, including prepaid, cellular, telephony, internet, voice over |
3 | internet protocol (VoIP), satellite, computer, radio, communication, data or data only wireless lines, |
4 | or any other wireless instrument, device, or means that has access to, connects with, or activates or |
5 | interfaces or any combination thereof with the E-911 uniform emergency telephone system and the |
6 | 988 suicide lifeline. In each instance where a surcharge is levied pursuant to this subsection (a)(2) |
7 | there shall also be a monthly first response surcharge of seventy-five cents ($.75). The surcharges |
8 | shall be billed by each telecommunication services provider and shall be payable to the |
9 | telecommunication services provider by the subscriber. Prepaid wireless telecommunications |
10 | services shall not be included in this act, but shall be governed by chapter 21.2 of this title. The E- |
11 | 911 uniform emergency telephone system and the 988 suicide lifeline shall establish, by rule or |
12 | regulation, an appropriate funding mechanism to recover from the general body of ratepayers this |
13 | surcharge. |
14 | (b) The amount of the surcharges shall not be subject to the tax imposed under chapter 18 |
15 | of title 44 nor be included within the telephone common carrier’s gross earnings for the purpose of |
16 | computing the tax under chapter 13 of title 44. |
17 | (c) Each telephone common carrier and each telecommunication services provider shall |
18 | establish a special account to which it shall deposit on a monthly basis the amounts collected as |
19 | surcharges under this section. |
20 | (d) The money collected by each telecommunication services provider shall be transferred |
21 | within sixty (60) days after its inception of wireline, wireless, prepaid, cellular, telephony, voice |
22 | over internet protocol (VoIP), satellite, computer, internet, or communications services in this state |
23 | and every month thereafter, to the division of taxation, together with the accrued interest. The E- |
24 | 911 and 988 surcharge shall be deposited in a restricted-receipt account and used solely for the |
25 | operation of the E-911 uniform emergency telephone system and the 988 suicide lifeline. The first |
26 | response surcharge shall be deposited in the general fund; provided, however, that ten percent |
27 | (10%) of the money collected from the first response surcharge shall be deposited in the information |
28 | technology restricted receipt account (ITRR account) established pursuant to § 42-11-2.5(a). Any |
29 | money not transferred in accordance with this subsection shall be assessed interest at the rate set |
30 | forth in § 44-1-7 from the date the money should have been transferred. |
31 | (e) Every billed subscriber-user shall be liable for any surcharge imposed under this section |
32 | until it has been paid to the telephone common carrier or telecommunication services provider. Any |
33 | surcharge shall be added to and shall be stated separately in the billing by the telephone common |
34 | carrier or telecommunication services provider and shall be collected by the telephone common |
| LC001094 - Page 10 of 16 |
1 | carrier or telecommunication services provider. |
2 | (f) Each telephone common carrier and telecommunication services provider shall annually |
3 | provide the E-911 uniform emergency telephone system division, and 988 suicide lifeline or any |
4 | other agency that may replace it, with a list of amounts uncollected, together with the names and |
5 | addresses of its subscriber-users who can be determined by the telephone common carrier or |
6 | telecommunication services provider to have not paid the E-911 and 988 suicide lifeline surcharge. |
7 | (g) Included within, but not limited to, the purposes for which the money collected from |
8 | the E-911 and 988 suicide lifeline surcharge may be used, are rent, lease, purchase, improvement, |
9 | construction, maintenance, repair, and utilities for the equipment and site or sites occupied by the |
10 | E-911 uniform emergency telephone system and 988 suicide lifeline; salaries, benefits, and other |
11 | associated personnel costs; acquisition, upgrade, or modification of PSAP equipment to be capable |
12 | of receiving E-911 and 988 suicide lifeline information, including necessary computer hardware, |
13 | software, and database provisioning, addressing, and non-recurring costs of establishing emergency |
14 | services; network development, operation, and maintenance; database development, operation, and |
15 | maintenance; on-premise equipment maintenance and operation; training emergency service |
16 | personnel regarding use of E-911 and 988 suicide lifeline; educating consumers regarding the |
17 | operations, limitations, role, and responsible use of E-911 and 988 suicide lifeline; reimbursement |
18 | to telephone common carriers or telecommunication services providers of rates or recurring costs |
19 | associated with any services, operation, administration, or maintenance of E-911 and 988 suicide |
20 | lifeline services as approved by the division; reimbursement to telecommunication services |
21 | providers or telephone common carriers of other costs associated with providing E-911 and 988 |
22 | suicide lifeline services, including the cost of the design, development, and implementation of |
23 | equipment or software necessary to provide E-911 and 988 suicide lifeline service information to |
24 | PSAPs, as approved by the division. |
25 | (h) [Deleted by P.L. 2000, ch. 55, art. 28, § 1.] |
26 | (i) Nothing in this section shall be construed to constitute rate regulation of wireless |
27 | communication services carriers, nor shall this section be construed to prohibit wireless |
28 | communication services carriers from charging subscribers for any wireless service or feature. |
29 | (j) [Deleted by P.L. 2006, ch. 246, art. 4, § 1.] |
30 | SECTION 4. Chapter 27-18 of the General Laws entitled "Accident and Sickness Insurance |
31 | Policies" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
32 | 27-18-35.1. Behavioral health crisis services coverage required. |
33 | (a) Commencing January 1, 2026, every health insurance contract plan or policy delivered, |
34 | issued for delivery or renewed in this state, except policies which only provide coverage for |
| LC001094 - Page 11 of 16 |
1 | specified diseases, fix indemnity, Medicare supplement long-term care disability income, or other |
2 | limited benefit policies, shall provide coverage for the services of counselors in behavioral health |
3 | crisis services. |
4 | (b) An insurer shall cover mobile crisis teams and crisis receiving and stabilization services |
5 | provided to an insured experiencing, or believed to be experiencing, a behavioral health crisis. |
6 | Coverage of such services shall be without the need for any prior authorization determination and |
7 | whether the healthcare provider furnishing such services is a participating provider. |
8 | (c) An insured shall only be responsible for in-network cost sharing. If behavioral health |
9 | crisis services are provided by a non-participating provider, the health insurer shall ensure that the |
10 | insured pays no more in cost sharing than the insured would pay if the same services were provided |
11 | by a contracted provider. |
12 | (d) The health insurance commissioner shall enforce federal emergency services coverage |
13 | requirements, including for behavioral health services provided in independent freestanding |
14 | emergency departments, pursuant to the No Surprises Act (including 26 U.S. Code § 9816, 29 U.S. |
15 | Code § 1185e, and 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-111) and its implementing regulations. |
16 | (e) The health insurance commissioner shall verify that each treatment limitation placed on |
17 | behavioral health crisis services is fully compliant with the federal Mental Health Parity and |
18 | Addiction Equity Act and its implementing regulations. For each non-quantitative treatment |
19 | limitation placed on mental health or substance use disorder services within the emergency |
20 | classification of care, the commissioner shall request each insurer’s parity compliance analysis |
21 | prepared pursuant to 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-26(a)(8) and verify that each analysis demonstrates |
22 | compliance. Behavioral health crisis response services shall be placed within the emergency |
23 | classification of care in the same manner as physical health emergency services. |
24 | (f) The commissioner shall adopt rules, under chapter 35 of title 42 ("administrative |
25 | procedures") as may be necessary to effectuate any provisions of this section. |
26 | SECTION 5. Chapter 27-19 of the General Laws entitled "Nonprofit Hospital Service |
27 | Corporations" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
28 | 27-19-31.1. Behavioral health crisis services coverage required. |
29 | (a) Commencing January 1, 2026, every health insurance contract plan or policy delivered, |
30 | issued for delivery or renewed in this state, except policies which only provide coverage for |
31 | specified diseases, fix indemnity, Medicare supplement long-term care disability income, or other |
32 | limited benefit policies, shall provide coverage for the services of counselors in behavioral health |
33 | crisis services. |
34 | (b) An insurer shall cover mobile crisis teams and crisis receiving and stabilization services |
| LC001094 - Page 12 of 16 |
1 | provided to an insured experiencing, or believed to be experiencing, a behavioral health crisis. |
2 | Coverage of such services shall be without the need for any prior authorization determination and |
3 | whether the healthcare provider furnishing such services is a participating provider. |
4 | (c) An insured shall only be responsible for in-network cost sharing. If behavioral health |
5 | crisis services are provided by a non-participating provider, the health insurer shall ensure that the |
6 | insured pays no more in cost sharing than the insured would pay if the same services were provided |
7 | by a contracted provider. |
8 | (d) The health insurance commissioner shall enforce federal emergency services coverage |
9 | requirements, including for behavioral health services provided in independent freestanding |
10 | emergency departments, pursuant to the No Surprises Act (including 26 U.S. Code § 9816, 29 U.S. |
11 | Code § 1185e, and 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-111) and its implementing regulations. |
12 | (e) The health insurance commissioner shall verify that each treatment limitation placed on |
13 | behavioral health crisis services is fully compliant with the federal Mental Health Parity and |
14 | Addiction Equity Act and its implementing regulations. For each non-quantitative treatment |
15 | limitation placed on mental health or substance use disorder services within the emergency |
16 | classification of care, the commissioner shall request each insurer’s parity compliance analysis |
17 | prepared pursuant to 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-26(a)(8) and verify that each analysis demonstrates |
18 | compliance. Behavioral health crisis response services shall be placed within the emergency |
19 | classification of care in the same manner as physical health emergency services. |
20 | (f) The commissioner shall adopt rules, under chapter 35 of title 42 ("administrative |
21 | procedures") as may be necessary to effectuate any provisions of this section. |
22 | SECTION 6. Chapter 27-20 of the General Laws entitled "Nonprofit Medical Service |
23 | Corporations" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
24 | 27-20-31.2. Behavioral health crisis services coverage required. |
25 | (a) Commencing January 1, 2026, every health insurance contract plan or policy delivered, |
26 | issued for delivery or renewed in this state, except policies which only provide coverage for |
27 | specified diseases, fix indemnity, Medicare supplement long-term care disability income, or other |
28 | limited benefit policies, shall provide coverage for the services of counselors in behavioral health |
29 | crisis services. |
30 | (b) An insurer shall cover mobile crisis teams and crisis receiving and stabilization services |
31 | provided to an insured experiencing, or believed to be experiencing, a behavioral health crisis. |
32 | Coverage of such services shall be without the need for any prior authorization determination and |
33 | whether the healthcare provider furnishing such services is a participating provider. |
34 | (c) An insured shall only be responsible for in-network cost sharing. If behavioral health |
| LC001094 - Page 13 of 16 |
1 | crisis services are provided by a non-participating provider, the health insurer shall ensure that the |
2 | insured pays no more in cost sharing than the insured would pay if the same services were provided |
3 | by a contracted provider. |
4 | (d) The health insurance commissioner shall enforce federal emergency services coverage |
5 | requirements, including for behavioral health services provided in independent freestanding |
6 | emergency departments, pursuant to the No Surprises Act (including 26 U.S. Code § 9816, 29 U.S. |
7 | Code § 1185e, and 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-111) and its implementing regulations. |
8 | (e) The health insurance commissioner shall verify that each treatment limitation placed on |
9 | behavioral health crisis services is fully compliant with the federal Mental Health Parity and |
10 | Addiction Equity Act and its implementing regulations. For each non-quantitative treatment |
11 | limitation placed on mental health or substance use disorder services within the emergency |
12 | classification of care, the commissioner shall request each insurer’s parity compliance analysis |
13 | prepared pursuant to 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-26(a)(8) and verify that each analysis demonstrates |
14 | compliance. Behavioral health crisis response services shall be placed within the emergency |
15 | classification of care in the same manner as physical health emergency services. |
16 | (f) The commissioner shall adopt rules, under chapter 35 of title 42 ("administrative |
17 | procedures") as may be necessary to effectuate any provisions of this section. |
18 | SECTION 7. Chapter 27-41 of the General Laws entitled "Health Maintenance |
19 | Organizations" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
20 | 27-41-39.1. Behavioral health crisis services coverage required. |
21 | (a) Commencing January 1, 2026, every health insurance contract plan or policy delivered, |
22 | issued for delivery or renewed in this state, except policies which only provide coverage for |
23 | specified diseases, fix indemnity, Medicare supplement long-term care disability income, or other |
24 | limited benefit policies, shall provide coverage for the services of counselors in behavioral health |
25 | crisis services. |
26 | (b) An insurer shall cover mobile crisis teams and crisis receiving and stabilization services |
27 | provided to an insured experiencing, or believed to be experiencing, a behavioral health crisis. |
28 | Coverage of such services shall be without the need for any prior authorization determination and |
29 | whether the healthcare provider furnishing such services is a participating provider. |
30 | (c) An insured shall only be responsible for in-network cost sharing. If behavioral health |
31 | crisis services are provided by a non-participating provider, the health insurer shall ensure that the |
32 | insured pays no more in cost sharing than the insured would pay if the same services were provided |
33 | by a contracted provider. |
34 | (d) The health insurance commissioner shall enforce federal emergency services coverage |
| LC001094 - Page 14 of 16 |
1 | requirements, including for behavioral health services provided in independent freestanding |
2 | emergency departments, pursuant to the No Surprises Act (including 26 U.S. Code § 9816, 29 U.S. |
3 | Code § 1185e, and 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-111) and its implementing regulations. |
4 | (e) The health insurance commissioner shall verify that each treatment limitation placed on |
5 | behavioral health crisis services is fully compliant with the federal Mental Health Parity and |
6 | Addiction Equity Act and its implementing regulations. For each non-quantitative treatment |
7 | limitation placed on mental health or substance use disorder services within the emergency |
8 | classification of care, the commissioner shall request each insurer’s parity compliance analysis |
9 | prepared pursuant to 42 U.S. Code § 300gg-26(a)(8) and verify that each analysis demonstrates |
10 | compliance. Behavioral health crisis response services shall be placed within the emergency |
11 | classification of care in the same manner as physical health emergency services. |
12 | (f) The commissioner shall adopt rules, under chapter 35 of title 42 ("administrative |
13 | procedures") as may be necessary to effectuate any provisions of this section/. |
14 | SECTION 8. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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OF | |
A N A C T | |
*** | |
1 | This act would establish a core state behavioral health crisis services system, to be |
2 | administered by the director of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals. The |
3 | systems would include establishing and administering a 988 Lifeline for suicide prevention, |
4 | establishing mobile crisis response teams, and establishing a 988 fee, in coordination with 9-1-1, |
5 | on subscribers of commercial land line telephone, mobile telephone and/or IP-enabled voice |
6 | services. The act would require insurers to pay for and cover behavioral health crisis services, |
7 | commencing January 1, 2026. |
8 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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