2025 -- H 5982 | |
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LC001983 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Felix, Morales, Alzate, Diaz, Potter, Tanzi, Sanchez, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Finance | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Findings. |
2 | The general assembly hereby finds and declares that: |
3 | (1) Consistent with § 42-5.1-1(l), proficiency in a second or multiple languages can be a |
4 | major tool for economic growth for our state and help overcome this country's disadvantage in the |
5 | world economy as we move into the twenty-first century. |
6 | (2) Consistent with § 42-5.1-1(j), the state both affirms the right of every resident to nurture |
7 | their native language and also encourages all citizens to become proficient in English to facilitate |
8 | full participation in society and promote cross-cultural communication. |
9 | (3) Consistent with § 42-5.1-1(j) and (k), native language instruction facilitates the |
10 | development of English proficiency with multilingual learners and boosts the overall academic |
11 | achievement of such children. |
12 | (4) Consistent with § 16-22-37, the department of education ("department"), in consultation |
13 | with local education agencies ("LEAs") that have a dual language program, was mandated to create |
14 | a model policy and timeline to assist LEAs in developing and implementing a dual language |
15 | program. |
16 | (5) The Rhode Island Blueprint for a Multilingual Learner Success (2021) calls for |
17 | expansion of opportunities for MLLs to access high-quality bilingual/bicultural programs while |
18 | developing literacies in multiple languages. |
19 | (6) There is overwhelming evidence that the state could expect a very high return to the |
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1 | public by investing in high quality bilingual and dual language programming for all of our students. |
2 | (7) Dual language investments targeted towards program development for disadvantaged |
3 | children will help to promote both efficiency and educational equity for the children of our state. |
4 | (8) The expansion of funding for bilingual and dual language programs that advance |
5 | outcomes for multilingual learners is critical to achieving the state's goal for grade-level reading by |
6 | the third grade and other academic achievements. |
7 | SECTION 2. Title 16 of the General Laws entitled "EDUCATION" is hereby amended by |
8 | adding thereto the following chapter: |
9 | CHAPTER 54.1 |
11 | 16-54.1-1. Short tile. |
12 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as “The Support and Access to Bilingual |
13 | Education Act. |
14 | 16-54.1-2. Definitions. |
15 | For the purposes of this chapter: |
16 | (1) "Dual language " or "DL" means a method of instruction that promotes a student's full |
17 | proficiency in all aspects of English and another language. DL programs educate students using |
18 | both English and a partner language for academic instruction and may divide the day by language |
19 | of instruction. Dual language programs may include: two (2)-way immersion programs that teach |
20 | multilingual learners alongside English-speakers who are learning a partner language; and one-way |
21 | immersion programs that serve a student population comprised of a predominant majority of |
22 | speakers of the same home language. This may include a student population with limited to no |
23 | proficiency in English (these one-way immersion programs are sometimes called developmental |
24 | bilingual) or a student population with limited to no proficiency in the partner language (these one- |
25 | way immersion programs are sometimes called world language immersion); and teachers pursuant |
26 | to these programs shall meet appropriate state certification requirements in accordance with the |
27 | department of education regulation 200-RICR-20-20-1. |
28 | (2) "Local education agency" or "LEA" shall have the same meaning as defined in 34 CFR |
29 | § 303.23. |
30 | (3) "Qualifying languages" means the most common languages other than English spoken |
31 | in the state according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and other state data sources including, but not |
32 | limited to, the Algonquin Narragansett language. |
33 | 16-54.1-3. SABE act fund authorized. |
34 | The department of elementary and secondary education (the "department") shall establish |
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1 | a dual language program fund within the department. For purposes of funding this chapter, the |
2 | general assembly shall appropriate the sum of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000). |
3 | (1) Subject to funding for the program, the department shall establish and maintain a dual |
4 | language ("DL") pilot program to provide grants to school districts and schools that establish DL |
5 | programs. |
6 | (2) The expenses of administering the fund shall be paid from money in the fund. |
7 | (3) The fund shall consist of: |
8 | (i) Appropriations made by the general assembly; |
9 | (ii) Charitable contributions to the fund subject to the provisions of § 38-2-2(4)(G); and |
10 | (iii) Other sources deemed appropriate by the department. |
11 | (b) Eligibility. Applicants shall be a certified local education agency (LEA) within the state |
12 | consistent with the provisions of 34 CFR § 303.2. |
13 | (c) An LEA may be eligible to receive a grant pursuant to the provisions of this chapter if: |
14 | (1) The LEA uses a high-quality bilingual language instruction program model in |
15 | accordance with chapter 54 of title 16 and in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant |
16 | thereto. |
17 | (2) The LEA has a multilingual learner student population exceeding fifteen percent (15%) |
18 | of the total pupil enrollment per RIDE data. |
19 | (i) The language(s) of instruction, in addition to English, shall be determined based on the |
20 | predominant home language(s) of the multilingual learner (MLL) student population. |
21 | (3) LEAs are encouraged to leverage existing funds including the state share of the MLL |
22 | funding formula distribution and federal funds. |
23 | 16-54.1-4. Implementation of LEA dual language programs. |
24 | (a) LEA recipients of the SABE act fund per § 16-54.1-3, shall use funds for dual language |
25 | program planning and implementation activities including, but not limited to, |
26 | (1) Partnering with education professionals and organizations to design programs; |
27 | (2) Develop and execute professional development for administrators and instructional |
28 | staff; |
29 | (3) Procure high-quality curricular materials to enhance dual language instruction; and |
30 | (4) Other activities designed to facilitate or promote the LEA’s existing or emerging dual |
31 | language programs. |
32 | (b) Develop and commit to an immediate or gradual staffing plan to support the |
33 | kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) dual language program; or |
34 | (c) Only programs that adhere to high quality dual language program standards may be |
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1 | funded. |
2 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect on July 1, 2026. |
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1 | This act would appropriate three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) to establish a dual |
2 | language program within the department of elementary and secondary education. This act would |
3 | also provide for the implementation of the support and access to bilingual education (“SABE”) act |
4 | for all local education agencies (“LEA”) recipients. |
5 | This act would take effect on July 1, 2026. |
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