2025 -- H 5964 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Cruz, Sanchez, Morales, Potter, Kislak, and Alzate | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 45-23-44 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-23 entitled "Subdivision |
2 | of Land" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 45-23-44. General provisions — Physical design requirements. |
4 | (a) All local regulations shall specify, through reasonable, objective standards and criteria, |
5 | all physical design requirements for subdivisions and land-development projects that are to be |
6 | reviewed and approved pursuant to the regulations. Regulations shall specify all requirements and |
7 | policies for subdivisions and land-development projects that are not contained in the municipality’s |
8 | zoning ordinance. |
9 | (b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict a municipality’s right, within state |
10 | and local regulations, to establish its own minimum lot size per zoning district in its town or city, |
11 | subject to the limitation forth in § 45-24-33(d). |
12 | (c) The slope of land shall not be excluded from the calculation of the buildable lot area or |
13 | the minimum lot size, or in the calculation of the number of buildable lots or units. |
14 | (d) Wetland buffers, as defined in § 2-1-20, shall be included in the calculation of a |
15 | minimum lot area and in the total number of square feet or acres of a tract or parcel of land before |
16 | calculating the maximum potential number of units or lots for development; provided, however, |
17 | that this shall not apply to lots directly abutting surface reservoirs with direct withdrawals used for |
18 | public drinking water. Nothing herein changes the definition and applicability of a “buildable lot” |
19 | as set forth under § 45-23-60(a)(4); and nothing herein permits the disturbance of wetlands or |
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1 | wetland buffers or otherwise alters the provisions of the freshwater wetlands act, § 2-1-18 et seq. |
2 | (e) The requirements and policies may include, but are not limited to: requirements and |
3 | policies for rights-of-way, open space, landscaping, connections of proposed streets and drainage |
4 | systems with those of the surrounding neighborhood; public access through property to adjacent |
5 | public property; and the relationship of proposed developments to natural and man-made features |
6 | of the surrounding neighborhood. |
7 | (f) The regulations shall specify all necessary findings, formulas for calculations, and |
8 | procedures for meeting the requirements and policies. These requirements and policies apply to all |
9 | subdivisions and land development projects reviewed and/or administered under the local |
10 | regulations. |
11 | SECTION 2. Section 45-24-33 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24 entitled "Zoning |
12 | Ordinances" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
13 | 45-24-33. Standard provisions. |
14 | (a) A zoning ordinance shall address each of the purposes stated in § 45-24-30 and shall |
15 | address, through reasonable objective standards and criteria, the following general provisions |
16 | which are numbered for reference purposes only except as prohibited by § 45-24-30(b), § 45-24- |
17 | 30(c), or § 45-24-30(d): |
18 | (1) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting the development of land and structures |
19 | in zoning districts, and regulating those land and structures according to their type and the nature |
20 | and extent of their use; |
21 | (2) Regulating the nature and extent of the use of land for residential, commercial, |
22 | industrial, institutional, recreational, agricultural, open space, or other use or combination of uses, |
23 | as the need for land for those purposes is determined by the city or town’s comprehensive plan; |
24 | (3) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting buildings, structures, land uses, and |
25 | other development by performance standards, or other requirements, related to air and water and |
26 | groundwater quality, noise and glare, energy consumption, soil erosion and sedimentation, and/or |
27 | the availability and capacity of existing and planned public or private services; |
28 | (4) Regulating within each district and designating requirements for: |
29 | (i) The height, number of stories, and size of buildings; |
30 | (ii) The dimensions, size, lot coverage, layout of lots or development areas and floor area |
31 | ratios provided that zoning ordinances must exclude any portion of a basement as defined in § 45- |
32 | 24.3-5 from the calculation of floor area ratio; |
33 | (iii) The density and intensity of use; |
34 | (iv) Access to air and light, views, and solar access; |
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1 | (v) Open space, yards, courts, and buffers; |
2 | (vi) Parking areas, road design, and, where appropriate, pedestrian, bicycle, and other |
3 | circulator systems; |
4 | (vii) Landscaping, fencing, and lighting; |
5 | (viii) Appropriate drainage requirements and methods to manage stormwater runoff; |
6 | (ix) Public access to waterbodies, rivers, and streams; and |
7 | (x) Other requirements in connection with any use of land or structure; |
8 | (5) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting development in flood plains or flood |
9 | hazard areas and designated significant natural areas; |
10 | (6) Promoting the conservation of energy and promoting energy-efficient patterns of |
11 | development; |
12 | (7) Providing for the protection of existing and planned public drinking water supplies, |
13 | their tributaries and watersheds, and the protection of Narragansett Bay, its tributaries and |
14 | watershed; |
15 | (8) Providing for adequate, safe, and efficient transportation systems; and avoiding |
16 | congestion by relating types and levels of development to the capacity of the circulation system, |
17 | and maintaining a safe level of service of the system; |
18 | (9) Providing for the preservation and enhancement of the recreational resources of the city |
19 | or town; |
20 | (10) Promoting an economic climate that increases quality job opportunities and the overall |
21 | economic well-being of the city or town and the state; |
22 | (11) Providing for pedestrian access to and between public and private facilities, including, |
23 | but not limited to, schools, employment centers, shopping areas, recreation areas, and residences; |
24 | (12) Providing standards for, and requiring the provision of, adequate and properly |
25 | designed physical improvements, including plantings, and the proper maintenance of property; |
26 | (13) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting land use in areas where development |
27 | is deemed to create a hazard to the public health or safety; |
28 | (14) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting extractive industries and earth |
29 | removal and requiring restoration of land after these activities; |
30 | (15) Regulating sanitary landfill, except as otherwise provided by state statute; |
31 | (16) Permitting, prohibiting, limiting, and restricting signs and billboards and other outdoor |
32 | advertising devices; |
33 | (17) Designating airport hazard areas under the provisions of chapter 3 of title 1, and |
34 | enforcement of airport hazard area zoning regulations under the provisions established in that |
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1 | chapter; |
2 | (18) Designating areas of historic, cultural, and/or archaeological value and regulating |
3 | development in those areas under the provisions of chapter 24.1 of this title; |
4 | (19) Providing standards and requirements for the regulation, review, and approval of any |
5 | proposed development in connection with those uses of land, buildings, or structures specifically |
6 | designated as subject to development plan review in a zoning ordinance; |
7 | (20) Designating special protection areas for water supply and limiting or prohibiting |
8 | development in these areas, except as otherwise provided by state statute; |
9 | (21) Specifying requirements for safe road access to developments from existing streets, |
10 | including limiting the number, design, and location of curb cuts, and provisions for internal |
11 | circulation systems for new developments, and provisions for pedestrian and bicycle ways; |
12 | (22) Reducing unnecessary delay in approving or disapproving development applications |
13 | through provisions for preapplication conferences and other means; |
14 | (23) Providing for the application of the Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act, chapter |
15 | 37 of title 34, the United States Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 (FHAA); the Rhode Island |
16 | Civil Rights of People with Disabilities Act, chapter 87 of title 42; and the Americans with |
17 | Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.; and |
18 | (24) Regulating drive-through windows of varied intensity of use when associated with |
19 | land-use activities and providing standards and requirements for the regulation, review, and |
20 | approval of the drive-through windows, including, but not limited to: |
21 | (i) Identifying within which zoning districts drive-through windows may be permitted, |
22 | prohibited, or permitted by special-use permit; |
23 | (ii) Specifying requirements for adequate traffic circulation; and |
24 | (iii) Providing for adequate pedestrian safety and access, including issues concerning safety |
25 | and access for those with disabilities. |
26 | (b) A On or before July 31, 2026 zoning ordinance may shall include special provisions for |
27 | any or all of the following: |
28 | (1) Authorizing development incentives, including, but not limited to, additional permitted |
29 | uses, increased development and density, or additional design or dimensional flexibility in |
30 | exchange for: |
31 | (i) Increased open space; |
32 | (ii) Increased housing choices; |
33 | (iii) Traffic and pedestrian improvements; |
34 | (iv) Public and/or private facilities; and/or |
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1 | (v) Other amenities as desired by the city or town and consistent with its comprehensive |
2 | plan. The provisions in the ordinance shall include maximum allowable densities of population |
3 | and/or intensities of use and shall indicate the type of improvements, amenities, and/or conditions. |
4 | Conditions may be made for donation in lieu of direct provisions for improvements or amenities; |
5 | (2) Establishing a system for transfer of development rights within or between zoning |
6 | districts designated in the zoning ordinance; and |
7 | (3) Regulating the development adjacent to designated scenic highways, scenic waterways, |
8 | major thoroughfares, public greenspaces, or other areas of special public investment or valuable |
9 | natural resources. |
10 | (c) Slope of land shall not be excluded from the calculation of the buildable lot area or the |
11 | minimum lot size, or in the calculation of the number of buildable lots or units. |
12 | (d)(1) Nothing in this section shall be construed to restrict a municipality’s right, within |
13 | state and local regulations, to establish its own minimum lot size per zoning district in its town or |
14 | city, however, no minimum lot size requirement for residential use shall exceed the following |
15 | parameters: |
16 | (i) Two thousand five hundred square feet (2,500 ft2) for a lot that is served by public water |
17 | and sewer and any portion of the lot is located within a quarter (1/4) mile of a public transit stop or |
18 | station; |
19 | (ii) Five thousand square feet (5,000 ft2) for a lot that is served by public water and sewer; |
20 | and |
21 | (iii) One acre, for any other lot; provided that, all parcels remain subject to state law and |
22 | regulation concerning drinking water wells, individual sewage disposal systems, and the protection |
23 | of freshwater wetlands. |
24 | (2) Each city or town shall amend its zoning ordinances and comprehensive plan to |
25 | conform to this subsection. |
26 | SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would cap the minimum lot size that may be required to not exceed three (3) new |
2 | separate parameters relating to the availability of public water, sewer, and transit. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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