2025 -- H 5955 | |
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LC002033 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Speakman, Giraldo, Voas, and Alzate | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Municipal Government & Housing | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Title 42 of the General Laws entitled "STATE AFFAIRS AND |
2 | GOVERNMENT" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
3 | CHAPTER 55.2 |
5 | 42-55.2-1. Establishment of program. |
6 | There is hereby established a program to be operated by the department of housing called |
7 | the "housing land bank". |
8 | 42-55.2-2. Establishment of account. |
9 | The department shall establish an account into which title to real estate assets shall be |
10 | deposited and held for use for the purpose of developing residential housing. |
11 | 42-55.2-3. Acquisition of property and deposit into the land bank. |
12 | (a) The department may acquire real property or interests in real property by gift, devise, |
13 | transfer, exchange, foreclosure, purchase, or otherwise on terms and conditions and in a manner |
14 | the department considers proper and deposit such property into the land bank. |
15 | (b) The department may use its own funds or funds in the housing development fund |
16 | created pursuant to this title to acquire real property by purchase contracts, lease purchase |
17 | agreements, installment sales contracts, and/or land contracts, and may accept transfers from |
18 | municipalities, other quasi-public entities, nonprofit entities or the state upon such terms and |
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1 | conditions as agreed to by the department and the municipality, entity or state. |
2 | (c) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, any municipality may freely transfer to |
3 | the land bank real property and interests in real property of the municipality on such terms and |
4 | conditions and according to such procedures as determined jointly by the municipality and the |
5 | department. |
6 | (d) The acquisition of real property by the department pursuant to this section, from entities |
7 | other than political subdivisions, shall be limited to real property that is tax delinquent, tax |
8 | foreclosed, subject to municipal receivership, vacant or abandoned, or unimproved land; provided, |
9 | however, that the land bank shall have authority to enter into agreements to purchase other real |
10 | property consistent with a development plan approved by the director of the department of housing. |
11 | 42-55.2-4. Public inspection of records. |
12 | (a) The department shall maintain and make available for public review and inspection a |
13 | complete inventory of all property received by the department for deposit into the land bank. Such |
14 | inventory shall include: the location of the parcel; the purchase price, if any, for each parcel |
15 | received; the current value assigned to the property for purposes of real property taxation; the |
16 | amount, if any, owed to the locality for real property taxation or as a payment in lieu of taxes; the |
17 | identity of the transferor; and any conditions or restrictions applicable to the property. |
18 | (b) All parcels received by the department and deposited into the land bank shall be listed |
19 | on the received inventory established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section within one week of |
20 | acquisition and shall remain in such inventory for one week prior to disposition. Such inventory |
21 | shall be listed on a website for the department accessible to the public. |
22 | 42-55.2-5. Departmental authority to reject proposed transfers of property. |
23 | The department is hereby allowed to reject any proposed transfer of any real estate asset |
24 | for any reason including, but not limited to, polluted, contaminated or problematic parcels which |
25 | would, in the judgment of the department, create a harm to the finances, operations or interests for |
26 | the land bank, the department or the state. |
27 | 42-55.2-6. Property in the land bank exempt from legal process. |
28 | (a) Any land deposited into the land bank shall not be subject to attachment, execution or |
29 | any judicial or administrative process during the period it is held by the department, unless that |
30 | parcel or asset is pledged as security for any loan agreement made for funding improvements related |
31 | to that parcel in which case such process shall be available against that asset only, and no liens, |
32 | fines, penalties, assessments or other charges shall be made against the property, the land bank, the |
33 | department or the state for any reason during the period it is held in the land bank. |
34 | (b) In the event there is a division in the freehold interest where only a portion of the rights |
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1 | related to the property is located in the land bank, the remainder may be made subject to legal |
2 | process as long as such process does not act to divest the land bank of any of its attributes of |
3 | ownership or ability to develop the property. |
4 | (c) In the event of a divided ownership where a portion of the fee or property interest is |
5 | held by the land bank or any other conflict in ownership which may arise under this section, the |
6 | department may petition the superior court for partition in which after the required notice and |
7 | service of process is completed upon confirmatory motion, the land bank shall be awarded and |
8 | receive the whole fee simple interest by way of an interim order or a final judgment. An interim |
9 | order or a final judgment constitutes a recordable order which shall be considered binding in the |
10 | chain of title and any of the remainder portion claimed by another owner or creditor shall be subject |
11 | to owelty under the law or in equity based on the value of the interest transferred to the land bank. |
12 | Neither the department nor any land subject to such a partition action shall be restrained nor |
13 | enjoined and no equitable order shall issue to prevent the development of the property by the |
14 | department or its applicant or assignee. |
15 | 42-55.2-7. Required review of surplus land by state and municipal entities. |
16 | (a) Conduct of required review. All state and municipal public bodies and quasi-public |
17 | entities shall conduct a review of real estate assets owned by or under the control of the body or |
18 | quasi-public entity and determine which real estate assets are not under current use or planned use |
19 | by June 30, 2026, and annually thereafter. |
20 | (b) Real estate asset planning. Each state and municipal public body and quasi-public entity |
21 | shall create a long-term plan for those real estate assets not in current use. Such a plan shall provide |
22 | an estimated date when each real estate asset will be employed for use by the agency, what the |
23 | proposed use will be, and if known, the estimated costs to develop the land for the proposed use. |
24 | (c) A list of all real estate assets which are not in use shall be submitted to the department |
25 | along with a list of those parcels for which there are plans to put said parcel to use within ten (10) |
26 | years and evidence of what that use will be. |
27 | (d) The department will evaluate each parcel submitted to the department, along with the |
28 | proposed use for each parcel so denominated by each public body, for the appropriateness for |
29 | development into residential housing units. A copy of the list shall also be provided to the state |
30 | properties committee. |
31 | (e) Notice to the department. If the department determines that a particular parcel listed on |
32 | any list required in subsections (b) and (c) of this section is determined to be appropriate for |
33 | residential real estate development, the department shall provide notice to the state or municipal |
34 | public body or quasi-public agency that is in control of or owns the parcel. |
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1 | (f) Donation or sale prior to disposition. Prior to any disposition of any real estate asset by |
2 | any state or municipal public body or quasi-public agency through sale, long-term lease of more |
3 | than five (5) years, surplus of property, auction, donation or other method, notice shall be provided |
4 | to the department along with the opportunity to timely evaluate the property and decide whether to |
5 | exercise an option to purchase or decline to purchase the parcel which shall not be less than forty- |
6 | five (45) days. Notice of the proposed auction date, sale date or date of the disposition shall be |
7 | provided to the department. Unless a public auction or sale is required pursuant to other law or |
8 | judicial order, the department shall have the right of first refusal for purchase of the real estate asset |
9 | by the land bank at: |
10 | (1) The advertised price, or, if none, then; |
11 | (2) At the price offered by an alternative buyer, or, if none, then; |
12 | (3) At the lowest price acceptable to the selling entity if acceptable to the department. The |
13 | department shall inform the selling agency of its decision to exercise its right of first refusal prior |
14 | to the auction date, sale date or disposition date contained in the original notice. |
15 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would create the department of housing land bank program to allow for the deposit |
2 | of title to real estate assets for the purpose of developing residential housing. |
3 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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