2025 -- H 5936 | |
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LC001750 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Noret, Place, Corvese, Chippendale, Dawson, Phillips, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Chapter 11-47 of the General Laws entitled "Weapons" is hereby amended |
2 | by adding thereto the following section: |
3 | 11-47-8.2. Review and appeal of the decision of the licensing authority or attorney |
4 | general. |
5 | (a) A decision denying a permit pursuant to either §§ 11-47-11 or 11-47-18 shall be final |
6 | unless further review or appeal is initiated in writing within fifteen (15) days after the decision has |
7 | been mailed to the applicant at the address listed on the application. |
8 | (b) An aggrieved individual may submit a written request to reconsider the denial to the |
9 | licensing authority or the department of the attorney general. Said request shall be submitted within |
10 | fifteen (15) days after the decision has been mailed to the address provided by the applicant. |
11 | (1) The licensing authority or the department of the attorney general shall schedule and |
12 | conduct an in-person meeting within fourteen (14) days of the request to review and discuss the |
13 | decision. Said meeting shall only be scheduled or rescheduled beyond the initial fourteen (14) day |
14 | period by agreement of the parties or for good cause, but in no event exceed sixty (60) days. |
15 | (2) The applicant may submit any supplemental documentation relative to the application, |
16 | which shall become part of the application. |
17 | (3) The meeting shall be conducted as an informal meeting, not as an administrative |
18 | hearing. The licensing authority or the department of the attorney general shall receive and consider |
19 | documents and other evidence without regard to statutory and common law rules. A stenographic |
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1 | record, transcription, video, audio or other recording is only allowed by agreement of the parties. |
2 | (4) The applicant may be represented at this meeting by an attorney. |
3 | (5) The licensing authority or the department of the attorney general shall, within seven (7) |
4 | days after the meeting, mail a decision to the applicant granting or denying the application. Any |
5 | denial shall be in writing and state with specificity the reason(s) and evidence upon which the denial |
6 | was based and the rationale for the denial. |
7 | (c) An aggrieved individual may submit an appeal of the decision denying a permit |
8 | pursuant to either §§ 11-47-11 or 11-47-18 or of the decision of the request to reconsider to the |
9 | superior court for the county in which the licensing authority or attorney general is located, in the |
10 | form of a miscellaneous petition, within fifteen (15) days after the decision has been mailed to the |
11 | applicant at the address listed on the application. |
12 | (1) The petition for review shall state the grounds upon which review is sought but need |
13 | not be verified. |
14 | (2) Upon appeal, the petitioner is entitled to a trial de novo before a justice of the superior |
15 | court without a jury. |
16 | (3) Within thirty (30) days of the notice of appeal the licensing authority or attorney general |
17 | shall provide a full, complete and certified copy of the application and all submitted documents to |
18 | both the petitioner and the superior court. |
19 | (d) Pursuant to chapter 3 of title 38, the request to reconsider and the appeal to the superior |
20 | court, shall not be deemed public. All documents, records and proceedings before the licensing |
21 | authority, the department of the attorney general and the superior court shall not be open to the |
22 | public, but may be accessed by law enforcement personnel to be used for law enforcement purposes |
23 | only and shall otherwise remain otherwise confidential. |
24 | (e) An applicant may have the superior court hearing open to the public upon written |
25 | request to the superior court. |
26 | (f) The superior court may award reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and filing fees to the |
27 | prevailing applicant if the court finds that there is no justiciable issue of either law of fact, or if the |
28 | licensing authority or the department of the attorney general did not have a good faith basis in the |
29 | denial of the license or permit. |
30 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would provide the review and appeal process for individuals applying for a permit |
2 | or license to carry a handgun with the licensing authority or attorney general. This act would |
3 | provide that an applicant denied a concealed carry handgun permit, could request a meeting with |
4 | the licensing authority to reconsider the application. If the licensing authority fails to approve the |
5 | application after the meeting, then an appeal for a trial de nova may be taken to the superior court. |
6 | The act would further provide that the documents, records and proceedings before the licensing |
7 | authority and before the superior court shall not be open to the public unless the applicant requests |
8 | in writing that that hearing be open to the public. |
9 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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