2025 -- H 5888 | |
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LC002196 | |
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Introduced By: Representatives Fogarty, Cortvriend, Diaz, Kislak, Shallcross Smith, | |
Date Introduced: February 28, 2025 | |
Referred To: House Judiciary | |
(Attorney General) | |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: | |
1 | SECTION 1. Section 12-29-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 12-29 entitled "Domestic |
2 | Violence Prevention Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
3 | 12-29-5. Disposition of domestic violence cases. |
4 | (a) Every person convicted of, or placed on probation for, a crime involving domestic |
5 | violence or whose case is filed pursuant to § 12-10-12 where the defendant pleads nolo contendere, |
6 | in addition to any other sentence imposed or counseling ordered, shall be ordered by the judge to |
7 | attend, at his or her own expense, a batterer’s intervention program appropriate to address his or |
8 | her violent behavior; provided, however, that the court may permit a servicemember or veteran to |
9 | complete any court-approved counseling program administered or approved by the Veterans’ |
10 | Administration. This order shall be included in the conditions of probation. Failure of the defendant |
11 | to comply with the order shall be a basis for violating probation and/or the provisions of § 12-10- |
12 | 12. This provision shall not be suspended or waived by the court. |
13 | (b) Every person convicted of, or placed on probation for, a crime involving domestic |
14 | violence as enumerated in § 12-29-2, or whose case is filed pursuant to § 12-10-12 where the |
15 | defendant pleads guilty or nolo contendere, in addition to other court costs or assessments imposed, |
16 | shall be ordered to pay a one hundred twenty-five dollar ($125) assessment. Eighty percent (80%) |
17 | of the assessment collected pursuant to this section shall be provided to the Rhode Island Coalition |
18 | Against Domestic Violence for programs to assist victims of domestic violence and twenty percent |
19 | (20%) of the assessment shall be deposited as general revenue. |
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1 | (c)(1) Every person convicted of an offense punishable as a misdemeanor involving |
2 | domestic violence as defined in § 12-29-2 shall: |
3 | (i) For a second violation, including both prior felony and misdemeanor convictions, be |
4 | imprisoned for a term of not less than ten (10) days and not more than one year. |
5 | (ii) For a third and subsequent violation, including both prior felony and misdemeanor |
6 | convictions, be deemed guilty of a felony and be imprisoned for a term of not less than one year |
7 | and not more than ten (10) years. |
8 | (2) No jail sentence provided for under this section can be suspended. |
9 | (3) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as limiting the discretion of the judges to |
10 | impose additional sanctions authorized in sentencing. |
11 | (d) The court shall determine, for every person who pleads nolo contendere to, or is |
12 | convicted of, an offense involving domestic violence as enumerated in § 12-29-2, whether, as a |
13 | result of the plea or conviction, the defendant is prohibited under § 11-47-5(a)(3) or § 11-47- |
14 | 5(a)(4) from purchasing, owning, carrying, transporting, or having in his or her possession any |
15 | firearm. |
16 | (1) Prior to the entry of a plea of nolo contendere to an offense involving domestic violence |
17 | as enumerated in § 12-29-2, the court shall advise the defendant that a plea of nolo contendere has |
18 | the same legal effect and collateral consequences as a plea of guilty. |
19 | (2) Prior to the entry of a plea of nolo contendere to an offense punishable as a felony |
20 | involving domestic violence as enumerated in § 12-29-2, or an offense enumerated in § 11-47- |
21 | 5(a)(4), the court shall advise the defendant that, in addition to any other sentence or penalty, the |
22 | defendant shall, as result of the plea, be prohibited from purchasing, owning, carrying, transporting, |
23 | or having in their possession any firearm under § 11-47-5. |
24 | (3) The person required to surrender his or her firearms pursuant to this section shall not |
25 | be responsible for any costs of storage of any firearms surrendered pursuant to this section. |
26 | (e) For the purposes of this section, “batterers intervention program” means a program that |
27 | is certified by the batterers intervention program standards oversight committee according to |
28 | minimum standards, pursuant to §§ 12-29-5.1, 12-29-5.2, and 12-29-5.3. |
29 | (f) For purposes of this section, “servicemember” means a person who is presently serving |
30 | in the armed forces of the United States, including the Coast Guard, a reserve component thereof, |
31 | or the National Guard. “Veteran” means a person who has served in the armed forces, including |
32 | the Coast Guard of the United States, a reserve component thereof, or the National Guard, and has |
33 | been discharged under other than dishonorable conditions. |
34 | (g) The court shall indicate on every record of conviction or a plea of nolo contendere for |
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1 | an offense punishable as a felony involving domestic violence, as defined in § 12-29-2, that the |
2 | defendant is prohibited under §§ 11-47-5 and 11-47-5.3 from purchasing, owning, carrying, |
3 | transporting, or having in their possession, any firearm(s). The court shall inform the defendant of |
4 | their prohibited status and shall order the defendant to surrender any firearm(s) in their ownership, |
5 | possession, care, custody or control in accordance with § 11-47-5.3. |
6 | (h) The court shall indicate on every record of conviction or a plea of nolo contendere for |
7 | an offense enumerated in § 11-47-5(a)(4) that the defendant is prohibited under §§ 11-47-5 and |
8 | 11-47-5.4 from purchasing, owning, carrying, transporting, or having in their possession, any |
9 | firearm(s). The court shall inform the defendant of their prohibited status, shall order the defendant |
10 | to surrender any firearm(s) in their ownership, possession, care, custody or control, and shall ensure |
11 | that surrender is made in accordance with § 11-47-5.4. |
12 | (i) No proceeds shall be provided to any person if the firearm(s) is destroyed pursuant to |
13 | this section. |
14 | (j) Any firearm(s) used in the commission of the offense leading to the conviction pursuant |
15 | to this section shall be forfeited to the state upon conviction. |
16 | SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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1 | This act would provide that a defendant's third and subsequent violation of domestic |
2 | violence offenses, including both prior felony and misdemeanor convictions, would be punishable |
3 | as a felony. |
4 | This act would take effect upon passage. |
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